Guide to Acolyte (Oracle DPS / Healing) Builds
By Christianblair.
CC0 (T1 Full Acolyte DPS)
Pets are Demon Hound, Ice Valley Colt, Smartie.
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- Artifacts are super RNG in this game so you cant really “chose” what to get. BUT, you can choose what to upgrade.
- Upgrade all artifacts to +4 with all the blue crystals when you can.
As far as damage and healing goes specifically, these two artifacts and these three artifact sets are what you want to upgrade:

CC1 Oracle DPS
This can be used as a FULL DPS build for Main Story, Dragon Bounty (if there is someone else healing) and Waves of Horror (you may need to heal in the beginning, just go based off how your party is).
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CC1 Oracle Healing
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Pet Moves Explanation
The builds for the Acolyte classes all basically have the same Pet Moves shown. Crit Dmg, Healing effect, crit/evasion, and determination/endurance. The issue with pet moves is its hard to recommend “the perfect” set or even a “general” set of pet moves that everyone can follow. Slot 1 in particular will cause a lot of confusion.
Because of this, I recommend everyone to kind choose your own Slot 1 pet move (the one I have listed for crit dmg). Take a look at your stats, more importantly your Crit % and Determination %, along with other useful stats like Haste and Mastery and see what you’re lacking and go from there. As for what you should be aiming for, try to keep your crit and determination even with a “cap” of about 40% each until you start looking at Mastery and Haste.
The reason I have Crit Dmg listed as the skill for Slot 1 is because eventually, our stats are just going to be too high to choose crit, determination, haste or mastery without having diminishing returns. Im talking having 70% crit and determ each, 50% haste and mastery each. Because of this, Crit Dmg will end up becoming our best option. Until then, try upping your stats as mentioned above.
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