Leaky Oil Fissure
- Goal: self-powered Leaky Oil Fissure tamer to extract Crude Oil at a useful temperature
- Author: Hotep Thunderbolt
- Input: a Leaky Oil Fissure
- Output: 125g/s of 95°C to 100°C Crude Oil
Since Leaky Oil Fissures have a weird output temperature, that’s too hot to directly use but too cold to turn to Petroleum easily, this build cools it down to about 95°C to 100°C with a SCST and its exhaust (just like the Hydrogen Vent tamer), which matches Oil Wells temperature.
That output is perfect to supplement a 3 Oil Wells setup: since 3 Oil Wells cannot output 10kg/s (due to depressurization eating into their uptime), a Leaky Oil Fissure can help fill the gap.

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