This is a list I made of all (I think) the words for the poetry mini-game and the girl who reacts to them in the Doki Doki Literature Club. This was made using the first playthrough. I have not yet tested the minigame during the second playthrough.
Sayori Words
Adventure, Alone, Amazing, Awesome, Beauty, Bed, Bliss, Broken, Calm, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Color, Comfort, Cry, Dance, Dark, Daydream, Dazzle, Death, Defeat, Depression, Embrace, Empty, Excitement, Extraordinary, Family, Fear, Feather, Fireflies, Fireworks, Flower, Flying, Forgive, Friends, Fun, Grief, Happiness, Heart, Holiday, Hope, Hopeless, Hurt, Joy, Laugh, Lazy, Loud, Love, Lucky, Marriage, Memories, Misery, Misfortune, Music, Nature, Ocean, Pain, Party, Passion, Peaceful, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise, Rainbow, Raincloud, Romance, Rose, Sadness, Scars, Shame, Silly, Sing, Smile, Sparkle, Special, Sunny, Sunset, Sweet, Tears, Together, Tragedy, Treasure, Unrequited, Vacation, Warm, Wonderful.
Yuri Words
Afterimage, Agonizing, Ambient, Analysis, Anxiety, Atone, Aura, Breathe, Cage, Captive, Climax, Contamination, Covet, Crimson, Desire, Destiny, Determination, Disarray, Disaster, Disoriented, Disown, Dream, Efflugent, Electricity, Entropy, Essence, Eternity, Existence, Explode, Extreme, Fester, Fickle, Flee, Frightening, Graveyard, Heavensent, Horror, Imagination, Incapable, Incongruent, Infallible, Inferno, Infinite, Insight, Intellectual, Journey, Judgement, Landscape, Lust, Massacre, Meager, Melancholy, Philosophy, Pleasure, Portrait, Quetion, Raindrops, Secretive, Sensation, Starscape, Suicide, Tenacious, Time, Uncanny, Uncontrollable, Unending, Universe, Unrestrained, Unstable, Variance, Vertigo, Vibrant, Vitality, Vivacious, Vivid, Whirlwind, Wrath.
Natsuki Words
Anger, Anime, Blanket, Boop, Bouncy, Bubbles, Bunny, Candy, Cheeks, Chocolate, Clouds, Cute, Doki-Doki, Email, Fantasy, Fluffy, Games, Giggle, Hair, Headphones, Heartbeat, Hop, Jump, Jumpy, Kawaii, Kiss, Kitty, Lipstick, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Melody, Milk, Mouse, Nibble, Nightgown, Papa, Parfait, Peace, Pink, Playground, Poof, Pout, Puppy, Pure, Ribbon, Shiny, Shopping, Skipping, Skirt, Socks, Spinning, Sticky, Strawberry, Sugar, Summer, Swimsuit, Twirl, Valentine, Vanilla, Waterfall, Whisper, Whistle.
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