Below I will explain in a short description why I have placed who I have together in the same household.
NPC Happiness Housing
- Guide + Merchant – Near/in your main base in the forest
- Zoologist + Golfer – Anywhere at least 25 blocks away from the Guide and Merchant so you don’t get negative happiness
- Santa + Tax Collector + Cyborg – They all like the snow
- Steampunk + Gun Dealer + Nurse – Getting best price from Gun Dealer
- Witch Doctor + Dryad + Painter – They all like the jungle and each other
- Pirate + Angler + Stylist – Best prices for Pirate for buying items to bolster your defenses for invasions
Mushroom Underground
- Truffle + Clothier – Need 2 NPCs to use the Pylon so that is why Clothier is here
- Wizard + Party Girl – They both like Hallow and each other
- Demolitionist + Tavernkeep – Love each other and likes underground, good to have the pylon here for gem tree farm
- Goblin Tinkerer + Mechanic + Dye Trader – Best prices for reforging with the Goblin Tinkerer

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