Outpost: Infinity Siege – Ultimate Guide

A collection of discoveries made on the field, intended to help explain what the game currently doesn’t in a comprehensive way.

Converting Resources Into Energy

The trick to those long hauls is finding resources to then convert into energy. The easiest source is from your own base if it spawned near harvestable items like destroyed military vehicles or trees, where it will automatically produce +3 resources every two or so seconds without consuming energy, provided you installed a Power Converter in your outpost.

But, it’s also much slower in comparison to the faster alternatives: Cutting down trees and stripping tires out of cars. Every car packs 4 tires waiting to be stripped and each tire gives you 10 resources, 40 resources total per vehicle. If your map spawned an abandoned car park with four of them, that’s 160 free resources waiting for you which means a free Energy boost. Additionally, tires have a chance of giving you Fiber and Polymer materials.

And regarding trees, each tree gives out 40 resources per unit and 3 pieces of Lumber for every 6 Energy, making the Energy consumption unsustainable assuming you don’t have the Incident Reward that gives you extra resources when harvesting them directly.

The minimum amount of resources for an Energy boost is 150 resources.

You will need 4 trees for that, which costs 24 energy, but you only get 15 energy back, making for -9 Energy deficit. Don’t mindlessly cut down all the trees you have unless you have a plan.

In which case is it good to moonlight as the EUA’s most tactical lumberjack? This brings me to my next point.

Power Banks (aka Batteries)

These are most commonly found with the harmless Mechanos’ Drones and very rarely spawn in some buildings. Drones can be found in these types of locations:

  • Inside a sci-fi tech building
  • On the roof of a concrete WWII coastal bunker with barbed wire on the top edges. This one is clearly visible.

Don’t sneak up to it since it will detect you anyways. Instead, rush it and take the batteries from it as you would any other item in the game, it won’t attack you nor even call you names since it is powered by a public AI language model. Stealing two batteries from the drone takes a bit of practice, eventually resulting in you stealing both batteries AND the little Care Package on the front of it.

Here’s a demonstration of it. To facilitate your heist, ensure you have a direct path to the stairs connecting to the building.

If you found a battery and you confirmed there aren’t any objects that may require it, shove one into a Generator within your base.

It will provide 60 energy which is best employed for EUA-Sanctioned mass deforestation resource collection by cutting down trees. Alternatively, it can give you a much-needed refill in case you are running dangerously low on power or giving you some breathing room in case you wish to open doors using Energy. Assuming you choose to trim the local flora, you can amass 400 resources for every single battery you find by cutting down 10 trees.

While carrying it, if it bugs out and “falls” out of your hand, just press the Throw command. It will be tossed as any regular item as if nothing happened.

DO NOT press the command to place it in the backpack unless you are within an enclosed space because it will fling itself towards infinity and beyond, making it hard to find if the game’s physics feel particularly sadistic.

Also, I sacrificed a battery to test out if they are vulnerable to bullet shots. They are and explode in a blast of electricity. Tossing them around and throwing them at walls doesn’t seem to detonate them.

Bullet Physics

Surprisingly, this game has a functioning ballistics system.

If you thought your bullets don’t seem to hit targets too far away, it’s not because of shoddy coding. The game has barely noticeable tracers in the form of minimalist projectile models, so you would never know to account for distance and gravity when picking long-range targets unless you find out by freak accident like I did. If you’re a veteran of Sniper Elite or the Zombie Army Franchise, you’ll pick it up effortlessly and consistently nail long shots with some practice.

It’s up to the devs if they choose to expand on this system, they already included basic stopping power, penetration and effective range. By all means, the Marksman Core Guns would benefit from increased muzzle velocity to make sharpshooting easier and more attractive an option.

Turret Configuration

Ever felt like your high-caliber turrets waste their ammo on insignificant threats? You can actually change their target priority and it is highly-recommended to do so within the Outpost Editor so you don’t have to manually do it every single time you begin the mission.

