Just a quick list of dates that have an achievement for playing a Halo game.
I wanted to create a list to remind people to play each game on a certain date to get the date based achievements. This list is in order of which day it falls on.
They can be completed in any month:
- 6th – Halo 4 (A Long Time Ago)
- 9th – Halo 2 (Back At It)
- 14th – Halo Reach (Remember Reach)
- 15th – Halo CE (A Day To Remember)
- 22nd – Halo 3: ODST (Do You Remember When We Met)
- 25th – Halo 3 (Third Times The Charm)
I hope you found this helpful!
This has helped me so much hitting those date achievements. I remember randomly hitting the Reach and Combat Evolved ones before. I was thought it was a reward for just logging back on after some time away lol