All Dinosaur Bones Locations
There are 30 Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bone Locations. This guide shows all Dinosaur Bones in RDR2.
Dino Bones are a type of collectible and are needed to complete the Stranger Mission for Deborah MacGuiness ‘A Test of Faith’. They are needed for 100% Completion.
None of them are missable. However, 8 are in the New Austin area where bounty hunters will kill you instantly until you’ve finished the story. So you must beat the game first to collect all of them.
Always press L3+R3 (Left Stick + Right Stick) when near them with eagle eye to highlight these collectibles.

- 1. Heartlands Oil Field Bone
- 2. Heartlands Dewberry Creek Bone
- 3. Scarlett Meadows Dewberry Creek
- 4. Heartlands Grassy Hill Bone
- 5. Big Valley Rocky Slope Bone
- 6. Grizzlies Rock Wall Bone
- 7. Heartlands Cliff Face Bone
- 8. Heartlands Abandoned Shack Bone
- 9. Cholla Springs High Desert Bone
- 10. Cholla Springs Jorge’s Gap
- 11. Hennigan’s Stead Pike’s Basin
- 12. Hennigan’s Stead San Luis River
- 13. Cumberland Forest Six Point Overlook
- 14. Grizzlies Calumet Ravine
- 15. Grizzlies Dakota River Ledge
- 16. Grizzlies Northern Boundary
- 17. Grizzlies OÇreagh’s Run Overlook
- 18. Ridge Overlook
- 19. Cumberland Forest Bacchus
- 20. Roanoke Ridge Valley Overlook
- 21. Roanoke Ridge Kamassa River
- 22. Roanoke Ridge Van Horn
- 23. Heartlands Northern Boundary
- 24. Big Valley Beryl’s Dream Overlook
- 25. Heartlands Southern Gorge
- 26. Big Valley Northern Cave
- 27. Rio Bravo Del Lobo Rock
- 28. Rio Bravo San Luis River
- 29. Gaptooth Ridge North Tumbleweed
- 30. Gaptooth Ridge South Tumbleweed
Your map is missing
11. Hennigan’s Stead Pike’s Basin
12. Hennigan’s Stead San Luis River
I can’t find bone 26. Big valley cave