A small guide with info that i found useful.
Basics to Best Start
Getting Started
After finishing up the tutorial portion of the game I advice to order 12g of Weed and 10g Amp on you PC at the players home. This takes some time to be doped off at some random location so make your way over to the gas station to buy 1 pack of backing soda (It’s left when exiting the door and at the street make a right) If You still didn’t get a text that your package is ready then I advice you to look for some paint cans, These can be randomly found in-front of graffiti murals (black spray cans)

By now you have got the message that your product is ready so go collect and head home, In your home look for a desk (this is where you will mix you product) You have 3 tabs to [TAB] trough, called : lab mode, drug placement mode and equipment mode:
- Lab Mode: In this Tab you be mixing and bagging your product.
- Drug Placement Mode: Lets you place product that is in your inventory on the table.
- Equipment Mode: Let’s you put down equipment you have, like the Mixing Tray.
Begin by Placing the Mixing Tray on the desk and 2 medium jars, now place your Product down.
In order to make more money you can alter the Amp so you have a little more, Now for Amp? I like to mix 10g with 2g of Soda, this still gives your costumers a good product and you more money to do this go to the LAB MODE and Left Click and drag your 10 Amps on the Tray and then do the same with the 12g Soda but select 2g, Now Right Click the tray and select Apply Mix. The end result is 11,98 New Amp Mix (give or take a 0,0is gram) From here on, when a costumer mails you for product, just bag it and run it off to them for a profit.
Have Product on Hand
Getting more product takes time, so don’t let your stock run dry and buy more from the moment you can, keep in mind that you need to pay each shipment before you can order more. In the beginning (for me) Marihuana was a best seller (but it can be Amphetamine for you), so after paying my first 130 I ordered more to keep my stash up for higher demands.
Night Time Police Hours
Your first instinct is to sleep but don’t, true Police will arrest you if spotted, the amount of xp and rep is worth it so stay in the back alleys and listen for radio chatter to give you an idea of where the cops are. When spotted… Run home and don’t let your self be fouled, the cops are fast and will catch you if you run out of stamina before you get home.

ATM Is a Lie
After your first day or so you get a tutorial Teaching you about the ATM. Ignore the ATM for now, Later on in the game you unlock a Money launderer that will for a minimum of 500$ and a work fe deposit money for you.
The Tunnel
Later on in the game you unlock the ability for some corrupt worker to open a Smugglers Tunnel for you but you have to pay him more and more money each time for him to let you true so be careful about that and use it only if you have to (At Night when your product is on the other side of the wall).

Getting Product Over the Wall
There are two places where if you trow you bags and are able to pick it up on the other side of the wall.
For going in to town this place is at the Garage

And for returning this is found a little further of where Eddi lives.

Buy or Not to Buy
For personal experience I found the best method to go big or go home at some point in the game you unlock more shops (Drug Store, Jay’s Shop) so here is what I bought.
Backpack – Wait till you got Jay’s unlock and buy the Duffle Bag, it has 250g weight limit and you only are gone use it when you need to move a lot of product and police stopping you isn’t an option when you just bought Product.
Equipment – Drug store has you covert and avoid going for small cheap stuff, (all the item you buy here are delivered at your home and the expense is charged on your back account).
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