Go Go Muffin – Quick Guide to Dragon

Dragon Guide

By Errand.

CC0: Obsidian Seal Dragon

Composition: 5 DPS + 1 half heal (or full heal).

Mechanism: Avoid the highlighted area.

DPS requirement for 10 chest:

  • 47.7M / 210 sec = 227k/sec = 45.5k/sec each.

DPS for slaying:

  • 244.9M / 210 sec = 1166k/sec = 233k/sec each.

Healer can bring barrier for the dark flame(beam atk) if some ppl cannot survive it.

CC1: Flame Seal Dragon

Composition: 5 DPS + 1 half heal (or full heal).


  • If you have marker above you, go to the corresponding area.
  • Run in circle to avoid the fire breathing (clockwise/counterclockwise direction is indicated around the dragon beforehand).

DPS requirement for 10 chest:

  • 1.8G / 210 sec = 8.57 M/sec = 1.71 M/sec each

Dragon Leaderboard Guide for Hardcore Player

  • Have a few friends to help you.
  • Good at math.
  • Control your team total dps so that dragon die when time is almost up.
  • Have 1 of each dps class in team to bring the crit/haste/atk buff skill.

Use blade hound passive. Your team will nuke boss to below 50% hp to activate your blade hound passive, then turn off their active skills to reduce their dps. This way you can enjoy a very long up time of bladehound passive. (Check dragon hp milstone on the reward chest to see when is below 50%hp, it is not at the 10th hp).

Note: Seems not worth to bring buff skill for cc1, too much drop in personal dps for sin and wayfarer.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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