- Below you will find a explicit description from each crewmember, which ingredients they like in the stew, which gift they prefer and their personal style.
- The material and the proper blueprints.
- All recipes with the level and the proper ingredients.
- The material and costs of the item from the Crew-stew. Also listed one below the other, what is whan unlocked. Beach shortcut -> Scen’s schortcut, etc.
- The decoration from each member you can unlock and the required material.
- Hint: Improve your relationship to Logan for extra trash in the boxes, becaus you need trash fpr every decoration in this game.
- Don’t forget to cook the stew regular, the right ingridients give more points.
- You can assign up to nine of the same ingredients to the people, the stew will last for 24 hours and can give up to six hearts at once.
- You can find the golden tools without the map from the rewardshop, but you still need them for the archievment Collector.
- One field was enough for me to plant everything threee times.
- Again and again give yourself some time to collect material and decorat the buildings of your crewmember for the full count of hearts.
- The relationship to Carles are affected through the relationship to the crew.
- The parrot raise his relationship through the level of the stew.
Hometown and Stranded
- Read the message from your father on the table.
- Take the backpack beside the bad and leave your home through the front-door.
- All useful things about the gameplay will be written in your Guide.
- Go to the harbor and talk to Captain Carles.
- Go below und put your backpack on the right bed.
- Talk with Carles on the deck of the ship again.
- The barrel is in the middle of the place behind the ship, take it to the mast.
- Talk with Carles and hoist the sails, fist the back one, than the middle one and at last the front one. Talk with Carles again when you’re done.
- Talk to Carles at sea, new: Relationship with Captain Carles.
- Speak with all the others of the crew for their relationship status, go back to Carles.
- Climbe up the mast in the middle of the ship to the unknown bird and talk to it.
- Climb down an go back to Carles. Go below and after a scene you stranded on a deserted island.
- (Stranded Survivor)
- You will find Sven beside a barrel full of apple, talk to him and eat some apples-
- Go father down to find a rope, after that you can open the inventory.
- It goes father down to find a torn sail.
- To the left you can find a broken mast and a pearl in a shell, it’s your first trinket.
- On the way back along the top you will find a strange platform, that beginns to glow as soon as you use it.
- Go back to Sven with the collected things.
- Read the instruction on the stack of planks and build a raft.
- Circle the new island as far it goes.
- Go back to the wreck and go inside, you find Carles, Fiola and a bad to sleep.
- Talk to Carles, then go to sleep and talk to him again.
- Go outside to the hill, on the entrance you will find Sven, at the bottom you will find a other portalboard, activate it. With the right material you can travel faster between the islands and on the island itself.
- Go to Fiola to get a shovel. Dig three holes fot the seeds.
- Fiola give you after this some cornseeds, plant them.
- The next step is to water the plant, go with your bucket to the spring below right.
- Water with the water your plants, you get a new Quest.
- Gather at the beach above the wreck a pot, a pan and the kitchenutensil.
- Pan and pot are visibile on the beach, the utensil are hidden in a wooden box between the other two.
- Besides you can dig two treasures up on the bright points in the sand.
- Go back to the hill and use the instruction to build the cooking station.
- Talk to Fiola, the times flies by till the corn is ready to be harvest.
- After the harvesting you get your first recipe from Fiola.
- Go to the cooking station, choose the recipe and cook your fist meal. (Cook)
- Beside the dish is a bar, that show you how much energy you regenerate through it.
- Don’s forget to water the plant again if the ground gets dry. If you forget to water the crops, they will die.
- Go back to the wreck and talk below mit Carles, you get the world map.
- Now you can find Logan far above of the beach. Go back to the camp.
- On the left side you can finde a wood saw, a simple pincers and a heavy hammer.
- Go back to Logan, use the map for fast travel back to the camp.
- Build the craftsman station beside Logan, you get a axe from him after that.
- With the help of the axe you can open the right side of the beach now. Go further up to the hill, in the barrels and boxes you can find useful things now, like seeds and gifts.
- You can finde a shell below with a pearl inside.
- In the second section you will be find a historical artifact, a portal, another pearl and some boxes. Further above it goes up another hill.
- You will find a unfinished bridge and a cave.
- On the top of the hill you will find a altar, monkeys or thorn twine.
- For now go back to the camp and plant the new seeds, don’t forget to water them.
- Finish Logans Quest, cut down a tree and collect the wood, you get your first blueprint. Go to the craftman station and prduce wooden planks. (Craftman)
We Build a Lodge
We build us a few huts
- You will find Logan on the hill, build his home.
- You get one decoration from him, the bad. Enter the house and place the bad.
- You need the proper items to build the bad.
- Don’t forget to sleep when your energy is low or water the plant.
- Up there are two more runes, one treasure chest and one destroyed bridge.
