This guide is about costs for raiding or destroying all items apart from electricals with C4, explosive ammo and rockets.
Guide to Costs for Raiding or Destroying All Items
Note: Keep in mind for explosive ammo muzzle attachments such as muzzle break, muzzle boost and suppressors will cause less damage to players but not objects.
Rocket Raiding
Building Raiding
- Wooden: 2
- Stone: 4
- Metal: 8
- Armoured: 16
Construction Items
- Chain link fence gate: 1
- Chain link fence: 1
- Prison cell gate: 2
- Prison cell wall: 2
- Metal shop front: 6
- Garage door: 3
- Wooden window bars: 1 (Note: 3 HP left)
- Metal window bars: 4
- Metal embrasures (both): 4
- Armoured door: 4
- Armoured double door: 4
- Sheet metal door: 2
- Sheet metal double door: 2
- Floor grill: 2
- High External Stone Gate: 4
- High external wall: 4
- Tool Cupboard: 1
- High external wood wall: 2 (Note: Has 1-5 hp left)
- High external wood gate: 2 (Note: Has 1-5 hp left)
- Reinforced window bars: 6
- Bulletproof glass window: 4
- Wooden Door: 1
- Wooden Double Door: 1
- Shop Front: 1
- Ladder hatch: 2
- Vending machine: 11
- Auto Turret: 4
- Flame Turret: 2
- Sam Site: 4
- Shotgun Trap: 2
- Stone barricade: 1
- Concrete Barricade: 1
- Small water catcher: 1
- Large water catcher: 1
- Wooden Barricade: 1
- Barbed wooden barricade: 1
- Metal Barricade: 3
- Ladder: 1
- Netting: 1
- Watch tower: 2 (Note: has 2 hp left so technically 3)
- Wood Shutters: 1
- Sand bag Barricade: 1
Timed Explosive Raiding
Building raiding
- Wooden: 1
- Stone: 2
- Metal: 4
- Armoured: 8
Construction Items
- Chain link fence gate: 1
- Chain link fence: 1
- Prison cell gate: 1
- Prison cell wall: 1
- Metal shop front: 3
- Garage door: 2
- Wooden window bars: 1
- Metal window bars: 2
- Metal embrasures (both): 2
- Armoured door: 2
- Armoured double door: 2
- Sheet metal door: 1
- Sheet metal double door: 1
- Floor grill: 1
- High External Stone Gate: 2
- High external wall: 2
- Tool Cupboard: 1
- High external wood wall 1
- High external wood gate: 1
- Reinforced window bars: 3
- Bulletproof glass window: 2
- Wooden Door: 1
- Wooden Double Door: 1
- Shop Front: 1
- Ladder hatch: 1
- Vending machine: 3
- Auto Turret: 1
- Flame Turret: 2
- Sam Site: 1
- Shotgun Trap: 1
- Stone barricade: 1
- Concrete Barricade: 1
- Small water catcher: 1
- Large water catcher: 1
- Wooden Barricade: 1
- Barbed wooden barricade: 1
- Metal Barricade: 2
- Ladder: 1
- Netting: 1
- Watch tower: 1
- Wood Shutters: 1
- Sand bag Barricade: 1
Picking Walls/Foundations/Roofs
- Stone wall: Spears: 23
- Stone wall: Metal pickaxe: 7
Building raiding
- Wooden: 40 with slight burning
- Stone: 169
- Metal: 400 – 401
- Armoured: 800
Explosive ammo raiding
- Chain link fence gate: 11
- Chain link fence: 20
- Prison cell gate: 63
- Prison cell wall: 63
- Metal shop front: 300
- Garage door: 150-151
- Wooden window bars: 46
- Metal window bars: 202
- Metal embrasures (both): 169 roughly
- Armoured door: 200
- Armoured double door: 200
- Sheet metal door: 63
- sheet metal double door: 63
- Floor grill: 63
- High External Stone Gate: 177
- High external wall: 177
- Tool Cupboard: 10
- High external wood wall: 90
- High external wood gate: 90
- reinforced window bars: 300
- Bulletproof glass window: 200
- Wooden Door: 18
- Wooden Double Door: 18
- Shop Front: 55
- Ladder hatch: 63
- Vending machine: 500
- Auto Turret: 90
- Flame Turret: 33-34
- Sam Site: 87 – 88
- Shotgun Trap: 28
- Stone barricade: 10
- Concrete Barricade: 47
- Small water catcher: 12
- Large water catcher: 19
- Wooden Barricade: 19
- barbed wooden barricade: 30
- Metal Barricade: 107
- Ladder: 8
- Netting: 10
- Watch tower: 80
- Wood Shutters: 18
- Sand bag Barricade: 20
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