Useful tips for playing as Japan in the Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts game.
How to Play as Japan
- Start game as Japan in 1890. Don’t build any ships on game start. Set crew pool to 0% and tech/transport sliders to 100%.
- Research some technology for 10 years and don’t build any ships. If you get some trade partners you could design something that isn’t too terrible like a torpedo boat and make them if you want. Don’t use the politics tab unless someone is starting to go heavy negative.
- After 10 years build some BB or LC depending on whichever tech lines up first. Build up to like 20 LC and 10-15 BB. Make sure you have plenty of tonnage for invasion power.
- While you are building either your LC/BB turn naval spending up to 51% and start using the politics tab to get china to about 70% and hold there until the fleet is built.
- Declare war on china. Fight them and blow up their good ships then Naval Invade : NE China and E china. After that you can let land battles play out and invade some other areas or you can end the war.
- Go to war with Spain and take East/West Philippines (these will discover oil). You may or may not need more ships depending on how Spain does with the USA. Do not bother taking anything else.
- Build up a lot of ships and then go after ENG. The main target is SIngapore and Brunei. If you really want to dig in deep you can go for East/West India (but you can also “earn” those by doing well in the fighting.
- Why are we going for these places? Oil. If you ever get entangled with Russia you can liberate Vladivostok.
- One reason not to take minor islands that never get oil is that if the enemy owns it you get “free transport raiding” in that zone and it’s +1 area they have to defend.
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