In this guide, All 20 Red Envelope Locations within Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition are identified.
Red Envelope Location Guide
This guide was designed to allow all players to find all the Red Envelopes.
In total, there are:
- 10 Red Envelopes in North Point.
- 5 Red Envelopes in Central.
- 3 Red Envelopes in Aberdeen.
- 2 Red Envelopes in Kennedy Town.
Red Envelope Location 1/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. Just South of the large Temple.
Red Envelope Location 2/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. Just South of Club Bam Bam.
Red Envelope Location 3/20
This Envelope is located in the North Western corner of the North Point district. North of Club Bam Bam, In the Center of Lok Fu Park, in front of a Tree.
Red Envelope Location 4/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. It’s in the North Eastern corner of the Night Market, in an alley way beyond some obstacles you need to climb.
Red Envelope Location 5/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. It’s in the North side of the Night Market, behind a large stall and through a series of Red doors.
Red Envelope Location 6/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. Towards the South Eastern side of the map, in Denlau Alley, the Red Envelope is directly to the right of that, across the highway, through a side road all the way to the end.
Red Envelope Location 7/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. Directly east of North Point, and South of the Waterfront there is a protruding piece of land, in the middle of this land are Industrial areas, you’ll find the Red Envelopes on top of a bunch of storage crates.
Red Envelope Location 8/20
This envelope is located in the North Point district. Directly East of the Night Market is the highway, going in the direction toward Central Financial, there is an emergency exit off the side of the road, the Red Envelope is just in the doorway.
Red Envelope Location 9/20
This Envelope is located on the Eastern side of the North Point district. Directly East of North Point, there is a small side road along the coast up to the Waterfront. Along this road there are some Sewage pipes going out into the ocean, on top of them is the Red Envelope.
Red Envelope Location 10/20
This Envelope is located in the North Point district. Right in the Middle of the massive storage docks East of North Point, is a place called “Top Glamour Imports Ltd Co”. On the side of one of the buildings is a Window canopy, where the Red Envelope is sitting. Jumping on top of some of the containers next to it, will allow you to make a jump across.
Red Envelope Location 11/20
This Red Envelope is located on the Eastern part of the Central district. On the Eastern side of Central just off the highway, you can see the “Boardwalk”, on a boat moored just North off this location, is the Red Envelope.
Red Envelope Location 12/20
This Envelope is located in the Central District. It’s inside an apartment at the end of a long alley way.
Red Envelope Location 13/20
This Envelope is located in the Central district. Just South of Government House, you will notice a Horseshoe shaped building. South of this is an entrance, through the glass doors, the Red Envelope will be on the reception desk.
Red Envelope Location 14/20
This Envelope is located in the Central district. In Central Hospital, The Red Envelope can be found in one of the hospital rooms.
Red Envelope Location 15/20
This Envelope is located right in the Middle of the Central district. It’s in the Middle of a large parking lot.
Red Envelope Location 16/20
This Envelope is located on the Northern part of the Aberdeen district. Just before hitting the start of the mountain road, you’ll notice a stair case on either side. Go down either one and a little further up, you’ll find the Red Envelope.
Red Envelope Location 17/20
This Envelope is located in the Aberdeen district. There’s an island just South West of the Aberdeen Sewage Outflow, and you’ll find the Envelope on the Western coast.
Red Envelope Location 18/20
This Envelope is located in the Aberdeen district. Just North off the docks on Aberdeen Island is an anchored boat, on top of some barrels on the boat, you’ll find the Red Envelope.
Red Envelope Location 19/20
This Envelope is located in Kennedy Town. It’s tucked away to the Western side of the large Cemetery.
Red Envelope Location 20/20
This Envelope is located in Kennedy Town.
Just to the East of Wong’s Parking, and next to the Dock Yard race.
A map would be much easier to use than 20 videos.