Thief Simulator – Console Commands (Cheats)

I have compiled a list of the console commands in the game, along with instructions on how to use them.


You open the console with the Back Quote key, “`”. Please note that if you have a non-English keyboard this key may not be located at the left of your number 1 key, above tab, and instead may be located at some of your non-English characters.

Achievements will still be unlocked even if console-commands are used.

Cheat Commands

freemoneyGives player 10 000 cash.
freeexpAdds 100xp to the player.Max level is currently 35. Gives 2 skill points from level 23.
notparanoidRemoves paranoia from all house-related AI.Sets paranoidPrecent to 0.
allskillsLearns all skills.
ghostMakes the player invisible.Works exactly the same as the cloak device without the timer.
humanMakes the player viable again.
solazySets the current story mission to done.
iknowallLearns all the tenant routines.The AI has 4 time section that is all revealed to the player. Does this for every house.
thieftoolsAdds every item in a cheat list to the player.Gives the player every item from a select list, with each item having a durability of 100.

Time Commands

4amSets the current time to 04:00/4:00 AM.Time is set by the TENKOKU Unity asset.
daytimeSets the current time to 08:00/8:00 AM.Time is set by the TENKOKU Unity asset.
noontimeSets the current time to 12:00/12:00 PM.Time is set by the TENKOKU Unity asset.
eveningtimeSets the current time to 18:00/6:00 PM.Time is set by the TENKOKU Unity asset.
nighttimeSets the current time to 24:00/12:00 AM.Time is set by the TENKOKU Unity asset.

Police / Wanted Commands

1starSets the wanted level to 1-star.Sets wanted level and then calls police.
2starSets the wanted level to 2-star.Sets players last known position, sets wanted level, calls police.

There is currently no command for removing the wanted level.

Car Commands

stealpickupoldAdds all parts of the car to the player’s inventory.Loads the “House” scene, spawns the car, removes all parts and add them to the player’s inventory.Pickup old car
stealpickupnewAdds all parts of the car to the player’s inventory.Loads the “House” scene, spawns car, removes all parts and add them to the player’s inventory.Pickup old car
stealaisianAdds all parts of the car to the player’s inventory.Loads the “House” scene, spawns the car, removes all parts and add them to the player’s inventory.Asian car 1

Teleport Commands

unstuckLoads House.Loads the scene “house”.
loadhideoutLoads Hideout.Loads the scene “hideout_scene”.

Achivement (Clear) Commands

carachClears achievements related to cars.Removes achievements “ACHCAR1” to “ACHCAR5”.
clearachClears all achievements.Removes every achievement there is.

Story / Contract Commands

industrialCompletes all story missions.Sets player’s level to 28 and sets all story-stuff to done.
farmcontractSets current contract to the Farm contract
nextcontractSets current contract to done.

Misc Commands

clearitemsRemoves all items from the current save.
debugonTurns on debug mode.I have currently no idea what this does.
debugoffTurns off debug mode.I have currently no idea what this does.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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