- Talk to Fiola because you need dowel for her home, you get a new blueprint for dowel.
- Get the required material on the beach. Over time new things are washed ashore again and again. Don’t forget to look after same from time to time.
- After building the house you get from Fiola a new bad as decoration and from Logan a new blueprint for an item, that you need for Svens home.
- Now you can talk to the crew member and give them a gift. Look at the description of the gift for a hint, which person could love it. After that you get always a new decoration for the houses.
- Build Scens home on the beach, where you stranded and go to Carles after this.
- After exploring the beach further go to Fiola. Have you already found her ingredients speak to her once more or search her lost seeds now.
- You can discover new recipe on the cooking station after finding new ingredients. Tomato-Onion Soup, Roasted Corn and Onion, Corn-Filled Tomato, Corn and Potato Mash, all level 2 recipes. (Gourmet)
- Have you discovered new recipes speak to Fiola, you get the Crew-Stew. (Crew-Stew)
- Put some ingredients in the pot and cook them, east from the stew and trade hearts against upgrades. You must pick them up from a certain person.
- If you build the north camp demarcation, you will find a new portal.
- Besides after some upgrades you can unlock new upgrades. After the east camp demarcation → your own home. It will also be shown to you right at the top.
- Cook the crew-stew again and again to fill the bar for a heart. It’s important for you to refill your ingredients stock.
- After that talk to Fiola again and the parrot appears, go to him.
- Talk to your father after it, he sand you to Sven and give you a piece of a telescope.
- Speak with Sven and get on the boat. Paddle with the boat to the upper part of the island.
- Right on the upper beach a portal, shell and a mysterious basin. Sometimes you can sea here a hidden treasure, but the basin must glow for it.
- On the small island are carrot and carrot seed.
- There are hungry monkeys, you can feed them to get something from them or aggressive seagulls on the boxes with plunder.
- On the island in the middle you can find Fritz, after that it goes automatically back to the camp.
- Repair his rod, after that you get a new blueprint, bring the rod back to Fritz.
- With the proper material you can build fritz home at the beach.
- Fritz teach you how to fish, choose the rod and go fishing.
- Catch a mackerel, a clam and a bluefish. Talk with Fritz again.
- You get a massage from Cecile and Fritz can. Now you can carry four dishes with you.
- You can discover six new dishes at the cooking station.
- Besides you can get two new rewards from the crew-stew. Fishpackage and Fritz’ rod.
- If you ready talk to Carles and make your way to the neighboring island to rescue Cecille, Teresa und Brenda.
- The relationship to Carles grow through the relationship to the other crew members. Have you the first heart full, you can teleport on the island without any costs.
On the way to the neighboring island
- On the upper island you will find Teresa, on the island to the lower left you will find Cecile and on the lower island you will find Brenda. (Reunion)
- On the upper island you will find Caine sugar, eggplant, on the island to the lower left Pumpkin and fresh thyme and one the lower island rice and allspice Powder. (Farmer)
- You can fish White Marlin, Flounder and crab on the surrounding island, you can also find Intricate Seashell.
- On the upper island one artifact, on the lower left island two artifact outside and one inside and on the lower island two artifact.
- Overall you can discover twenty new recipes on the cooking station.
- Are you step on a certain point on the islands, it unlocks new crew-stew rewards the treasure maps.
- Collect all the pearls on all three island (14 pearls) and you get the pearl necklace for Fiola. You get the Farmer’s Outfit in exchange for it and a new decoration: Farmer’s Outfit.
- Bring Teresa, Cecile and Brenda back to your home island and talk to Carles. He bag you to build the remaining houses for the crew members. You find Logan beside his home.
- The home for Brenda is behind Logans, Ceciles is on the left of the hill and Teresas ist to the right of Fiolas home. Build all three buildings. (Survivor Camp)
- Talk with Carles, after that go to Teresa, she have something for you. You get a lunch bag to carry five dishes at once and a new decoration.
- Go to Cecile, she gives you a decoration, cane sugar, fresh thyme and allspice powder.
- It goes on to Brenda, she gives you a treasure map and a decoration.
- Use the treasure map to find ancient hilt (lower left island), broken blade (upper left island) and sword hilt (lower island). Bring the three things back to Brenda.
- Talk with Carles. Go back to Brenda, she gives you a Rope Bridge Kit. With the kit you can build a bridge across the gap, investigate the new area.
- Beside the stairs you will find another artifact and on the pyramid three altars.
- It goes back to Carles, after that to Brenda, you get a sword. (The right Tool) And you get a a new blueprint from her for the Rope Bridge Kit.
We Build Bridges and Golden Tools
We build bridges
- Build four Bride Kit, use one on the backside of the home island for a fugitive essence and the third part of the artifact.
