Lootun – Tips for Starting Out

Getting Started Guide

By SirUser28.


Can I mess a character up?

No. You can reset almost everything except for a character’s base class. To reset a class, delete and remake the character. You can buy up to 18 character slots.

Why do I still gain EXP after 150?

You gain the Soul Orb currency necessary for crafting on gear

Can I wear two of the same Divine/Augment/Enchant?

Yes. Green numbers on gear stack while white does not

I’m not getting items I’m supposed to. Where are they?

Open your chests. That’s where a lot of the rewards are. Otherwise, RNG

I just beat my first raid boss. Where do I find X?

Congrats, you just got your first unique item. Uniques are found and equipped from the Reliquary tab on the middle bar

Item Comparator Tutorial

  • Located at the bottom left of the inventory, it makes gearing while leveling a non-issue.
  • Set Equip preference to fine tune the gear recommendations.
  • Decide whether or not to keep the “Use 2H?” checkbox ticked. Two-handers hit harder but are slower.
  • Tick “Scrap by default” to send unworn gear to the scrapper automatically.
  • Lock gear or keep in a separate bag to avoid scrapping by mistake.
  • “Best Equip All” will automatically go through all the gear in that bag picking gear for you based on your Equip Preference.
  • Item Comparator is only checking the face value and not the potential of an item nor Divine bonuses.
  • Good/Easy for gearing from level 1 to a fresh 150. You should start picking your own gear at 150.

Leveling to 150

  • Stay on a map clearing streak for an extra 25% EXP capped at 5+ clears (upper left).
  • If some rare/empowered monsters are wrecking your team and ruining your clear streak, use the map expertise passives to remove tougher mobs from appearing.
  • Bonus maps (101+) have extra EXP gain you can see in Area Modifiers (upper left).
  • One of the best early enchants (101+) you can get is Expedient for reaching bosses faster for more map expertise. Try to roll Hunts for or farm Frigid Wasteland.
  • Magic/Rare/Nemesis/Empowered monsters provide more EXP/rewards in exchange for having more life/damage.

Gear / Inventory

  • Use the autoscrapper settings along with the glossary to keep your bags uncluttered.
  • Uncommon items can be autoscrapped almost as soon as the option becomes available. You should be aiming to be wearing mostly Legendary+ at 150 and only Mythical+ once you’re comfortable in Bounties.
  • At 150, go through the glossary and filter out any undesirable items, especially items that you can craft at the blacksmith.
  • Item Comparator can also clear bags quickly if set to Scrap by default.
  • Hotkeys make inventory management easier.
  • Hunt Tasks (101+) are fantastic for getting easy upgrades and Divines.
  • Divines are an easy way to get stats as they will always have max attribute ranks.
  • When upgrading equipment at the blacksmith, you can save a lot of materials by maxing out “Randomise Attribute Ranks” before using “Upgrade Attributes”.
  • Set your Bag Settings by right clicking a bag. You can change name/icons for easier navigation and even some auto-sort options by determining what a bag will/won’t hold.
  • If your bags are full from leaving the game on overnight and not setting autoscrap, you can right click an item and Bulk Scrap specific items for easy clean up.
  • More/Multipliers are generally more powerful bonuses than Increased/Additive due to availability and… well, math.

Professions / Flasks

  • Right click and then “Replace Worst” is a quick way to keep your tools up-to-date. Alternatively you can use the hotkey E for the same purpose.
  • If the above choice doesn’t show, it’s fairly safe to scrap.
  • Flask of Healing is a cheap defensive flask that can be used early and isn’t used every combat loop like other flasks.
  • Flasks can generally be ignored until Factions/Raids. You’ll run out of materials quickly if used on prior content due to lacking tools/short combat loop.
  • Change the tier of resources being harvested as necessary for faster Upgrades.


  • Glossary is your best friend if you take the time to read it.
  • Check Achievements for easy completes for extra reward modifiers.
  • You can pause and hover over buffs/debuffs to see what they do.
  • Character experimentation really opens up at raids with the ability to farm a lot of materials quickly.
  • Having the Cut Peridot gem set bonus on one character can keep your gold ahead of blacksmith gear upgrade costs.
  • Raids unlock a lot earlier than Factions. I recommend advancing through at least tier 1 of Factions before trying Raids so you have a faction skill and access to better gear.
  • Match 2 is a good filter setting for gems above Meteorite if you’re trying to get a little extra stats. Otherwise, the bonus stat is the important part.
  • You can clear heroic raids without optimal Abyss gems. It’s only really needed if you’re trying to min/max or push high Endless content.
  • Team synergy is the most important part to getting higher DPS in 6man content.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1519 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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