How to Get the Weapon (Mosin Rifle)
You need to do the quests of the bald one who is in the square (H14-1). A bald series of quests for one of which gives a Mosin rifle.
The bald one will ask him to bring him three artifacts, screen B. can they be bought on the board or bought from traders or found in the anomalies using MGD.
How to Get the Weapon (TOZ-34)
The first most reliable and affordable weapon in the game is the TOZ-34 rifle, which can be obtained during the execution of the stew for the gun.
To get the above task, you need to go to the location of the Lubech’s OutLands and find Grisha Farmer in Д3-1 square, do a little quest in a couple of minutes and get TOZ-34, after you have received don’t give it to Grisha Farmer! Do not complete the quest or cancel it.
How to Get the Weapon (TT Pistol)
To get a gun you need to do a quest with a Kolya Acid disabled person without legs at the Lubech station (Г6-1).
How to Get MGD (Artifact Collector Device)
To get MGD you need to make a quest with a technician who is in the middle five-story building (Г3-2).
He will need to bring a lot of different parts and trash. buying them is not profitable; it is better to find them in the entrances of houses; even small wooden houses still exist in various hiding places on the map. it’s not necessary to do this quest, you can just sell him the various things that he asks for, earn a reputation and buy MGD. A regular MGD is better than a MGD prototype for a quest a prototype is given. All that a technician asks for a reputation is in the entrances of houses and wooden houses. you can still buy on the board but electro-loot is expensive. MGD at the start of the server is also expensive, I saw a prototype for 100,000 bought it right away and no more, I myself made the usual buying from a technician for a reputation and money. I have a lot of such loot because I kill everyone I see. The chance of a drop of electrolyte and other expensive things is a big 30% or more that will drop out.
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