Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Complete Levels Guide

This is a complete guide on levels in Counter-Strike : Global Offensive, and how you can maximize your XP output per game.

CS:GO Private Ranks

What are Private Ranks?

  • In CS:GO the private ranks, are essentially your ingame level, it can be reset at Private Rank 40, also know as “Sergeant Major Rank 40” and will earn you an ingame badge and reset your rank back to rank 1, also know as “Private Rank 1”. This has no ingame effects other than allowing you to show your rank and badge.

What do they look like?

  • The diffrent Private Ranks can be seen, in this picture and the amount of XP needed can be seen under the name of the Ranks.

Click to enlarge…

Level Up Fast

How does the XP work?

  • The weekly bonus is reset at 3AM on every Wednesday.
  • You will get X4 won round bonus until you get first 4500 xp.
  • After that, you get x2 bonus until you reach 7500.
  • When you get 11200, you get normal xp.
  • When your total xp is 11,200, you enter the reduction phase. You will get 84 xp for the matches you won until the next Wednesday.
  • The math here is that while you normally get 30xp per round you win, when you go down, this is multiplied by 0.175. 30×0.175 = 5.25 if you win the match 16×5.25 = 84 xp

Competitive Match – Average 8.6 XP / MIN

  • Competitive matches take about 45 minutes.
  • How is the XP we get calculated?
  • I am sure that a lot of people do not know how this is calculated in this regard. The answer is simple; It is calculated based on the number of rounds won by our team. If your performance is bad and you are playing with a good team, it may be advantageous for you to gain experience in competitive matches. It is useful to remember the weekly bonuses earned in these matches.

Demolition Match – Average 8 XP / MIN

  • Although it is not played much in demolition matches, it is one of the modes that gives the most XP. If you are confident in your individual performance, it will be useful for CS: GO level to play a series of matches in this mode.

Arms race – Average 7.5 XP / MIN

  • Unlike the competitive mode in arms race mode, your score is based entirely on your personal performance. You can earn approximately 7.5 XP per minute in this game mode, which ends in an average of six minutes. It is possible to increase this value up or down with your personal performance.

Deathmatch – Average 6 XP / MIN

  • The XP you earn in deathmatch mode depends on your personal performance. If you are confident about this, if you believe you will score a higher than average, it may be better for you to play deathmatch.

Casual – Average 4 XP / MIN

  • Although it seems to give the most XP value, we cannot say that casual is a good method to gain XP, as it is difficult to earn points and the games take a long time. The XP you earn in this mode also depends on your score, of course, if you are sure that you will crush the game, you can earn better XP than the other modes

How is the XP calculated in each mode?

  • Competitive Match: Won Rounds x 30 XP
  • Game of Destruction: Your Score x 4 XP
  • Arms race: Your score x 1.5 XP
  • Deathmatch: Your score x 0.2 XP
  • Casual: Your score x 4 XP
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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