Megaloot – Item Stats

Item Base Stats

Some Notes:

The Ring of Anger has always felt like crap to me. Not only is it useless if you don’t have a Precision build, the actual gains it gives you are useless too. Now it innately gives a bigger crit damageboost AND a little bit of precision. It also combos with Hunter and Scout equipment too.

The Amulet of Life is stronger now. It provides more max HP and a bit bigger of a healing boost, but nothing gamebreaking.

The Keepsake was fine for like, one floor. Then it was bad. Now it has a bit of Dazzle to scale for a little bit, possibly setting you up for Jade equipment later.

Arcanus Shoes – Arcanus remains the same except it combos with Silver now. Still generic and if you don’t have Silver the multipliers do nothing, but I felt Silver could use more love.

Coward’s Ring – Instead of a HUGE increase for absolutely free that goes with any build, the Ring of Cowardice now will start with a much lower value that multiplies based off whether or not you have Shadow or Scout items equipped. Note that the ring itself is still Generic so it won’t conflict with other sets.

Item NameElementPriceItem Base Stats
Wooden ShoesWood2Armor: 1
Training SwordWood + Swiftness2Phys Atk: 1
Ring of AngerGeneric3Crit DMG: 3
Magical StickWood4Mag Atk: 2
Training HammerWood4Phys Atk: 1
Penetration: 2
Leather BootsMercenary5Armor: 2
Wooden PlatesWood5Armor: 2
Training AxeWood5Phys Atk: 2
Amulet of LifeGeneric6Max HP: 2
Recovery: 8
KeepsakeGeneric7Wisdom: 3
Greed’s GraspWealth7Greed: 1
Life Steal: 3
Poor Man’s BladePoverty8Phys Atk: 1
Crit DMG: 5
Hunger BladeFlesh10Phys Atk: 2 [x Flesh]
Max HP: 1
Leather HelmetMercenary10Armor: 3
Silver SabatonsSilver10Armor: 3
Warrior’s DaggerWarrior10Phys Atk: 3
Shadow RingShadow11Crit DMG: 5 [x Shadow]
Evasion: 3.0
Life SeekerSilver11Recovery: 3
Faith: 5 [x Silver]
Arcanus ShoesGeneric15Wisdom: 5
Evasion: 2.0
Hunter’s BootsHunter15Precision: 10
Leather PantsMercenary15Armor: 4
Silver HelmetSilver15Armor: 4
Golden DaggerWealth15Greed: 2
Phys Atk: 3
Precious RingWealth17Greed: 5 [x Wealth]
Recruits BootsScout18Evasion: 10.0
Shadow PiercerShadow18Crit DMG: 7
Penetration: 10 [x Shadow]
ChainmailGeneric19Armor: 6
Leather ChestplateMercenary21Armor: 5
Silver LeggingsSilver21Armor: 5
Silver RingSilver21Faith: 12 [x Silver]
Hunter’s HoodHunter24Precision: 15
Poor Man’s HelmetPoverty26Crit DMG: 17
Armor: 2 [x Poverty]
Silver ChestplateSilver27Armor: 6
Nature’s GiftWood27Luck: 5 [x Wood]
Golden SabatonsWealth29Greed: 5
Armor: 4
Recruit’s HoodScout30Evasion: 15.0
Golden SwordWealth31Greed: 4
Phys Atk: 5
Zephyron’s Magical ShoesZephyron31Wisdom: 7
Eldrid’s RingFlesh33Recovery: 10 [x Flesh]
