The objective is to kill 10 crows in one playthrough. The crows have white feathers, their eyes glow red occasionally and they behave like regular critters: If you get to close, they’ll fly away. So keep your distance.
Crow #1
After leaving the spawn area, on the tree stump in the middle.

Crow #2
Not far after Crow #1, on the left-ish side of the wide open area, on the roof.

Crows #3-4
While proceeding through the wide open area, the next two crows are very close to each other. One is on the ground, left of the second milestone. The othe is on top of the tree on the right.

Crow #5
On the way to the mid event, on a tree stump in the middle.

Crow #6
Before dropping down into the mid event area, sitting on the rope.

Crow #7
In the mid event area, close to the lever you have to pull to lower the bridge.

Crow #8
After lowering the bridge, on the right side, sitting on the lantern behind the fence.

Crow #9
On the way to the final event area, after going up the steep trail, sitting on the pipe on the right side.

Crow #10
Next to the broken pipe that you have to repair, sitting on the wooden structure.

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