This guide will show you best video settings for performance boost and optimization of the Dying Light 2 game.
Guide to Best Optimization Config
In this guide I’m going to show you how to optimize Dying Light 2 for a better low-end experience.
To begin you will need:
- Visual Studio Code
- Dying Light 2 (ofc)
I’m using some of these settings with a 1050Ti.
I don’t recommend to do this for a better experience.
Part 1 – Edit Video File
We’re going to edit the “video.src” file, which is the configuration file. The file is located there:
- E:\Programmes\Documents\dying light 2\out\settings
You’ll find a file named “video.src” and you’re going to type “Visual Studio Code” in the Windows taskbar, open it. Click on “Files” and “Open the file…”.
The file will look like that

We’re going to search these settings :

And you can change everything you want, I recommend this config :

Part 2 – Result

Here is a bonus for you:
Skipping the introduction when you launch the game by simply adding this command to your launch options:
- Steam >> Right-click on Dying Light 2 >> Properties
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