Go here:

Then click on the turrets you wish to adjust and then manually adjust the parameters to your liking with this button:

Here, I chose to have my 30mm Turret prioritize large threats, can target medium enemies if there aren’t big enemies and will completely ignore the small trash mobs. I also increased its range.

Generally, have the turret fight on something its own size. Small turrets for small enemies, large turrets for the big boys, you get the idea. Some turrets like the CIWS are better used as trophy systems that target and shoot down enemy artillery, specially from the Tank enemies that perform mortar strikes from afar on your facilities..

Adjusting a minimum range works best with high-caliber turrets intended for long-range sniping, those will normally be supported by lesser turrets that handle the close-range targets.

You can configure them in the field in almost the same way, both getting close to a turret and choosing the corresponding option or you can configure them remotely using Command Mode. However, those changes are not saved between missions.

Increasing the range in some turrets might help when dealing with those cowardly Tanks.

Electricity Chargers

Given their very unintuitive nature, you wouldn’t know how to use these at first.

First, go up its tower. You’ll find this sphere outside, take it.

Luckily, the game put me in a scenario that perfectly demonstrates its use. ANYTHING that requires a Power Bank to be opened, the Charger functions as an alternative. Grab the Electromagnetic Plug close to it and affix it to the construct in need of a jolt by throwing it at it. The cable goes through everything and it has infinite length, so you don’t have to maneuver around things to get it where it needs to be.

Once you see it firmly lodged in place, return to the Charger.

Grab the sphere and place it on top of the Charger. Dropping it with the “Place in Backpack” bind works better than throwing it, in my experience.

You’ll see it immediately charge up the cable. Upon confirmation, you’ll see this notification:

Voila! The door is now open!

Addendum: Because of a pop-up saying so, I sacrificed a humble sphere by affixing the E-Plug to the Outpost’s Core Tower and activating the Charger up. Whether it is a bug or not, it does not give you energy. It blatantly said it only gave a me whopping 0 Energy.

Additionally, if you place the sphere on top of the Charger before the plug is inserted into anything, it will be immediately consumed, effectively wasting it.

Coil Machinery (aka Basketball Mini-Game)

Since I main Wilhem in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, I’m half-man and half-machine, so deciphering the technique a robot would use to consistently access the safe was easy. Stand in the middle of the playing area, ensuring you aren’t close to the right wall to prevent the ball from somehow colliding with it after you throw it.

Then aim at this position, easily identified as the upper-left corner of the metal plate with yellow latches on it. Throw the ball and be amazed at how you consistently perform NBA-Worthy shots.

Here is a video demonstrating the process:

And there you go. Doing this mini-game offers Energy (from +1 to +4 energy per successful basket), unlocks a Comm Station within the first 5 points, another Comm Station after 10 points and the locker next to it opens when scoring 20 points, with the possibility of it containing Purple-Rarity loot.

Of note, check the surrounding areas to see if there are more Electro Orbs you can use to speed up the process.

You can see that two are enough but you can’t go wrong with increased efficiency.

After the war with the machines is over, you may want to keep a low profile unless you wish to be hounded by managers looking for their next star player on their basketball teams.

Breakable Doors

If you see a health bar on a door, it can be busted down. Unleash your inner Rampage Jackson and punch down doors if they have around 600 or so HP, it saves you time and ammo.

However… Doors that feature this comedic amount of structural integrity that makes any Killing Floor player blush, you will need explosives.

Any will work, with the best IED being those explosive barrels you can carry. I normally use the incendiary red ones since those are sometimes very conveniently found close to destructible doors. Place it near it and shoot. Some doors might require more than one explosion.

To reinforce the point, if there isn’t an HP bar on the door, you’re out of luck and must resort to whatever it requires to be opened.

Lockpicks or Energy?

Depends on the energy cost and the type of door/container in need to be unlocked.

