Level Zero: Extraction – Best Way to Build Your Alien to Best Kill Mercs

Mutation Meta Guide

By Frogofundead.

This is what will be the best way to build your alien to best kill mercs note this is based on the assumption you have a alien duo that you can comm with and as always you should pick what you like the most and what the situation calls for.

Level One

Fortified Shell is the best, as taking more bullets to kill is a major benefit. Not only does it make killing combat eggs harder, but more bullets into eggs means less going into you. Savage Spawn is a close second, as if a merc steps on it, you and your duo can run in to try and finish them off. However, most mercs are good enough to not hit traps. Viscous Trap can be okay for slowdown, but at most one alien should run it.

Level Two

Venom Surge is the best – landing 17 damage most of the time will make a merc waste a syringe, and if you both use it while running into a fight, you can deal 34 damage before you even get there. Corrosive Wounds can be good for wasting meds, but you need constant pressure to capitalize on it. Viscous Grasp is okay for slowdown, but really, losing out on massive burst damage or doubling your healing drain is just too good to pass up.

At just after you spit make sure to save at least one gas to finish and downed merc and throw in a combat egg or two if you want.

Level Three

Plated is the best in my opinion, although you can also use Fast depending on personal preference. Glass Cannon is worthless vs good mercs, and Shroud isn’t that good considering you can actually counter lights. Also keep in mind this is the level you get 15 damage, so it’s time to really turn up the aggression.

Level Four

Light Drain is crazy good, allowing you to essentially get 2 health bars. However, you need to make sure only one person has it so you don’t overlap. Pulse Shield is a close second and is what the other alien should be using. Overload is also decent and can be paired with the damage spit for an even higher burst damage, but staying in the fight longer is better than a fast one.

Level Five

Like EMP, Paralyzing Echo is the best option. Massive slowdown can really capitalize on a bunch of spread-out mercs, but it doesn’t stack well. The other alien should be using Extended Scream, or if the mercs are running really good guns, Berserk.

General strategy: Both aliens run in hitting their spits on one target. If you picked Corrosive Wounds, wait until you start running away for the second spit. The alien with Extended Scream uses the first scream, and then the other with Paralyzing Echo goes next. If one of you took Berserk, pop that first and have them run in first. Once you start taking damage, pop Light Drain and then Pulse Shield.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1791 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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