- The trees on this place gives you strongwood log and you get the blueprint Strongwood Beam.
- To get further here you need a Climbing Rope Kit or a Wooden Ladder Kit.
- It goes to the lower left island, build on the hill a bridge to the other side.
- It gives here Black Pepper, Chili and below a new Portal. To get further you need a Rope Kit.
- Touch the statue above and your first enemy in the game appears. (Danger ahead)
- After you win disappear the green barrier on the bridge.
- Got the bridge down for an fourth artifact part and a essence.
- Up you will find a second statue, this time appears two enemies. Further up a stronger enemy.
- Up here you find ginger and the same symbol as on the pyramid.
- Touch the symbol, you get automatically back to the camp.
- With the spice can you cook twelve new dishes.
- Talk with Carles, after that it goes to the other two islands.
- On the island below you must go through the cave to build the bridge.
- Behind the cave a essence, in the cave the third part of an artifact.
- Leave the cave above for a statue and one enemy. Like the first island there are one, two and a stringer enemy to defeat, the third enemy is in the cave.
- Leave the cave below for a boxes and a portal, above you will find the symbol of the pyramid.
- Talk to Carles, talk with all Crew member, leav the wreck and investigate the last island.
- Enter the cave on the upper left island and build a bridge in the back of the cave.
- Follow the way and you will find the statue, behind the barrier above an artifact and down it goes on.
- Go to the next statue, behind the next barrier left a essence and right the last statue.
- After you win touch the symbol and it goes back to your home island.
- Climb up the pyramid and touch all three symbols, talk with the ancestor. (Call of the ancestors)
- Go down to the beach and talk with Sven. Search for the broken rudder on the little sandbar of your home island, its on the sandbar left below.
- Talk with Sven for a new blueprint, repair the rudder on the workbench.
- Go with the rudder back to Sven. Go to Cecille.
- You get a lunchbox from her, you can carry six dishes at once now.
- Talk with all crew member and at last with the parrot for a letter of the ancestor.
- Go on the top of the pyramid and talk with the ancestor, you will find the canoe to the right.
On the way to the northeast island and the golden tools
- The canoe are on the left side of the rack with the boat.
- You don’t need the treasure map to find the golden tools. You only need the information, that they are on the different islands.
- Drive to the southeast island, on the beach below can you find the golden fishing rod.

- Have you already Terese on thankful status, you can regenerate energy while fishing.
- Behind the chest you find a pink fishing spot, there you can fish a twisted tentacle.
- The next tentacle is between home island and this island, climb on the stone.
- On the home island on the upper beach you can find the golden axe.

- On the northwest island on the upper left beach you will find the golden shovel.

- Here is a pink fishing spot too.
- The next one is above the right beach from this island on a stone in the water.
- The golden bucket is on the south island on the upper beach.

- Here is a tentacle fishing spot too.
- The second is down in the dent of the beach, you must climb on a rock.
- It goes on to the northeast island and the golden statue.
- You will find the golden sword on the upper beach. (Treasure Hunter)

- Here is a tentacle fishing spot.
- The last tentacle is on the end from one of the racks on the beach. After fishing all tentacles you receive Seamonster-Trophy, you can give the trophy to Fritz ore the last decoration and an outfit.
- On this island you can fish red snapper, hummer and sea bass. (Fisher)
- Left on the three sandbars of the island a statue and five enemies, after the fight the barrier on the beach of main island disappear.
- On the beach of the main island are three artifact and rightmost a essence.
- You must find all five essence at once without going back to the camp or they will disappear. (Ancient amulet for the ancestor)
- Enter the cage to find the fifth artifact.
- touch the next statue, it appears four normal, two stronger and the boss enemy.
- Take the golden statue and bring it back to the ancestor.
- There are fourteen new dishes on the cooking station.
- Place the statue on the left pedestal and talk with the ancestor.
- If you strong enough touch the statue for a wave of enemies.
- Take all dishes you can carry now and have full energy for the wave of enemies.
- The enemies aren’t that strong, but after every ten waves they get stronger.
- For the trophy you must win hundred waves of enemies. After the fight you get the bear mask and the first heart with the ancestor.
- Go to Steve, you get the blueprint for Robust Rig.
- The rig remains are one the sandbar of your home island. (second and third right, third left)
- Repair the rig and bring it back to Sven.
- Got to Teresa, she gives you a lunch bag. You can carry seven dishes at once with you now.
- Talk with the crew member and at last with the parrot, go to the ancestor.
The Second and Third Statue
The second Statue and Carles wake up
- After speaking with the ancestor Brenda gives you a blueprint for a Wooden Ladder Kit.
- Produce five Wooden Ladder Kits.
- After building the ladder on the south island you will find allspice seed, an artifact and a neat feather for the ancestor.
