How to Get Switch Transfer Bonus
If you have a Switch save (including emulator), follow these steps:
For Switch users:
- You need a modded Switch and an app called JKSV.
- Use JKSV to take out the save file (GameSave00, GameSave01, etc.) from your Switch.
- For emulator users, the GameSave file is already in your emulator.
Get the bonus on your Switch or emulator:
- Launch Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance on your Switch or emulator.
- Get the bonuses. (Note: Only the Switch version has bonuses.)
Transfer the save from your emulator or modded Switch to your PC:
- Rename the GameSave00 file to GameSave01.sav.
- The PC version uses the .sav format, and there is no 00 file.
- Paste the file in the save location: AppData\Roaming\SEGA\SMT5V\Steam\yoursteamid.

I hope you found this useful!
Is there a prize that can only be earned in this manner?
three demons from your initial SMT five