Phasmophobia – Looping Guide

This guide is all about looping so you don’t hide when its in a hunt or cursed hunt…

Recommend Items

  • Smudge Stick
  • Lighter
  • Photo Camera (If you want ghost photo)
  • Flashlight (Optional)

What Is Looping All About?

Looping The Ghost

Some locations have furniture or walls that are located in such a way that players can loop around while the ghost is chasing them, such as Grafton Farmhouse, where one can loop between the Dining Room, the Kitchen, and the Foyer, or around the kitchen islands in various houses. Looping takes advantage of the shape of the furniture or structure continually breaking line-of-sight, reducing the ghost’s acceleration. Generally, most looping is done around kitchen islands, and players usually crouch to slow the rate at which the ghost gains speed. Players looking for more intense gameplay may loop the ghost until the end of the hunt, but partial looping can also be used to run to a safer place or bide time. Looping can also be used to save other players, especially in Nightmare difficulty if the ghost is chasing players towards a dead end.

If the player plans on looping, keep the lights in the room turned on to aid visibility. Looping will generally involve the ghost reversing direction; players should keep a lookout for when it does so. Looping is generally more dangerous if the ghost is a Phantom, has a speed advantage, or is a crawling ghost, and players may need to listen for the ghost’s precise location or abandon looping altogether. If the player performing the strategy is confident, they may try to take pictures of the ghost while looping, though this usually requires the player to continually have line-of-sight with the ghost, making it accelerate. A smudge stick is highly recommended in case the ghost catches up with the player.

In Maple Lodge Campsite, two particular picnic tables allow for the player to walk left and right instead of fully looping around the table, as the ghost itself does not recognise that path as being possible to traverse. Using a Video Camera or Motion Sensor is a good way to keep track of where the ghost is, especially if the area is insufficiently lit.

Turning Off, Throwing, And/Or Swapping Electronic Equipment

As any active electronic equipment held in the hand, including flashlights (even when on the shoulder), will attract the ghost within 9 meters, players should turn these off or swap them to another inventory slot before entering their hiding place, or preferably as early into the hunt as possible. Note that the default flashlight with a very weak light (that cannot be removed from the shoulder), and worn Head Mounted Cameras, will not attract the ghost.

Attracting the ghost is instantaneous; electronic equipment that is turned on then very quickly turned off can still be detected if the ghost is within range.

A Raiju will gain speed almost equal to that of a Revenant if nearby electronic equipment is active, even when thrown on the floor, so swapping electronics into the inventory, or turning them off before throwing them, is important to prevent it from gaining strength.

Keeping Quiet

The ghost is able to hear players using any form of voice chat within 9 meters; a ghost which hears a player will immediately go to their location and attempt to kill them if they are present. For the Yokai, this hearing range is just 2 meters. On smaller maps, it is especially important to keep quiet, as the ghost will more often be within range to hear you if you speak.

For players with significant background noise, setting voice chat to push-to-talk is recommended so that background noise will not cause the ghost to find you.

Recognising The End Of A Hunt

When a hunt ends, the ghost will disappear and be teleported back to its room, hunting sounds will cease, and all lights on-site will turn off and be toggleable again. If hiding away from the ghost, try toggling a light source to see if it turns on, audibly clicks, or physically changes (e.g., light switches flicking up and down). If not on Nightmare difficulty, hearing a player die also means that the hunt has ended due to the ghost killing them.

Other Tips

Listen for vocalisations and footsteps that the ghost makes to approximate its location. Similarly, active EMF readers, spirit boxes, or video cameras may give players a general idea of the ghost’s whereabouts during a hunt.

Whether a player is standing or crouching, they will walk and sprint at the same speed. The same is true whether the player is running forwards or backwards, left or right, or even running backwards while crouched.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1022 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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