Life Steal: 15 [x Flesh]
Hunter’s PantsHunter33Precision: 20
Orion’s PathOrion34Armor: 6 [x Orion]
Silver SwordSilver34Phys Atk: 6 [x Silver]
Magical GauntletMonomana36Mag Atk: 6 [x Monomana]
Wisdom: 4
Magic WandDarkness + Wood37Mag Atk: 4 [x Darkness]
Insight: 2
Hunter’s JerkinHunter43Precision: 25
Recruit’s PantsScout43Evasion: 20.0
Zephyron’s EyeZephyron44Control: 25.0
Ethercrest’s RingAncient Ice47Unnamed: 31: 18 [x AncientIce]
Golden LeggingsWealth47Greed: 10
Armor: 5
Magical GuardianMonomana49Wisdom: 4
Armor: 6 [x Monomana]
Shadow SentenceShadow49Phys Atk: 7 [x Shadow]
Crit DMG: 5
Wealth WardenWealth49Greed: 15 [x Wealth]
Vitality RingGeneric50Max HP: 15
Recovery: 10
Ethercrest’s BladeAncient Ice52Phys Atk: 8
Unnamed: 31: 6
HySwordWealth52Greed: 3
Luck: 5 [x Wealth]
Phys Atk: 4
Orion’s LeggingsOrion53Armor: 8 [x Orion]
Crystal StaffGeneric55Mag Atk: 12
Insight: 5
Arcanus RobeGeneric55Wisdom: 12
Evasion: 7.0
Berserker’s AxeBerserker56Phys Atk: 10
Demonic SabatonsDemonic56Armor: 8
Max HP: 4
Warrior’s ChestplateWarrior56Armor: 10
Omni RingGeneric58Wisdom: 7
Max HP: 12
Recruit’s CloakScout58Evasion: 25.0
Warrior’s War HammerWarrior58Phys Atk: 8 [x Warrior]
Penetration: 6 [x Warrior]
Shadow WisdomShadow65Wisdom: 10 [x Shadow]
Believer’s LocketSilver65Faith: 36 [x Silver]
Zephyron’s Magical CapZephyron68Wisdom: 12
Phantom TomeGeneric70Mag Atk: 21
Faith: 15
Vampiric BladeFlesh73Phys Atk: 8 [x Flesh]
Max HP: 5
Life Steal: 2
Orion’s Sanguine SalvationOrion75Toughness: 5 [x Orion]
Max HP: 10 [x Orion]
Starborn RingGeneric77Wisdom: 17
Hunter’s RingHunter78Precision: 35 [x Hunter]
Golden CrownWealth79Greed: 25 [x Wealth]
Royal SabatonsRoyal81Combat: 8 [x Royal
Armor: 4
Faith: 6 [x Silver]
Golden ChestplateWealth81Greed: 15
Armor: 8
ThunderbladeThunder82Mag Atk: 12 [x Thunder]
Electric: 8
Ethercrest’s StaffAncient Ice84Mag Atk: 14 [x AncientIce]
Unnamed: 31: 12
Ethercrest’s HelmetAncient Ice85Armor: 10
Unnamed: 31: 12 [x AncientIce]
Demonic HelmetDemonic88Armor: 10 [x Demonic]
Max HP: 5
Alchemist’s WisdomGeneric88Wisdom: 12
Insight: 7
ThunderhelmThunder88Armor: 7
Electric: 10 [x Thunder]
Living HelmetFlesh89Max HP: 15 [x Flesh]
Recovery: 10
Orion’s CoreOrion94Penetration: 10 [x Orion]
Max HP: 15 [x Orion]
Demonic LeggingsDemonic95Armor: 12
Max HP: 6
Blade of the RuinedCursed102Phys Atk: 12 [x Cursed]
Crit DMG: 9
Diowz RingGeneric107Luck: 15
Wisdom: 10
Dark HarnessDarkness + Wood108Insight: 7 [x Darkness]
Zephyron’s Magical CloakZephyron111Wisdom: 17
Royal HelmetRoyal113Combat: 10 [x Royal
Armor: 6
Faith: 8 [x Silver]
Shadow WhisperShadow126Phys Atk: 14 [x Shadow]
Crit DMG: 9
Blackthorn ChestplateBlackthorn129Armor: 15 [x Blackthorn]
