A full game walkthrough of Case 2: Medium at Large. Includes information on how to get all the new achievements for this case.
A Few Notes Before We Begin
- To begin Medium at Large, go to New Game on the Main Menu and select Case 2.
- This guide only covers the actions needed to complete the story and unlock all the achievements. There are plenty of other fun interactions hidden in the game for you to discover!
- You can hold down CTRL to skip past any dialogue you’ve already read before.
- You can also set Text Skipping to “All Text” in the Options menu to allow you to skip past unread text as well
Act 1: The Repugnant Necromancie
- Choose either “No” or “Hell No”.
- Choose “Yup. Yes. Miranda Warden, that’s me.” or “We solved a case together two days ago.” if you think it would be funny to have Drang call you the wrong name for half the game.
- Choose any answer for Drang’s question about crimes.
- Select “Who are these people?”
- Select “Why are you here?”
- Select “Thoughts on the Seance”
To Do: Talk to the TV Host
- Click on the guy with his back to the camera
- Select “Who Are You?”
- Select “Cut It Out”
- Select “Seven Years Ago”
- Select any answers you want during Limony’s interview
- Select “A Crime To Report”
- Achievement: Present your Sheriff Badge to Limony to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Talk to Ash
- Click on Ash (sitting on a box near the left of the screen)
- Select “The Show”
- Select “Professional Skeptic”
- Select “Permission of the Family”
- Choose the “Flippant” option
- Choose the “Family” option
- Choose the “Trust” option
- Select “It Was Your Idea?”
- Achievement: Present your Sheriff Badge to Ash to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Talk to Ash’s Mom
- Move to the Jager Backyard
- Click on Jager (guarding the door to the guest house)
- Select “Base 24”
- Select “Permission of the Family”
- Achievement: Present your Sheriff Badge to Jager to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Find Something to Debunk the Medium
- Move to the Hotel
- Achievement: Click on the Green Door to progress the “Sorry, Wrong Door” achievement
- Click on the righthand door to speak with James Bunker
Meeting Claire Voyant
- Move to the Jager Front Yard
- Choose “The Page Turning”
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Repugnant Necromancie” achievement by completing this act!
Act 2: The Myocardial Conundrum
To Do: Talk to Voyant
- Move to the Jager Backyard
- Click on the door to the Guest House
- Click on the toppled over Bucket in the Guest House
- Click on Voyant
- Select “Timeline of Events”
- Select “Your Psychic Investigation”
To Do: Examine the Body
- Click on Bunker’s body
- Click on his left hand clutching his chest
- Click on the piece of paper sticking out of his pocket
To Do: Visit Bunker’s Hotel Room
- Achievement: Click the Green Door to progress the “Sorry, Wrong Door” achievement. (If you don’t get any response, you must have missed clicking it during Act 1.)
- Click on the letter labeled “Warren” taped to the door
To Do: Talk to Drang
- Move to the Jager Front Yard
- Click on Drang (meditating over to the left)
- Select “Your Whole Deal”
- Select “Investigative Authority”
- Achievement: Present your Sheriff Badge to Drang to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Check Voyant’s Trailer
- Move to Voyant’s Trailer
- Click the Bag hidden under the table
To Do: Talk to DH Crew
- Move to the DH Van
- Achievement: Click on the Ladder Babes magazine on the floor to unlock the “Look, A Ladder… Magazine?” achievement
- Click on any of the ghost show guys
- Select “Dogface and Squart?”
- Select “Bunker’s Death”
- Select “Surveillance Equipment”
- Select “Douglas Records”
- Present the Mysterious Letter
- Achievement: Present your Sheriff Badge to Dogface and Squart to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Visit Voyant’s Trailer
- Move to, well, Voyant’s Trailer
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Myocardial Conundrum” achievement by completing this act!
Act 3: The Posthumous Affidavit
Interrogation 1: A Stroke of Bad Luck
- Present the Preliminary Autopsy on Statement 3 (“Believe it or not, it was a simple stroke which took my life.”)
Interrogation 2: An Evening Stroll
- Present the Meeting Note on Statement 5 (“If only I hadn’t been alone, perhaps I could have been saved. Oh well.”)
- When prompted to show proof that the second person showed up, Present the Poltergeist Puck.
- (Note: You can also present these two pieces of evidence in reverse order!)
Interrogation 3: The Preternatural Prognostication
- Select ‘Press’ on Statement 3: (“I foresaw the death of the man I was to do spiritual battle with later that night!”)
- Select “It just might!”
