Info About the Loot Locations Map
- Cyan (Light Blue) Squares indicate spawning locations of 3 or more items in the same area, room, building or vascinity.
- Blue Squares indicate spawning locations of 2 items in the same area, room, building or vascinity.
- Green Squares indicate spawning locations of 1 single item in that one spot, room (building) or area.
- Red Squares indicate loot spawns that are under normal circomstances inaccessible to the casual player (basically the use of bugs/glitches is required to access such location; don’t worry about these).
- Squares that have a Yellow X mark inside or near them means they are only accessible after lockpicking a door, gate or such (building door, gate, etc).
I know that I should’ve marked spray paint spawn locations with another color or shape but it’s too late now (sorry about that!)
All Loot Spawn Locations Map
Click to enlarge…

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