Stormworks: Build and Rescue – Types of AI Enemy Vehicles (DLC)

A list of every type of enemy vehicle, it’s specifications, and what to expect from it.

AI Enemy Vehicle Types



Battle Cannon

Mounted in a large armoured turret on the bow.

  • Fires HE shells
  • Can aim forward, left, or right (+-90)
  • Maximum elevation of 45 degrees, minimum elevation of 0 degrees (level)
  • Controlled by an enemy gunner
  • Has four barrel extensions
  • Technically only holds three shells, but the AI will cheat in more if it runs out.

Rotary Autocannon (air defence)

Mounted in a CIWS-like pod above the rear superstructure.

  • Fires HE rounds
  • Can aim backwards, left, or right (+-90)
  • Maximum elevation of 70 degrees, minimum elevation of 10 degrees
  • Does not have any barrel extensions
  • Holds 100 rounds

Small Autocannon

Mounted in a tiny unarmored turret just below the bridge.

  • Fires HE rounds
  • Can aim forward, left, or right (+-90)
  • Maximum elevation of 90 degrees, minimum elevation of -10 degrees
  • Does not have any barrel extensions
  • Holds 200 rounds

4x Machine gun

Mounted along the railings of the superstructure, above and behind the bridge.

  • Purely decorative, and cannot fire.


Top speed: 12m/s forward, 5m/s reverse
Dimensions: 54.75m long, 7.75 meters wide, 15.25m mast, 3.00m draft
Powered by: 4x Large Diesel Engine, 2x Medium Electric Motor
Cost: 126,226$
Crew: Captain, 3x Gunners (all in the bridge)


The largest ship in the enemy navy, the Destroyer is certainly a considerable foe. It’s large battle cannon can tear holes in anything it can hit, and its CIWS-like rotary autocannon is extremely good at destroying aircraft and helicopters, as well as even small ships.

However, the destroyer is also deeply flawed. It is not very maneuverable, and not very fast (compared to other Stormworks vehicles, at least. Like all enemy ships, it has no bulkheads and no bilge pumps, so any single hit will eventually sink it.

The destroyer’s engines require a large amount of electricity to run, and so the entire ship can be disabled simply by leading it on a mild chase.

If attacking the destroyer with aircraft, one can evade the rotary autocannon by staying in front of the ship, as it can only fire out the rear.

The destroyer is a large target, and can be easily destroyed by large shore-mounted cannons, even at ranges as far as 2km.

Fast Attack Boat


Heavy Autocannon

Mounted in a light turret on the bow

  • Fires HE shells
  • Can aim forward, left, and right
  • Maximum elevation of 90 degrees, minimum elevation of -5 degrees
  • Has 2 barrel extensions
  • Holds 40 shells

Light Autocannon

Mounted in a tiny unarmored turret just below the tip of the mast.

  • Fires HE
  • Can aim backward, left, and right
  • Maximum elevation of 90 degrees, minimum elevation of -5 degrees
  • Barrel extensions?
  • Holds 200 shells

4x Machine Gun

Mounted on the sides on the rear deck.

  • Loaded with Kinetic
  • Decorative, and cannot be fired


Top speed: 16m/s forward, 5m/s backward
Dimensions: 22.00m long, 4.75m wide, 5.00m mast, 1.75m draft
Powered by: 2x Medium Diesel Engine, Medium Electric Motor
Cost: 81,772$
Crew: 3


The fast attack boat isn’t actually very fast, although it can certainly attack. It’s main strengths are it’s small size and large cannon, but it can be quickly disabled with most HE rounds.

When attacking with aircraft, stay in front of it, as the AA light autocannon will not be able to traverse to you.

In my experience, the Big Bertha cannon will one-shot the fast attack boat with any hit.

The fast attack boat does not have bilge pumps or bulkheads.



