Endgame Demonic Boss 100 Journey Guide
Sharing and Learning on how to get to L100 on Demonic bosses.

This is a journey, and I encourage everyone to share their finding, hoping that we can get to L100
Master CRT Focused:
- Skill (Bat, Night Wraith, Demonic Domain).
- Artifact (Sword Case w/ Summon Eye, Summon Horn, Summon Jewel, Paw Stone, Attack Stone, Arrow Stone).
- Gears (Twinbade – 8% atk, 8% spd, Yu Orb – 8% spd, 25% C.Dmg, Thunder Wing (dodge) – 25% C.Dmg).
- Dual Book (Dual Resonance, Harmony Bond, Virgin Sutra).

Support 1 CRT / ATK Focused:
- Skill (Crane, Silverstar, Demonic Domain).
- Artifact (Sword Case w/Summon Eye, Summon Horn, Summon Jewel, Pawn Stone, Attack Stone, Moonblade).
- Gears (Moonblade -8% atk, 8% H.Rate, 10% CRT, Destiny Orb – 8% CRT, 9 C.Dmg, Oriole Wings (h.rate) – 9% atk, 9% C.Dmg).
- Dual Book (Dual Resonance, Harmony Bond, Virgin Sutra).

Dragon at L33, Spider at L31 (all 1 time run only) Torah used: Shield Fury and Shy Rage, about 1 each during 5min session when popped, No death) Mystical Beast was not used.

Future Progression:
Test both characters on 100 ATK increase, build another Demonic Lord character (only 1 book left), If the ATK increase is significant, spending points on ATK, SPD will be much needed to increase Demonic Boss Level progression.
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