HELLDIVERS 2 – A List of Useful Tips

A little list of some useful stuff you might not knew about, in no particular order.

Useful Tips and Tricks

Holding down the reload button allows you to change some weapon settings, like the range of the scope, fire modes and the flashlight. This obviously doesn’t apply for every weapon, but for most primary weapons for sure.

Enemies are obstacles and nothing more. Unless you have to actively kill them for a mission you should do your best to just avoid as many enemies as you can. Enemies drop no loot or don’t increase your payout, so there is no point in killing every single enemy

Enemy factions have scouts who call in reinforcements. Ever wondered why the enemy keeps calling in dropships or bug tunnels? The most basic enemies are the factions scouts, and upon seeing you they usually call for aid immediately.

It might be unsatisfying to ignore the big bugs juicy weakspot to shoot the small fry, but they are actually the main threat as they just call in for more and more enemies

Live today to spread democracy tomorrow. I know, this might sound like something a traitor would say, but hear me out. Unless you actually manage to wipe out the entire swarm of enemies they will just keep coming.

You don’t gain a medal for killing hundreds of bugs, so if there are too many enemies? Just disengage, restock and resupply and wait till things are a bit calmer before you play around with a terminal

Being sneaky and avoiding patrols is possible and should be utilized, especially on the higher difficulties.

Weapons like the Recoilless Rifle and the Autocannon work way better if operated as a team. The user of the Recoilless can wear a supply backpack while his reloader uses the Recoilless Backpack, ensuring smooth ammo flow for both Helldivers.

The Resupply drop cooldown is shared between all Helldivers. Make sure you use it when the entire team can benefit from it.

Stims don’t just heal you, they also restore your stamina. If you have a swarm of bugs on your tail, just pop a dose of Liberty into your veins and keep on running.

Side objectives matter, but primary missions are primary for a reason. If possible, do your primary missions first. Nothing worse than miscalculating with a side objective and burning through 20 minutes just to get that done and then having no time to properly defend your extraction as the destroyer is gone already.

Try to not guide a massive cluster of enemies to your extraction. If you see 3 of your fellow Helldivers already sitting in the extraction and you are being chased, be the bigger Helldiver and don’t guide all the enemies to them.

Big fights in a static place get messy very quickly.

Jan Bonkoski
About Jan Bonkoski 956 Articles
Jan Bakowski aka Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. His love of gaming began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) back in 1998. He’s been making game guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job. In his free time, he plays on Steam Deck.

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