A guide of the easiest and best gifts to give each villager to gain hearts as fast as possible.
From beginning: Quartz for +45
Once deeper in the mines: Amethyst for +80
Alternative to amethysts for +80: Chocolate cake
- Recipe on 14th Winter
- 1 egg
- Sugar from Pierre’s
- Wheat flour from Pierre’s or the mill (Wheat grown in Summer/Fall)
From the beginning: Hash browns for +45
- Recipe from Stardrop Saloon
- Potato – Grown in Spring
- Oil – bought from Pierre’s
Once you have a coop: Eggs (except void) for +45
Once you get the Salmon Dinner recipe from 3 hearts with Gus: Salmon Dinner for +80
- Kale – Grown in Spring – stock up in advance (max 16 needed to give 2 a week until next Spring)
- Salmon – Caught in Fall
- Amaranth – Grown in Fall
From beginning: Daffodil for +45
Once reached two hearts: Green tea for +80
- Craft tea sapling from recipe given
- Place tea leaves in keg
Alternatively, once reached Summer: Summer spangle for +80
From beginning: Coal or daffodil/dandelion for +20
Once in the mines: Copper bar for +45
Once acquired: Topaz for +80
- Topaz is the cheapest gem so best value
- Also options are amethyst, aquamarine, emerald, jade, ruby
From beginning: Daffodil/dandelion/horseradish for +20
Once coop acquired: Eggs for +45
Once strawberries acquired at egg festival: Strawberry for +80
Once 7 hearts with Clint: Bean hotpot for +80
- Better value than strawberries
- 2 green beans (grown in Spring)
Quartz or dwarf scrolls for +45
Topaz for +80
- Or other gems, but topaz is best value
Any fish EXCEPT carp, snail or sea cucumber for +20
Lobster from ocean crab pot for +80
Pomegranate from Fall tree or fruit bat cave for +80
- More reliable option than lobster, but sells for more so worse value
From beginning: Daffodil or quartz for +45
Topaz (or other gems) for +80
If lacking gems then wool for +80, but wool would sell for a lot more than topaz!
From beginning: Daffodil for +45
Tulip (Spring seed) for +80
- 32 tulips grown in Spring will last you the whole year
If you run out of tulips, then beets (Fall seed) for +80
Leek for +80
If you run out, Fried mushroom recipe from Demetrius at 3 hearts for +80
- Common mushroom
- Morel
- Oil from Pierre’s
From beginning: Daffodil for +45
Once orange tree grown in Summer: Orange for +80
Alternatively, once 5 hearts with Willy: Escargot for +80
- Garlic (Spring seed)
- Snail (Farm pond crabpot)
From beginning: Daffodil (+45)
From Summer: Sunflower (+80)
From Desert access: Coconut (+80)
- Slightly worse value than sunflower but available year round if you run out of sunflowers
From beginning: Any Spring forage (+45)
- I’d probably go for spring onion as so far no one else particularly wants that!
From farming level 4: Pickles (+80)
- Made in preserves jar from any vegetable
- Best value to gift would be unmilled rice, parsnips, green beans
Alternative: Coffee (+80)
- Cannot be made until farming level 8, but can be bought at the stardrop saloon for 300g
From beginning: Daffodil (+45)
From Fall: Fairy rose flower (+80)
From Winter 7th: Plum pudding (+80)
- 2 wild plums
- Wheat flour
- Sugar
- Better value than fairy rose
Wild horseradish for +80
Alternatively: Void egg for +80
From beginning: Daffodil or dandelion for +20
Once in mines: Quartz for +45
From summer: Farmer’s lunch for +80
- Recipe from Farming level 3
- Recipe = omelet + parsnip
- Parsnip grown in spring
- Omelet recipe from TV 28th Spring
- Omelet recipe = Egg + milk
Alternatively, Diamond for +80 (but this is obviously way more valuable!)
From beginning: Spring forage (except spring onion) (+20)
Spring: Cauliflower (+80)
From mid-Spring: Strawberry (+80)
- Better value than cauliflower
From beginning: dandelion or leek (+45)
From Summer: Poppy (+80)
From combat level 3: roots platter (+80)
- Cave carrot
- Winter root (dropped by blue slimes, tilled earth)
- better value than poppy
From beginning: Joja Can (trash) from fishing for +45
- Most often found on farm pond on standard farm
Once in desert: Cactus fruit for +80
From beginning: Any fish except carp for +20
Once in mines: Quartz for +45
Once at Floor 40 in mines: Frozen tear for +80
Alternatively: Sashimi for +80
- Recipe from Linus at 3 hearts
- Recipe = any fish
From 15th Spring: Salmonberry (+45)
From Summer: hot pepper (+80)
Early mines: Quartz (+45)
Once deeper in mines: Void or solar essence (+80)
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