- On the south island you will find an artifact, a feather and thyme seed after building the ladder.
- On the northwest island you must build the ladder in the cave, above you will find an artifact, sugar cane seed and outside on the ledge a feather.
- (Architect)
- After building the ladder on the upper part of the home island you will find a new tree, that gives you Ironroot Logs and you get the blueprint fpr Ironroot Buttress. Below left is a feather and in the cave an artifact.
- After building the ladder on the northeast island you will find above five artifact and three statues. Defeat 2 normal, 3 stronger enemies. Enter the temple and you will find two artifact.
- Another Statue with 2 normal, 4 stronger and one boss enemy. Pick up the statue and bring it back to the ancestor at the top of the pyramid.
- Place the statue on the right pedestal. You muss overcome a trial of seventy waves for the trophy. After completion of the trial the ancestor gives you a bird mask. (Mighty Warrior)
- Go back to the camp and enter the wreck, talk with Carles.
- Go to Cecille and than back to Carles on the deck of the ship.
- A new reward in the crew stew is Carles Telescope, you should have every improved tool now. (Fully Equipped)
- Go to Steve for a new blueprint for a Steering Wheel. Die broken Steering Wheel are on the upper right sandbar.
- Repair the Steering Wheel and bring in back to Sven. (Ship Ahoy!)
- Talk with the captain, he gives you a schoolbag. You can carry eight dishes at once now.
- Talk with all crew member and at last with the parrot.
The third statue and so
- It goes to the ancestor again, he have found the third statue.
- Talk with Brenda, she gives you the blueprint for the Climbing Rope Kit.
- Produce five Climbing Rope Kit on the workbench.
- Enter the cave on the northwest island and hang up the rope. You will find the last artifact, a feather on the ledge and ginger seed. Above the ladder teleport to the rune with the telescope for worn dice in the chest, you should discovered 100%.
- On the southeast island you will find worn dice near the bridge, hang up the rope beside the portal on the top of the island. You will find pepper seed, the last artifact and a feather on the ledge. You should discovered 100% of the island.
- On the south island hang up the rope on the mountain. Left on the way a chest on a rock with dice. You will find chili seed, the last artifact and a feather on the ledge. You should discovered 100%. (Gourmet)
- On the home island you will the dice on the left side of the pyramid.
- On the upper part of the island hang up the rope behind the brdige. You will find the last artifact and a feather on the ledge. You should have discovered 100% of the island.
- At last ist goes to the northeast island, hang up the rope top right. You will find four artifact and three statues. Defeat five strong enemies. You should have discovered 100%. (Explorer)
- After the fight the barrier disappear in front of the cave. You will find the last three artifact in it. (Archivist)
- In the back of the cave a statue with six strong enemies and one boss. Take the statue and take it back to the ancestor.
- You can discover the last two recipes. (Master chef)
- Place the statue on the last pedestal. You can remove the curse of the island or stay.
- Touch the statue and overcome a trial of fifty waves of enemies. You get the dos mask as reward from the ancestor. (Legendary Fighter)
- Activate curses on the panel and the enemies drop black shred. You need thirteen pieces for a flag. I had to defeat seventy to get all pieces together.
- Get the stew to level 60 and get all the hats. ( Happy Crew and Hat Collector)
- Get all treasure maps out of the crew stew too. (Collector)
- Once you have done everything you can end the game. Touch the steering wheel on the ship and talk with the ancestor to remove the curse. (Cursebreaker)
- It gives two different endings. One the first on you sail home with the ship on the other you stay on the island and make the island to your new homeland. (Ending)
- Wooden Planks: 3 Simple Wood
- Makeshift Dowels: 2 Hardwood Fragments, 1 Rope Pieces
- Metal Brace: 2 Metal Scraps, 1 Hardwood Fragment
- Simple Fishing Rod: 1 Broken Rod, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Hardwood Fragment, 1 Rope Pieces
- Rugged Rope: 2 Sope Pieces, 1 Metal Scraps
- Partal Key: 4 Key Shard
- Rope Bridge Kit: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope
- Strongwood Beam: 3 Strongwood Log
- Ironroot Buttress: 3 Ironroot Log
- Wooden Ladder Kit: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Metal Brance
- Climbing Rope Kit: 2 Ironroot Buttress, 1 Metal brance, 1 Rugged Rope
- Solid Rudder: 1 Broken Rudder, 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brance
- Robust rig: 3 Rig Remains, 1 Rugged Sope
- Steering Wheel: 1 Broken Steering Wheel, 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels
- Small Farm Expansion: 1 Heart – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Rugged Rope
- First Water Barrel: 1 Heart – 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace
- Large Farm Expansion: 2 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Rugged Rope
- Second Water Barrel: 1 Heart – 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace
- Huge Farm Expansion: 3 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Rugged Rope
- Beach Shortcut; 1 Heart – 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels
- Sven’s Shortcut: 2 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Makeshift Dowels
- Shipwreck Shortcut: 3 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Makeshift Dowels
- Pyramid Shortcut: 4 Hearts – After building die bridge. – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Makeshift Dowels
- Fritz’s Pier: 3 Sterne – After finding enough fishing spots. – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Metal Brace
- Eastern Camp Shortcut: 1 Heart – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Makeshift Dowels
- Small Personal Shack: 2 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Makeshift Dowels
- Large Personal Shack: 3 Hearts – 4 Strongwood Beam, 2 Metal Brace
- Huge Personal Shack: 4 Hearts – 4 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Rugged Rope
- Personal Farming Ground: 3 Hearts – 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Rugged Rope
- Personal Crafting Station: 3 Hearts – 4 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Metal Brace
- Personal Cooking Station: 3 Hearts – 4 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Metal Brace
- Personal Shack Adornments: 3 Hearts – 4 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Metal Brace
- Fiola’s Shovel: 2 Hearts
- Reinforced Bucket: 2 Hearts – Water 3×3 fields, use in the middle of the fields.
