Polluted Water Geysers
- Goal: transform Polluted Water to Water without filtration medium
- Author: Fradow
- Input: Polluted Water Vent, Cool Slush Geyser, or some Polluted Water, 600W to 700W for 5kg/s
- Output: same mass of Water as input Polluted Water
This build is marked as Spaced Out!, because in Vanilla it’s always easier to use renewable Regolith in a Water Sieve.
Polluted Water geysers are either 30°C (Polluted Water Vent) or -10°C (Cool Slush Geyser), which means a lot of heat to vaporize. To greatly reduce the heat requirement, you have to use a counterflow heat exchanger.

Efficiently boiling water has a few more caveats for which you need a few more gizmos:
- A pre-heater in case the input water is under 0°C, to avoid output water freezing.
- A counterflow heat exchanger that handles both Steam and Water.
- A heat bridge to force Steam condensation if it goes up to the end of the Steam section.
- A Bead Pump to move Steam away from the boiling chamber.
- A Polluted Oxygen chamber for initialization.
Overall, it performs very close to the Water Sieve + Rock Crusher option while removing Dupe labor, but at a huge construction cost.

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