Halo MCC Guides:
- All Collectibles / Datapads in Halo Reach.
- We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Ship Achievement.
- The Humble Beginnings of Wiljax Brantley Achievement.
- This is Not the Greatest Lab in the World… Achievement.
- Xbox Live Account for Steam Version of the Game.
- Two Corpses In One Grave Achievement.
- New Ways to Save a Quid Achievement.
- Stuck on Connecting Session / The Fix.
- Mind the Skill Gap Achievement.
- HBOrg Special Achievement.
- Keep It Clean Achievement.
- More Guides…
Content not Installed or Still Downloading… Error
A problem I had and noticed many others did is after you installed the MCC launcher u can’t play anything as it says “content is missing or still downloading…” even after downloading many GB on steam. As I searched for the solution, I couldn’t find it here so I’m posting what I found that actually worked for me and so it did for many others.
On steam library, right click the game and go for properties, then aditional content. There you may find all Halo games included if u bought all Master Chiefs Collection, or u may find just Halo Reach if u bought it alone.
Anyway u may also find the “MCC Reach Content Pack 2” and “MCC Reach Extended Language Pack”, wich may be unselected. Check them both so steam download and install them for 1 or 2GB and success!
Steam should make it Automatically as it is required for the game to work, but we can do it manually. After that, everything worked just fine.
So I hope I’ve helped someone in trouble like me, and now let’s have some fun!
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