- Logan’s Axe: 2 Hearts
- Fritz’s Fishing Rod: 2 Hearts
- Brenda’s Masterpiece: 2 Hearts
- Charles’ Telescope: 2 Hearts – After Carles awakening and you get the cup of tea from Cecille.
- Imported Seeds Package: 2 Hearts
- Domestic Seeds Package: 3 Hearts – After discover the Seed on the other island.
- Special Seeds Surprise: 4 Hearts – After discover the Spice on the other island.
- Exotic Seeds Surprise: 4 Hearts – After discover the Spice on the other island.
- Simple Wood Package: 2 Hearts
- Strongwood Logs Package: 3 Hearts – After cut down Strongwood Trees at the back of the island.
- Ironroot Chunk Package: 4 Hearts – After cut down Ironroot Trees on the top of the hill at the island.
- Metal Scraps Package: 2 Hearts – nach der Insel mit Teresa
- Hardwood Fragments Package: 2 Hearts – nach der Insel mit Cecille
- Rope Pieces Package: 2 Hearts
- Shiny Plunder Package: 3 Hearts
- Key Shard Package: 2 Hearts
- Building Component Package: 3 Hearts
- Peaceful Fish Package: 2 Hearts
- Stubborn Fish Package: 3 Hearts – After fishing White Marlin, Crab and Flounder
- Dangerous Fish Package: 4 Hearts – After fishing Snapper, Hummer and Sea Bass.
- Straw Hat: 2 Hearts – After building Teresa home.
- Adventurer’s Hat: 3 Hearts
- Tricorn Hat: 4 Hearts
- Pirate’s Hat: 5 Hearts
- Admiral’s Hat: 6 Hearts
- Dirty Treasure Map: 2 Hearts – Golden Shovel
- Musty Treasure Map : 2 Hearts – Golden Bucket
- Worn Treasure Map: 2 Hearts – Golden Axe
- Smelly Treasure Map: 2 Hearts – Golden Fishing Rod
- Serrated Treasure Map: 2 Hearts – Golden Sword
Dish | Level | Ingredient |
Corn on the Cob | 1 | Cob of Corn |
Corn and Potato Mash | 2 | Potato, Cob of Corn |
Corn-Filled Tomato | 2 | Tomato, Cob of Corn |
Roasted Corn and Onion | 2 | Onion, Cob of Corn |
Tomato-Onion Soup | 2 | Tomato, Onion |
Pumpkinsoup | 3 | Eggplant, Pumpkin, Zwiebel |
Corn Rice and Carrots | 3 | Cob of Corn, Rice, Carrot |
Carrot Eggplant Stew | 3 | Carrot, Tomate, Eggplant |
Pumpkin Corn Rice | 3 | Pumpkin, Cob of Corn, Rice |
Eggplant Pan | 3 | Rice, Eggplant, Kartoffel |
Pumpkin Stew | 3 | Kartoffel, Carrot, Pumpkin |
Sweet Pumpkin-Corn Rice | 3 | Pumpkin, Cob of Corn, Rice, Cane Sugar |
Hearty Eggplant Pan | 3 | Rice, Eggplant, Kartoffel, Thyme |
Seasoned Pumpkin Stew | 3 | Kartoffel, Carrot, Pumpkin, Allspice Powder |
Aromatic Pumpkin Soup | 3 | Eggplant, Pumpkin, Zwiebel, Ginger Root |
Spicy Corn Rice and Carrots | 3 | Cob of Corn, Rice, Carrot, Pepper |
Hot Carrot-Eggplant Stew | 3 | Carrot, Tomate, Eggplant, Chili |
Clam Casserole | 4 | Kartoffel, Clam, Tomate |
Mackerel and Potatoes | 4 | Mackerel, Onion, Kartoffel |
Bluefish Soup | 4 | Tomato, Cob of Corn, Bluefish |
Carrot Clams | 5 | Carrot, Zwiebel, Clam |
Baked Mackerel | 5 | Carrot, Mackerel, Kartoffel |
Stir-Fried Bluefish | 5 | Bluefish, Rice, Eggplant |
Lovers’ Stew | 5 | Carrot, Clam, Cob of Corn |
Mackerel-Tomato Soup | 5 | Tomate, Eggplant, Mackerel |
Bluefish Stew | 5 | Eggplant, Bluefish, Pumpkin |
Sweet Lovers’ Stew | 5 | Carrot, Clam, Cob of Corn, Cane Sugar |
Hearty Mackerel-Tomato Soup | 5 | Tomato, Eggplantn, Mackerel, Thyme |