If the energy cost is very low, it’s always better to use energy since you naturally farm Resources to then convert into Energy anyways. Lockpicks can only be either found with RNG or crafted by yourself beforehand, so those carry a heftier opportunity cost.

There are some containers that can only be opened with a lockpick, others strictly require keycards or energy to do so. Regarding doors, please check first with an Area Scan, Detector or use Scan Gloves to know if there is something worth behind it, I’ve been fooled once by a locked door inside a school building featuring an astounding nothing.

No Need to Stick Around

Normally, when you finish scavenging and send your loot away, you might have to repel a hostile invasion. Like so:

But sometimes, you won’t see that alert. In those cases, you’re free to leave right away. Ignore the enemies rushing towards your base if you can help it, just press on End Exploration and let your turrets conserve their ammo for the real fight on Recovery Day.

Held Items Are Kept Between Maps

Whatever you are holding in your hand by the time you have to pull out, it will still be in your possession when you arrive to the next map.

Anything counts, in this case a Power Bank.

But if you want to see something funny, bring with you one of those standalone MG turrets to another map. You’ll end up T-Posing until you drop it and so long as you don’t sprint, you get to move at your original speed unimpeded.

Quick Ammo Swapping

A small piece of trivia, actually.

Hold your reload button. Now you can quickly switch between available ammo types.

Doors Can Be Remotely Operated

A neat detail! If you have a Guardian Fabricator kept indoors and need to direct freshly-produced Guardians to the front lines, simply click on the obstructing door and press the Z key.

This game really seeks to promote Smart Homes having untapped military value. Waifu AI sold separately.

Guardians Can Give You a Ride

Are you a proud Cargonian?

Any Guardian works, but obviously the Mulebots are better for this. Simply get on top of one, then direct it towards your next stop using Command Mode. Sadly, unlike in SS13, you can’t rename them, nor hack them to brutally ram whatever obstructs their path.


What Is That Flying Thing?

You may occasionally find these towers with a circling drone around it.

The flying rascal is actually harmless and even better, they are flying loot. Civilian Drones give Efficiency Points which is what is actually needed to speed up Research Projects and given their inoffensive nature, they make for a good source of said points.

There are two ways to catch it:

  • Attempt to catch it mid-air. (Gain an intact Civil Drone)
  • Shoot it down (Gain Damaged Civil Drone)

The color of the drone affects the rarity and subsequent Efficiency Points. The description thankfully lampshades on why each drone is better than the other.

Shady Dealer “G”

I spotted a friendly unit alone in a sector I haven’t explored yet. Turns out it’s this guy. After he finishes his greeting, you get the option to trade with him.

Paying in resources sounds like a better deal, if it wasn’t for the exceedingly high cost. Still, for demonstration purposes, I obtained the needed resources from the local trees and traded with him. In this case, ‘G’ “pays” me with the generic Incident Reward of a Guardian. Might be useful for those without Guardian Fabricators.

Here, I chose to pay with a turret instead. He seems to consistently pick the turrets with the highest value in your outpost, with three times being any of my 30mm Light Turrets. Apparently, if there is more than one of the turret type he wants, he picks his turret at random and potentially leaves a flank vulnerable if it is the only turret guarding it, be advised.

The item you get in exchange doesn’t seem to vary for that particular map. Across ten different interactions with him reloading the same save, the same “Free Guardian” reward was received from him. Further testing is on-going to see if his trade varies by map.

Also, he was kind enough to participate in an impromptu ballistics demonstrations where we learned two important things:

  • ‘G’ is effectively invincible. I figure this is an anti-griefing decision to prevent players from killing him before any interested party could interact with him.
  • He’s 100% metal and circuit, yet somehow he bleeds when shot at. Maybe he’s a biomechanoid.

Of note, ‘G’ is the only voiced entity in the game with actual effort put into directing his VA’s lines, apparently going for a more youthful version of RE4’s Weapons Merchant.

This ironically makes him an AI-Powered being with more human-like speech than the game’s actual humans.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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