Growing Up – Wendy Cooke Character Walkthrough (with Good Ending)

An ongoing guide on how to get good ends and how your choices affect your relationships.

Wendy Cooke Complete Walkthrough

Character Walkthrough

  1. In your first scene, you meet Wendy in PE class. She calls you out for staring at her arm. Here are your choices:
  • Apologize

She’s still displeased but less so.

  • Don’t apologize

You call it a hook and she says it’s a prosthesis, stating that she can do PE even with a hook.

  1. In your second scene, you meet Wendy at the movie theatre. Here are your choices:
  • Apologize

She says she understands and invites you to an R-rated movie.

  • Go to the movie

You unlock Cineplex 8 as a new visitable location.

  1. In your third scene, you meet Wendy in PE again. You got busted by your parents for watching an R-rated movie. Here are your choices:
  • You loved the movie
  1. In your fourth scene, you meet Wendy at the arcade. She flakes on you. Here are your choices:
  • Tell her you can’t go

Technically you were supposed to hang out together…..

  • Tell her you wanted to hang out

She says sorry and promises to make it up to you next time.

  1. In your fifth scene, you meet Wendy in the cafeteria. She got busted and grounded for going to another R-rated movie. Here are your choices:
  • Ask about prosthesis

You talk about your future dreams.

You unlock the Cafeteria as a new visitable location.

  1. In your sixth scene, you meet Wendy in the corridor. She’s cutting class to go to the movies. Here are your choices:
  • Cut class

You end up at the police station for cutting class and sneaking into an R-rated movie.

You unlock the Police Station as a new visitable location.

*Note: This seems like a bad scene but it’s actually an important memory for you and Wendy when you enter.

  1. In your seventh scene, Wendy comes over to do homework.
  • Push for Drama Club

Trust me Wendy, it’ll be fun!

  1. In your eighth scene, Wendy wants to ditch PE. Again.
  • Invite her to a play

She loved Macbeth. She’s going to join the Drama Club. Good for you Wendy!

You unlock the Orpheus Theatre as a new visitable location.

  1. In your ninth scene, you meet up with Wendy in high school where some mean girlz (yeah with a “z” apparently) call her Captain Hook. Here are your choices:
  • Go to class

I know, class sucks Wendy but you have to go.

You unlock School Entrance as a new visitable location.

  1. In your tenth scene, you meet Wendy in the bathroom. She’s going through a rough time. Here are your choices:
  • Offer Wendy a ride home
  1. In your eleventh scene, you’re in your room thinking about your crush on Wendy. Here are your choices:
  • Go to the bowling alley

I haven’t romanced Wendy so would appreciate tips from somebody who has on taking the walk in the park!

  1. In your twelfth scene, you catch her at the school entrance, cutting class. Yet again. Here are your choices:
  • Cutting Class 101

She hates P.E., but we’ve been over this Wendy!

  • Support her

For once though, you’ll cut her a break. This is important for scene 14.

Interestingly enough, even though she said she would join the Drama Club, you learned that she has not.

  1. In your thirteenth scene, you see Wendy sneaking around. Here are your choices:
  • Go after her

She’s quick and you lose her, guess you’ll find out what she’s up to eventually.

  1. In your fourteenth scene, you head over to the library. You’re glad that you supported her hanging out in there.
  • Ask her to join Drama Club

Uh what the heck are you doing Wendy!?

  • Ask Wendy to stop

You bring up the police station and she decides it’s not worth it. Aren’t you glad you got caught all those years ago? She thanks you for having her back all these years.

You unlock the Library as a new visitable location.

  1. In your fifteenth and last scene, Wendy finally joins the drama club. She also gets an internship and you go to her first show. Here are your choices:
  • More than friends?

I think if you choose this, you end up in a relationship but I’m not sure….

  • Just friends?

You and Wendy will always be friends.

Good end: Wendy sticks with makeup for a bit, but ends up becoming an engineer! She’s one of the key figures in the country’s space program.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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