Phasmophobia – Starters Tips

How to Start

Stick to the basics, and learn the smaller details as you go. Trying to learn every little nuance all at once will be overwhelming.

Every ghost has three evidence types. You will always get three, unless you are playing on some special high difficulty that has less. But you should not do that until you know the game better.

Once you get all three, you will know exactly what ghost it is.

There is one exception to this, and that is the mimic. The mimic always shows ghost orbs as a fake evidence, but it does have three actual evidence that are not ghost orbs.

Mimic is orbs, spirit box, freezing temps, and UV. So if you see orbs and two of those, always check for the third just to be sure you didn’t get a mimic.

Keep the lights on at all times. (Unless doing spirit box, or checking for orbs). Do not stand in the dark. This will stop your sanity from draining, and give you more time to get your three evidences before you get hunted.

Beware ghost events. If the ghost has done a lot of events, go to the van and check your sanity, it might be low. If it is, take appropriate precautions.

Always know your hidey spot. Once you find the ghost room, immediately search for where you will hide if the ghost hunts. Somewhere NOT in the room. And also NOT close to the room. Gotta make sure the ghost can not see you before you get into your spot.

Learn the difference between an event and a hunt.


  • Doors can close.
  • Lights can turn off (or turn red).
  • Ghost can move immediately.
  • You can turn on/off the lights
  • Ghost makes a random noise. (Can never be the hunt noise)


  • Doors do NOT close (Only front door closes and locks).
  • Lights do NOT turn off.
  • Ghost stands still for a few seconds, then moves.
  • Lights can not be turned on or off until hunt ends. (So your light, if on, stays on. But you can’t turn it off. If off, it stays off, and you can not turn it on. Until the hunt ends.)
  • Ghost makes the hunt noise.(Once chosen, will always be the same noise for the rest of that level).
  • Lights all turn off after the hunt ends.

The “hunt noise” is a randomly selected noise. Each ghost will pick one randomly from all the noises they can make. So it won’t be the same for every ghost.

But once you know what hunt noise that ghost picked, it will ALWAYS use that noise when it hunts.

Like earlier today, I had a giggly ghost. Every time it hunted it started making that giggling noise. So once I knew that it had picked that as the hunt noise, I knew to never be worried if it wasn’t giggling.

The ghost we had after that was a crying ghost. It picked the crying sound for hunts. So that one giggled on events, but would only cry when hunting. So I knew I was safe as long as it wasn’t crying.

You won’t know the hunt noise until it hunts once.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1791 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


  1. Any advice or knowledge on what to do if a ghost is hunting and murders you but not the person standing next to you?
    I hid as a ghost began to hunt. My teammate killed me but stayed unharmed as they ran down the hall towards me and stood in front of me, essentially blocking my path.

    • ill fate, unless there was a banshee involved? It might have heard your microphone noise, seen you first, etc. Really, though, I think I just needed to hide better.

  2. Another handy trick for thermometers is to point them directly at doors to get the room’s temperature. You can leave the door open.

  3. Hello, I have a brief inquiry. Is it necessary to switch off your flashlight while on a hunt? I don’t think anything has changed, and it annoys me to have to turn it on and off all the time. Fantastic guide! After spending about 50 hours on this game, I’ve picked up a few new skills!

  4. Excellent guide; I like how there aren’t any spoilers and not a lot of meta. Can you see ghost orbs on the monitor in both modes, or just in the NV mode? This is one question I haven’t seen answered.

  5. I have a few brief inquiries about equipment in general:
    – Do you have to return equipment to the truck?
    – What equipment is lost, how is it lost, and when does it happen? (every, some, half, etc.)
    – What kinds of equipment are deemed to be nearly or completely useless?

    • q1: No you don’t need to bring equipment back to the truck
      q2: you lose all the equipment you brought when you die, but get insurance money depending on difficulty – amateur 50 / inter 25 / pro 0
      q3: terms of useless equipment, personal preference really, Thermometer, Motion Sensors, Crucifixes, Smudge Sticks, and Lighters are the only things I care to bring most of the time.

  6. In one of the farmhouses, you can exchange money for a bloody cleaver on the table in the living room.

  7. To locate the ghost’s haunted area fast, use a thermometer. You want anything lower than 11.9°C / 53.42°F. Ghost often wanders so you may have also found it’s patrol route.

  8. Excellent material. But how can you make good use of the thermometer? Aside from freezing temperatures, what other temperatures signal the presence of a ghost?

  9. For a Ouija board, the lights don’t have to be off; if they flicker, it simply signifies that you experienced a 40% sanity hit.

  10. When a ghost is hunting, does holding a video camera in night vision mode reveal your location to it, just like a flashlight does?

    • Indeed it does, anything that can essentially be toggled ON and OFF will give away your position during a hunt

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