- Present the Destination Haunted Footage on Statement 4 (“My prediction showed Bunker pass away at exactly 9:34pm.”)
- When asked for evidence which proves how the trick was done, present the EMF Sensor.
- When Warren says “Why don’t I show you something that should jog your memory…”, present the Preliminary Autopsy.
Interrogation 4: The Statement To End All Statements
- Present the Bag of Cash on Statement 3 (“You haven’t even got a motive laid out!”)
- Present the Psychic Millionaire Flyer when next prompted
- (Note: You can also present these two pieces of evidence in reverse order!)
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Posthumous Affidavit” achievement by completing this act!
Act 4: The Caprini Memorandum
To Do: Track Down Voyant
- Click on the fluttering scrap of paper in the Jager Front Yard
- Move to Voyant’s Trailer
- Click on Voyant (hidden in the back room)
- Select “Escape Plan”
- Select “Your Own Money”
- Select “The Bucket”
- Achievement: Present the Sheriff Badge to Voyant to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
To Do: Talk to ‘Nothing Up My Sleeve’
- Move to the Sheriff’s Dept
- Receive the Second Mysterious Letter
- Move to the Guest House
- Click on Carlos (examining the body)
- Select “The Autopsy”
- Present the Second Mysterious Letter to Carlos
- Achievement: Present the Sheriff Badge to Carlos to progress the “Badge Combat” achievement
- Move to the Hotel
- Achievement: Click on the Green Door one last time to finish out the “Sorry, Wrong Door” achievement. (If it doesn’t trigger, you must have missed clicking on the door in Acts 1 or 2)
- Click on the other hotel door
- Present the Room Key
- Enter Bunker’s Room
- Click on the paper lying on the ground near the trash can
- Click on the typewriter
- Select “I Am Psychic”
- Choose “That’s ridiculous” or “That’s preposterous” or “That’s absurd”
- Select “Jupiter Rhine”
- Select “Why I Came Back”
- Choose “I guess so…” or “I suppose so…” or “I think so…”
To Do: Discover Jager’s Secret
- Move to the Jager Backyard
- Click on Jager (checking her phone)
- Select “The Seance”
- Present the Bucket
- Present Claire Voyant
- Choose “The trap was designed to test Voyant”
- Present the Memorandum
- Present Head of the FBI
To Do: Talk to Hoss
- Select “I. M. ‘Hoss’ Tull”
- Select “The Truth Behind The Seance”
- Select “Operation B.L.E.A.T.”
- Achievement: Present the Sheriff Badge to Hoss to finish out the “Badge Combat” achievement. (If it doesn’t trigger, you may have missed presenting your badge to someone)
- Achievement: Present the Bag of Money to Hoss to unlock the “Civil Forfeiture” achievement
To Do: Get Your Ass To The Front Yard
- What else? Get your ass to the front yard!
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Caprini Memorandum” achievement by completing this act!
Act 5: The Inculpatory Account
Interrogation 1: the words i say thats the things i saw
- Present the Destination Haunted Footage on Statement 4 (“yea i never even looked at the guest house feed during the shoot cause i didnt know it was there”)
- When asked what moment to scrub over to, select “9:34pm”
- Click on Dogface’s heartrate in the footage
Interrogation 2: how we got that footage
- Present the Bucket on Statement 3 (“Got a camera up in that guest house no problem at all!”)
Interrogation 3: Dogface’s Great Blunder
- Press Limony on Statement 3 (“Only instead of organizing the tapes like he was supposed to, he ends up ruining my old wedding tape!”)
- Select “Yes, I think so.”
- Present the Torn Label on Statement 4 (“He goes and smashes the thing into pieces, then throws it all away without consulting me!”)
- Present the Destination Haunted Footage
- (Note: You can present the Torn Label and the DH Footage in either order!)
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Inculpatory Account” achievement by completing this act!
Act 6: The Preternatural Assassin
Interrogation 1: Who Cares About The Bucket?
- Present the Lost Tabby Photo on Statement 6 (“I never met this Bunker guy in my life.”)
Interrogation 2: It Doesn’t Even Matter
- Present the Secret Footage on Statement 5 (“How am I supposed to have iced the geezer without leaving the van, huh?”)
- Optional: Present the Couple Scraps of Paper to uncover the Secret Ending (this will bring you back to the last point when it’s done)
- Present the Destination Haunted Footage
- Select “The Heartrate Monitors”
- Achievement: You will naturally unlock the “Preternatural Assassin” achievement by completing this act!
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