A full-game walkthrough of Occult Crime Police.
Complete Walkthrough Guide
Act 1: The Waterloo Redemption
To Do: Get Past The Guard
- Speak with Carlos and select the option “What To Do”.
- Use the Show Evidence menu to show the Guard your Sheriff’s Badge.
Drang Persuasion
- Choice 1: Use Blunt
- Choice 2: Use Flattery
- Choice 3: Use Logic
To Do: Speak with Agent Drang
- Speak with Drang and select the option “The Murder”
- Speak with Drang and select the option “Power Outage”
To Do: Investigate the Crime Scene
- Examine the footprints in the kitchen
To Do: Examine The Body
- Click on the dead body to get a close-up view
- Examine the body’s missing shoe
- Examine the ID card next to the victim
- Examine the bruises on the victim’s arms
- Examine the knife in the victim’s back
To Do: Speak with “Thought Influencer”
- Go to the Warehouse and select the person taking selfies in the background
- Select all available dialogue options with Paul Chritude
Act 2: The Gossamer Penance
Interrogation 1: Bottomi’s Confession
Present the Kitchen Knife on the statement “So I grabbed a nearby knife and… I stabbed it into his back!”
Interrogation 2: The Exact Moment of the Crime
- Press the statement “When I stabbed him, he slumped over onto the floor.”
- Select “Yes, very important.”
- Present the Preliminary Autopsy Report on the statement “I only ever stabbed him. I didn’t beat him up or anything.”
Interrogation 3: That’s How I Beat Darsha
- Press the statement “We walked into the kitchen together, and that’s when he broke the news to me.”
- Select “Ask Him.”
- Present Muddy Footprints on the statement “There was this big mud puddle outside. You couldn’t avoid stepping in it.”
Act 3: Further Inquiry Required
To Do: Speak With The Smart House A.I.
- Click on panel showing “How can I help you today?” to speak with Harper
- Choose dialogue option “Smart House” with Harper
To Do: Talk To Smart House Creator
- Finish the steps for “Speak With The Smart House A.I.”
- Go to the Office
- Examine the computer
- Examine the dot-matrix printer
- Exhaust the dialogue options with Angie Neering
To Do: Explore the Rest of the House
- Finish the steps for “Speak With The Smart House A.I.”
- Go to the Bedroom
- Examine the seam in the bedroom floor
- Present Harper with the Trap Door
- Go to the Contraption
- Examine the lone shoe lying on the floor
- Present the Missing Shoe when prompted with “Wasn’t there a shoe we were looking for?”
To Do: Find Out What Chritude Is Hiding
- Go to the Warehouse
- Speak with Chritude and select the option “Power Outage”
Chritude Persuasion
- Choice 1: Use Provoke
- Choice 2: Use Enthuse
- Choice 3: Use Confront
- In the Warehouse, examine the panel on the side of the house
- Returning to Chritude, Present the Fuse Box Glitter
- Select dialogue option “What Happened”
Act 4: The Terminal Denundation
Interrogation 1: Hacking the Smart House
- Present Feedback Logs on statement “All I had to do was reprogram the alarm system to target Darsha and turn off stun mode.”
Interrogation 2: Faking a Crime Scene in 5 Easy Steps
- Present Muddy Footprints on statement “I never even had to enter the kitchen myself.”
- On “Do I Have Any Other Proof That Bottomi Was In The Kitchen?” select “Yes, I do.”
- Present Chritude’s Photo
Interrogation 3: The Where, When and How of the Murder
- Press statement “Mr. Darsha and I were in the smart house. He had just fired me.”
- Ask for more information on “…where this all took place”
- Present Recovered Shoe on statement “We were in the downstairs hallway at the time.”
- Present Updated Autopsy Report on statement “The house stabbed him in the back, killing him instantly.”
Act 5: Occupational Hazards
Interrogation 1: my_testimony.txt
- Present Trap Door on statement “He, of his own volition, decided to test out The Dressing Contraption.”
- Present Neering’s Email at “Here is the proof that the scratches in the carpet are from today.”
Interrogation 2: my_testimony_FINAL.txt
- Present Feedback Logs on statement “TNPTDDBTDCWABAA.”
- At “Specifically, the entry at this time:” select “5:52 PM”
Interrogation 3: my_testimony_FINAL(1).txt
- Present Neering’s Email on statement “Darsha was trying to shut down the Smart House project, so I had to get rid of him.”
Act 6 The Cybernetic Masquerade
Interrogation 1: my_testimony_FINAL(1)_LASTONEFORREAL.txt
- Press Statement “As you surmised, we were both in the bedroom when it happened.”
- Present Security Cam on statement “So I pushed him away from me, and then activated the trap door.”
Interrogation 2: my_testimony_FINAL(1)_LASTONEFORREAL(1).txt
- Press statement “Just then, the power went out all over the house!”
- On “Is this important information?” select “It could be.”
- Present Prank Video on statement “I don’t recall anything else all that strange happening at the time.”
- At “Behold, the identity of the person speaking to us through this monitor!” present HARPER’s profile
- When asked where the real Angie is, respond “She’s dead.”
- On “What is your last piece of evidence?”, present the Brochure
- On the Brochure, select the column about A.R.M.s
Final Persuasion
- Choice 1: Use Humanity
- Choice 2: Use Logic
- Choice 3: Use Fear
- Choice 4: Use Logic
- Choice 5: Use Humanity
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