2x Rotary Autocannon

Mounted on sides of turret

  • Fires HE
  • Can aim forward, left, and right.
  • Maximum elevation is 90 degrees, straight up. Minimum elevation is -10 degrees, slightly down
  • Has one barrel extension
  • Holds 100 rounds per gun

2x Machine Gun

One is mounted on top, near the commander’s hatch, the other is mounted in front of the driver

  • Loaded with Kinetic
  • Decorative and cannot fire


Top speed: 0
Dimensions: 9.50m long, 5.50m tall, 3.75m wide
Powered by: Nothing
Cost: 19,105$
Crew: 1 (Gunner)


The enemy AI SPAA (self-propelled anti-aircraft) is the most deadly anti-aircraft weapon in the Stormworks arsenal, and destroying SPAAs is a very difficult task for any pilot or tanker. The only way I have been able to attack them is by flying over them until they run out of ammunition before strafing them.

Despite appearing tracked, the SPAA is immobile and does not have an engine or driver.

The SPAA cannot aim behind itself.



Heavy Autocannon

Main gun, mounted in turret

  • Fires HE
  • Can aim forward, left, and right
  • Maximum elevation of 90 degrees, minimum elevation of -10
  • Has 5 barrel extensions
  • Holds 20 shells

2x Machine Gun

One is mounted on top, near the commander’s hatch, the other is mounted in front of the driver

  • Loaded with Kinetic
  • Decorative and cannot fire


Top speed: 0
Powered by: Nothing
Cost: 24,394$
Crew: 1 (Gunner)


As of the time of writing, the tank is completely useless, as the main cannon is not connected to the battery and receives no power.

In theory, it should be a very effective weapon at long range, as its large number of barrel extensions should make it very accurate, although it does not hold much ammunition.

Attack Helicopter


4x Rocket Launcher

Two launchers under each “wing” pylon

  • Hull-aimed
  • 16 total rockets

Small Autocannon

Chin-mounted, underneath the nose

  • Fires HE
  • Can traverse forward, left, and right
  • Maximum elevation of 0 degrees, minimum elevation of -90 (straight down)
  • Does not have any barrel extensions
  • Holds 100 rounds


Top speed: 45 m/s (level flight)
Dimensions: 12.00m long, 5.25m tall, 4.25m wide (not including rotors)
Powered by: Gas Turbine, Medium Electric Motor
Cost: 14,168$
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Gunner)


The attack helicopter is a very effective weapon, especially when you consider its low cost. It is very difficult to shoot down, due to it’s highly armoured engine, and it can slowly poke holes in anything with its autocannon.

The only way I have managed to destroy them is by attacking them from above with aircraft.

Transport Helicopter


2x Small Autocannon

Hull-mounted, on the sides of the armament pylons

  • Fires HE
  • Hull-mounted, cannot be aimed
  • No barrel extensions
  • 100 rounds per cannon

Rocket Launchers

4 blocks underneath each wing pylon

  • 32 total rockets (!)
  • Hull-aimed

2x Machine Gun

Door guns, mounted on small swivels

  • Fires Incendiary
  • Can aim anywhere
  • Maximum elevation 45 degrees, minimum elevation -45 degrees
  • 50 rounds (one box each)


Top speed: 33m/s (level flight)
Dimensions: 15.00m long, 4.75m tall, 4.75m wide
Powered by: 1x Gas Turbine
Cost: 77,410$
Crew: 3 (Pilot, 2x Door Gunner), but has seats for 8


The transport helicopter is a very interesting enemy, as it is the only one which can fire incendiary rounds, making it, confusingly, able to penetrate any armour.

It is also the only vehicle to feature working machine guns.

There is no specific counter to the transport helicopter, as far as I know.

It is by far the most complex AI vehicle in game, and is the only one with a full cockpit, although it is not functional. It is likely that the developers intended to make it a preset vehicle, but rushed development and decided to just make it AI.

It is the only AI vehicle to feature XML edited aesthetic components.

Fighter Jet


2x Small Autocannon

Wing mounted

  • Fires HE
  • Hull-mounted
  • No barrel extensions
  • Holds 100 rounds

Rocket Pods

Wing mounted

  • 48 rockets total
  • Hull-mounted


Top speed: 115m/s
Dimensions: 15.25m long, 12.25m wide, 5.00m tall
Powered by: 2x Afterburning Jet Engines
Cost: 34,400$
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Gunner)


Although it’s top speed is 115m/s, it usually cruises at 70m/s and can strafe at much lower speeds.

Has two non-functional A2A missiles and a non-functional drop tank.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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