Giants RingGeneric136Toughness: 15
Max HP: 25
Orion’s DestinyOrion136Combat: 12 [x Orion]
Armor: 7 [x Orion]
Ring of PowerGeneric148Power: 25
Yuni’s NecklaceGeneric148Luck: 25
Royal LeggingsRoyal153Combat: 12 [x Royal
Armor: 8
Faith: 10 [x Silver]
Coward’s RingGeneric155Evasion: 75.0
Demonic ChestplateDemonic156Armor: 15 [x Demonic]
Max HP: 7
Warrior’s HelmetWarrior156Combat: 15 [x Warrior]
Armor: 6
Living ChestplateFlesh162Max HP: 24 [x Flesh]
Recovery: 18
ThundergraceThunder162Electric: 25 [x Thunder]
Orion’s RageOrion172Phys Atk: 14 [x Orion]
Combat: 10
QolkJade178Phys Atk: 12 [x Jade]
Unnamed: 32: 8
Soul CollectorGeneric188Mag Atk: 24
Insight: 17
Royal ChestplateRoyal194Combat: 14 [x Royal
Armor: 10
Faith: 12 [x Silver]
Dark Magical RingDarkness + Zephyron203Wisdom: 17 [x Darkness]
Zephyron’s Magical RingZephyron203Wisdom: 22 [x Zephyron]
Heart of GoldWealth221Greed: 5
Armor: 10
Toughness: 12
Max HP: 17 [x Wealth]
Wooden CrownWood224Power: 17 [x Wood]
Armor: 10 [x Wood]
Orion’s HeartOrion232Armor: 10 [x Orion]
Max HP: 25 [x Orion]
Warriors RingWarrior232Combat: 15
Max HP: 25
Blackthorn CrownBlackthorn243Wisdom: 25 [x Blackthorn]
Shaman’s RobeCursed243Wisdom: 25 [x Cursed]
Turtle ChestplateAncient Shell282Armor: 25
Toughness: 15
Ethercrest’s SwordAncient Ice285Phys Atk: 28
Unnamed: 31: 16
Cursed RingCursed311Malice: 25 [x Cursed]
WitherscarChromalure332Phys Atk: 15
Toxicity: 8
BlakeJade381Phys Atk: 25 [x Jade]
Unnamed: 32: 10
GlimmerJade458Control: 10.0
Unnamed: 32: 25 [x Jade]
Mask of CataclysmCataclysm500Power: 45
Pantaloons of GreatnessGeneric802Luck: 15
Total Attacks: 1
BloodedgeGeneric1177Phys Atk: 100
Penetration: 75
Life Steal: 45
Demonic ClaymoreDemonic1189Total Attacks: 1
Phys Atk: 15 [x Demonic]
Mask of the CursedCursed1228Malice: 75 [x Cursed]
Banished NecklaceCursed1325Total Attacks: 1 [x Cursed]
Demonic RingDemonic1325Total Attacks: 1 [x Demonic]
Silver AxeSilver1381Total Attacks: 1 [x Silver]
Phys Atk: 10
Magma SabatonsMagma1481Armor: 12 [x Magma]
Max HP: 7
Cinder: 15 [x Magma]
Magma HelmetMagma1929Armor: 14 [x Magma]
Max HP: 8
Cinder: 17 [x Magma]
GloomJade2043Unnamed: 32: 85 [x Jade]
Magma LeggingsMagma3013Armor: 17 [x Magma]
Max HP: 12
Cinder: 21 [x Magma]
NighthornChromalure3155Total Attacks: 1
Toxicity: 25 [x Chromalure]
Magma ChestplateMagma5092Armor: 21 [x Magma]
Max HP: 15
Cinder: 27 [x Magma]
Rod of DoomDarkness + Wood14386Mag Atk: 1000
ThronglerGeneric70544Phys Atk: 1750
Crit DMG: 75
Max HP: 150
ExcaliburGeneric1360276Phys Atk: 13571
Recovery: 375
Legacy: 125.0

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1519 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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