Duplication Glitch / Duping Guide!
First, You Will Need a Friend
If you want to dupe, you have to have a pal.
If you don’t have a friend, pretend to be an e-girl or something and ask some dude on the internet.

How to Join a Friend’s World
First go to your menu and go to the multiplayer section.
Press Y on your controller to set a password.

Make sure to set the same password as your friend.
Next use a duelist or coop finger to write down a sign for your friend.
Tell them to go to the same location to summon you into their world.

Note: For me the duelist finger work more consistently than coop finger.
Now… How to Dupe
- Tell your friends to leave their runes to you (or any other things u wanna dupe).
(Make sure it’s leave not discard). Pick them up and (leave the world for insurance, but it might be optional).

- Press Win + E and type in %Appdata%

- Go to the EldenRing folder.

- Go to the folder with a bunch of numbers (you can make a shortcut to this folder, right click + shortcut).

- Copy the files in it.

- Paste/save the file in another folder.

- Go back to the friend’s world and drop the items.

- Alt F4 and close elden ring (completely for insurance and peace of mind).

- Now go back to the folder at step 4, and delete the files.

- Paste the backup files into the same folder.

- Repeat… Repeat… Repeat… steps above until satisfaction had been reached.
In short:
- Join friend world.
- They drop you items that you wanna dupe, (u leave their world, might be optional).
- Go to C:\Users\Nubslayer\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing (change my username to urs).
- Click the first folder, copy the files and save it somewhere.
- Go back to friend’s world and drop item and they pick it up.
- Close Elden Ring.
- Go back to the folder in step 4 and delete it’s files, put in your backup files.
- Launch elden ring and you should have 2x item and so is ur friend.
- Repeat steps above.
In Conclusion… Enjoy (Maybe?)
Good job filthy casual, you have fulfilled your desperate needs.

If you have 1 of every kind of golden rune(not hero’s or lord’s rune), in 6/7 run, each about 5 min, will grant you over 3m in golden rune. A efficient way to use these golden rune is:
- One friend use all of it
- Second friend back up files and drop to first friend
- Second friend use backup files to backup
- Repeat and alternate
Basiclly after you get 99 of each instead of having to do 6/7 runs to get all those runes, you and your friend can alternate to dupe and get that 3m runes every 5 min/run (making it the most efficient rune farm).
You can also do this with anything leave-able, so dual-reduvia and other weapons without NG+
Personally abusing this feature makes the game too ez and thus less enjoyable, I have to start a new run cause the mage one is getting too overpowered.
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