Hello, and welcome. This guide will teach you how to successfully make some cash off of Golden Slimes and Golden Largos.
How to Get the Stuff
So, first things first. Gilded Ginger is a veggie, only found in the Glass Desert. Only two can spawn at a time all around the area and are rare usually. I recommend checking corner areas and areas without many slimes. I also want to note that most i have found are near the cliffs of the island.
Gilded Gingers give 5 gold plorts when given to a golden slime. But that is a TOTAL waste! Instead get a gordo snare, preferrably master to make your chances to best. Then pop it on and sleep. Then once you have a Golden Gordo, find more. Once you have 5 put food all around it and burst it with the gingers. All the slimes will eat the food pre-placed and end up sending gold plorts flying.
To capture a Gold Slime, place a #1 Slime Stage near a spot you think works with another node for tech very close. Then get a snare next to it, burst it and try and get a gold slime onto the stage.
You now have a Gold slime captured, and Golden Plorts to flex. (Just dont tell the people about the vaults!)
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