Seasoned Bluefish Stew | 5 | Eggplant, Bluefish, Pumpkin, Allspice Powder |
Aromatic Carrot-Clams | 5 | Carrot, Zwiebel, Clam, Ginger Root |
Spicy Baked Mackerel | 5 | Carrot, Mackerel, Kartoffel, Pepper |
Hot Stir-Fried Bluefish | 5 | Bluefish, Rice, Eggplant, Chili |
Krabby Patties | 6 | Rice, Crab, Pumpkin |
Roasted Flounder | 6 | Flounder Potato, Onion |
Braised Marlin Filet | 6 | Pumpkin, Marlin, Tomate |
Crab and Clam Stew | 6 | Clam, Eggplant, Crab |
Flounder Salad | 6 | Tomate, Flounder, Carrot |
Marlin Steak with Corn Rice | 6 | Marlin, Cob of Corn, Rice |
Sweet Krabby Patties | 6 | Rice, Crab, Pumpkin, Cane Sugar |
Hearty Roasted Flounder | 6 | Flounder, Kartoffel, Zwiebel, Thyme |
Seasoned Braised Marlin Filet | 6 | Pumpkin, Marlin, Tomate, Allspice Powder |
Aromatic Crab and Clam Stew | 6 | Clam, Eggplant, Crab, Ginger Root |
Spicy Flounder Salad | 6 | Tomate, Flounder, Carrot, Pepper |
Hot Marlin Steak with Corn Rice | 6 | Marlin, Cob of Corn, Rice, Chili |
Lobster Tail Soup | 7 | Lobster, Clam, Tomate, Pumpkin |
Grilled Sea Bass | 7 | Mackerel, Zwiebel, Sea Bass, Eggplant |
Snapper Steak | 7 | Cob of Corn, Rice, Zwiebel, Schnapper |
Lobster Cocktail | 7 | Carrot, Lobster, Crab, Kartoffel |
Sea Bass Filet Plate | 7 | Pumpkin, Cob of Corn, Flounder, Sea Bass |
Red Snapper on Rice | 7 | Rice, Tomate, Carrot, Snapper |
Farmhand’s Bisque | 7 | Rice, Zwiebel, Lobster, Cane Sugar |
Wanderer’s Ration | 7 | Eggplant, Kartoffel, Lobster, Ginger Root |
Farmer’s Favorite | 7 | Cob of Corn, Lobster, Cane Sugar, Ginger Root |
Angler’s Assortment | 7 | Pumpkin, Tomato, Sea Bass, Allspice Powder |
Skipper’s Skewer | 7 | Cob of Corn, Carrot, Sea Bass, Thyme |
Fisherman’s Favorite | 7 | Rice, Sea Bass, Allspice Powder, Thyme |
Ironskin Stew | 7 | Kartoffel, Zwiebel, Snapper, Pepper |
Strong-arm Platter | 7 | Eggplant, Carrot, Snapper, Chili |
Fighter’s Favorite | 7 | Pumpkin, Snapper, Pepper, Chili |
Explorer’s Favorite | 7 | Tomato, Sea Bass, Lobster, Snapper |
All Important Items
Ingredients and Seeds
- Potato
- Cob of Corn
- Tomato
- Onion
- Carrot
- Eggplant
- Pumpkin
- Rice
- Cane Sugar
- Fresh Thyme
- Allspice Powder
- Black Pepper
- Chili Flakes
- Ginger Root
- Clam
- Mackerel
- Bluefish
- White Marlin
- Flounder
- Crab
- Intricate Seashell
- Red Snapper
- Lobster
- Sea Bass
- Twisted Tentacle: (there are eight pieces by the pink places in the ocean)
- Northwest Island: Upper beach to the left, right of the beach
- Southeast Island: Lower beach, between home and this island
- South Island: Upper beach, in the dent below
- Northeast island: Below at the rack, upper beach
- Smooth Pebble
- Magnificent Medallion
- Pristine Seed
- Scented Blossom
- Delicate Tools
- Chunky Acorn
- Odd Kernel
- Smelly Bulb
- Old Coin
- Intricate Seashell
- Floaty Driftwood
- Golden Tooth
- Neat Feather
- Map Snippet (Brenda)
- Pearlchain (Fiola) → Farmer’s Outfit
- Sea monster-Trophy (Fritz) → Mariner’s Outfit
- Ancient Amulet (Urahn) → Adventurer’s Outfit
- Würfelspiel (Carles) → Admiral’s Outfit
- Game of dice (Parrot) → Pirate’s Outfit
- The World’s Shaping 6 pieces on the southeast island.
