How Quickly Pass Lesnaya Station
Overcoming location abandoned warehouse and being on location station “Forest”, turn around and take things out of the box, which lies on a concrete block as a result of completed job to pick up their things.
Next, go through swamps, in squares D5-D6, to a station in a square D7-4. Along the way, equip knife and revolver Nagant, who immediately charge and directly moving through the swamp, collect 3 Calamus, but at the first intersection of the marshlands to get stuck on the collection of sweet flag is not necessary.
When they reached the station, just talk to your character Caretaker and take his job Please Watchmen: copper wire. Then go to the huckster from the station and talk to him, take a job in Ljubech: Service huckster.
Go to the southern part of the square D6-4 to find there the copper wire on the instructions Please Watchmen: copper wire, and then move to the north-east corner of the square ZH6-1 to pick up the artifact to define in Ljubech: Service huckster, charge on the way and equip issued huckster MZA.
Taking out the anomaly artifact back to the station, the square D7-4. Immediately go to the Watchman and complete the job request Watchmen: copper wire, after a talk with the huckster and complete the task in Ljubech: Service huckster. Taking the huckster job in Ljubech “recipe” for the guard, go to V5-1 square, where you have to find the character of Vladimir Ilyich. If currently not in stock 3 Calamus, it is necessary to move the specified square through the swamps, where already, and you need to collect the required number of Calamus.
Reaching the Lenin talk to him and as a result it will give a couple of his job. After that you need to talk to him again and say that you have come at the request of huckster from the station. Following the results of the dialogue mission in Ljubech “recipe” for the guard must be renewed, and you will need to go to the square and G6-1 kill 2 dogs, which must be to cut (required Armed with a knife) to get 2 pair of dog’s ears.
Having obtained the ears, back to Vladimir Ilyich and give them to him, and then go to the eastern part of the D5-1 square, where in the yard near the fence next to the doghouse get embedded in the ground and put the can back earlier found Air marsh.
Once Air marsh is in cans, head to the south-eastern sector of the square to the G5-4 clumsy big tree. Next to find a tree root Ira you want to pick up and carry to Vladimir Ilyich.
Giving root Ira Ilyich, go to the huckster and report back to him on the work done as a result of the job in Ljubech “recipe” for the guard is complete and will be given a job in Ljubech: permission for Kochegarova.
Go to the square G8-4, the western tunnel, and talk to Misha Kochegarova about travel in Ljubech, resulting in completed assignments in Ljubech: permission for Kochegarova and Forced to hunt, and the character is on the station platform at locations Ljubech.
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