- Ancient Prophecy 4 pieces on the northwest island.
- Champion’s Genesis 5 pieces on the homeisland.
- Eternal Champion 5 pieces on the south island.
- Captain Barbaross’ Logbook 4 pieces an the northeast island.
- Admiral Kennwalk’s Notebook 7 pieces on the northeast island.
- Commander Davenport’s Journal 7 pieces on the northeast island.
Golden Tools
- Golden Axe: Homeisland above of the island.
- Golden Fishing Rod: Southeast Island, at the bottom of the beach.
- Golden Shovel: Northwest Island, left above of the beach.
- Golden Bucket: South Island, above of the beach.
- Golden Sword: Northeast Island, above of the beach.
Profile of the Characteres
Captain Carles Profile
- Attentive: Travel across the same island costs no lonker Key Shards.
- Confident: Use the telescope to teleport to a aktivated blink rune.
- Proud: Instead of fade out when your energy is empty, you consume a dish if you have one.
- Triumphierend: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Bluefish, White Marlin, Allspice Powder
- Loeved Gifts: Old Coin, Magnificent Medallion
Captain Carles Decoration
- Bunk Bed: 5 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Shiny Plunder
- Swivel Chair: 3 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Shiny Plunder
- Large Table: 4 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Shiny Plunder
- Heavy Chest: 5 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Shiny Plunder
- Showcase: 3 Ironroot Buttress, 2 Shiny Plunder
- Ship in a Bottle: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Delicate Tools
- Reflecting Telescope: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Delicate Tools
- Family Portrait: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Magnificent Medallion
- Mannequin: Admiral’s Outfit: Admiral’s Outfit, 2 Shiny Plunder
Fiolas Profile
- Content: Crew Stew will buff you.
- Thankfuly: Have a chance to harvest a crop more than once.
- Cozy: Fiola take care of your crops, crops die not so fast anymore.
- Happy Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Cob of Corn, Tomato, Rice, Eggplant
- Loved Styles: Cottage Stylestil, Resort Style, Elegant Style
- Loeved Gifts: Pristine Seed, Intricate Seashell, Scented Blossom
Fiolas Decoration
- Single Bed: 3 Wooden Planksretter, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Chair: 1 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Side Table: 1 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Dresser: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Wardrobe: 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Vase of Sunflowers: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Scented Blossom
- Floral Wreath: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Scented Blossom
- Simple Carpet: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Mannequin: Farmer’s Outfit: 1 Farmer’s Outfit, 2 Shiny Plunder
Svens Profile
- Content: When you steal a seagull something, you have a chance to restore some energy.
- Thankful: In shallow water, rowing quickly costs no energy.
Im seichten Wasser kostet schnelles Rudern keine Energie. - Cozy: Outside of the Camp, you can quick travel to your boat.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Potato, Onion, Clam
- Loved Styles: Modern Style, Resort Style, IIndustrial Style
- Loeved Gifts: Delicate Tools, Floaty Driftwood, Golden Tooth
Svens Decoration
- Hammock: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Stool: 1 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Dinner Table: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Drawer: 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Slim Cabinet: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Bonsai Lemontree: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Chunky Acorn
- Paper Lamp: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Wallmounted Tool Rack: 3 Shiny Plunder, 1 Delicate Tools
Logans Profile
- Content: Have a chance to cut down a tree or bush in one.
- Thankful: Have a chance to open a box more than once.
- Cozy: Have a chance to get a additional Shiny Plunder from the boxes.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Carrot, Pumpkin, Crab
- Loved Styles: Rustic Style, Cottage Style, Baroque Style
- Loeved Gifts: Odd Kernel, Chunky Acorn, Smelly Bulb
Logans Decoration
- Single Bed: 6 Simple Wood, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Bench: 6 Simple Wood, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Dinner Table: 6 Simple Wood, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Tree Stumps: 3 Simple Wood, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Display Cabinet: 9 Simple Wood, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Candles: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Snowglobe: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Leaf-chaped Carpet: 3 Shiny Plunder
Fritz’ Profile
- Content: Three Stars Performance while fishing is stronger now.
- Thankful: You sprint faster.
- Cozy: The longer you sprint, the less energy it costs.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Mackerel, Flounder, Chili Flakes
- Loved Styles: Resort Style, Rustic Style, Industrial Style
- Loeved Gifts: Smooth Pebble, Intricate Seashell, Golden Tooth
Fritz’ Decoration
- Large Bed: 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Folding Chair: 1 Wooden Planks, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Folding Table: 1 Wooden Planks, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Display Shelf: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Wardrobe: 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Impossible Stone Stack: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Smooth Pebble
- Kettlebell: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Lemontree: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Pristine Seed
- Mannequin: Mariner’s Outfit: 1 Mariner’s Outfit, 2 Shiny Plunder
Cecilles Profile
- Content: After cooking you have a chance to get ingredients back.
- Thankful: Have a chance to eat a dish without consumed it.
- Cozy: Buffs you gain from food last longer.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Lobster, Fresh Thyme, Ginger Root
- Loved Styles: Elegant Style, Modern Style, Baroque Style
- Loeved Gifts: Odd Kernel, Intricate Seashell, Scented Blossom
Cecillles Decoration
- Twin Bed: 3 Strongwood Beam, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Armchair: 1 Strongwood Beam, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Night Stand: 1 Strongwood Beam, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Bookshelf 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Wardrobe: 3 Strongwood Beam, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Knife Block: 3 Shiny Plunder, 1 Delicate Tools
- Bathtub: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Herbal Line: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Fresh Thyme, 1 Ginger Root, 1 Chili Flakes
Teresas Profile
- Content: Slowly regenerate energy while you wearing a hat.
- Thankful: Have a chance with golden tools to regenerate energy instead of consume.
- Cozy: Permanent buss based on the outfit you are waering.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Sea Bass, Cane Sugar,
- Loved Styles: Baroque Style, Cottage Style, Elegant Style
- Loeved Gifts: Delicate Tools, Magnificent Medallion, Smelly Bulb
Teresas Decoration
- Canopy Bed: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Couch: 1 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Coffee Table: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Display Shelf: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Large Wardrobe: 3 Strongwood Beam, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Rugged Rope, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Chocolate Cake: 2 Shiny Plunder, 3 Cane Sugar
- Knitted Bedside Rug: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Peppermin Plant: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Pristine Seed
Brendas Profile
- Content: After a production of items you have a chance to get back materials.
- Thankful: Have a chance to find a gift twice.
- Cozy: Have a chance to get a Map Snipper when collecting any activity reward.
- Happy: Would love to stay on the island!
- Loved Ingredients: Snapper, Black Pepper
- Loved Styles: IIndustrial Style, Rustic Style, Modern Style
- Loeved Gifts: Delicate Tools, Old Coin, Golden Tooth
Brendas Decoration
- Single Bed: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Stool: 1 Strongwood Beam, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Desk: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Tool Drawer: 2 Strongwood Beam, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Display Cabinet: 3 Strongwood Beam, 1 Metal Brace, 1 Makeshift Dowels, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Replica Hammer: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Steel Sculpture: 2 Shiny Plunder, Delicate Tools
- Cactus: 2 Shiny Plunder, 1 Pristine Seed
Parrot Profile
- Comfortable: On the island on certain points you can trade dishes against goods with the parrot.
- Trusting: You can exchange surplus seed for useful things.
- Affectionate: On hard-toreach locationyou can trade rare items now with the parrot.
- Loeved Gifts: Pristine Seed, Odd Kernel, Golden Tooth
Parrot Deocation
- Pirate Bed: 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Barrel Seat: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Barrel Table: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Barrel Shelf: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Toy Rack: 2 Wooden Planks, 1 Shiny Plunder
- Cannon: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Cannonballs: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Ftorch Holder: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Mannequin: Pirate’s Outfit: 1 Pirat’s Outfit, 2 Shiny Plunder
Ancenstor Profile
- Expectant: Magical Masks Effect
- Impressed: You can teleport in your canoe without a single Portal Key.
- Respectful: You can curse your fiends to make them stronger and more chance for them to drop a unique gift.
- Loeved Gifts: Neat Feather
Ancestor Decoration
- Daybed: 5 Shiny Plunder
- Throne: 5 Shiny Plunder
- Altar: 5 Shiny Plunder
- Pedestal: 5 Shiny Plunder
- Shrine: 5 Shiny Plunder
- Golden Block Tower: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Bowl of Lemons: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Lava Lampe: 3 Shiny Plunder
- Mannequin: Adventure’s Outfit: 1 Adventure’s Outfit, 2 Shiny Plunder
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