Slime Rancher – Guide to the New Rush Mode (Rush Plortmaster Achievement)

Slime Rancher - Guide to the New Rush Mode (Rush Plortmaster Achievement)
Slime Rancher - Guide to the New Rush Mode (Rush Plortmaster Achievement)

Move outta the way 5 Day Rush because the new and improved Rush Mode is here. Rush Mode is very similar to 5DR but has very big differences to it. This guide will make sure that you know the tips and tricks to making the biggest profit and so you don’t make the same mistakes I did.

The Ranch

So you’ve started up rush mode and you’re put right down on your ranch with a ticking timer on your Vacpac. The first thing you should do is check the Range Excahange and complete your first request.

The Range Exchange works as normal except that you are given 6 Gilded Ginger (The only thing a gold slime will eat) and extra time. Your next step should be to get to popping Gordos around the Dry Reef and while you’re at it, put down two teleporters on your ranch for later with the build menu (T)

Important things to note:

  • House actions are unavailable 
  • All main ranch expansions are unlocked 
  • Lab is unusable 
  • You start fully upgraded, this includes extra storage, jetpack, and even the golden sureshot 
  • You have 3 teleporter sets, 3 warp depot sets, a market link, 3 Hydro Turrets, and 2 Med stations in your build menu under “Warp Tech” and “Utilities”

To Do List

  • While you go to different regions, there are times where you will come back to the ranch since it is your “teleporter hub zone”. Whenever you do, sell any plorts you have unless you’re using them for Largo purposes, check the Range Exchange if you can trade with NPC’s, and if you have corrals with slimes, make sure they are well fed. Try to bring new food from other regions to grow it on your ranch. 
  • While out in the world, search for Gold Gordos so you can eventually pop them, get Treasure Pods and break open crates for more money, use your market link to sell plorts that are cluttering your inventory, and if you ever feel like you need to, use your three warp depots and one extra teleporter if you feel they might help. You also have the med stations and hydro turrets but I don’t feel like they would help much while out in the world. 
  • Make sure to plan ahead with your corals, farms, food, and slimes. If you want to free ranch then prepare for the future. If you want lots of tabbies or rocks then make sure to if not do it then at least start it early on. 
  • Important things to note – Treasure pods always have money, Green has 100, Blue has 200, and Purple has 350 

Dry Reef

If you have your Ginger and if you go out the main Ranch exit, you should notice a Gold Gordo. They take 3 gingers to pop and spawn gold slimes that give triple plorts so make sure you have food when you go to pop them.

Gordos take less to pop in Rush and take only 1 food unit if they’re sitting on a teleporter. Your next step is to pop all five Reef Gordos (and try to get the gold ones too!)

  • The first Pink Gordo takes 20 food units, keep in mind that there is a pogofruit tree next to it.
  • The Tabby Gordos both only need one Hen or Rooster each.
  • There is lots of food on Ring Island for the second Pink gordo (20 units)

Phosphor Gordo needs 30 fruits or 15 Cuberries. After bursting the Phosphor Gordo, you should collect the slimes and store them in a corral. Phosphor Slimes only spawn naturally at night and if you need them for something in the day then it can be painful to wait.

If you do all this, then you can begin moving on to further regions.

Important things to note:

  • Map nodes are unneccesary but may help if you don’t know the map like the back of your hand (I’ve been playing too much of this game)

Moss Blanket

Because of the Phosphor Slime tip, I normally take the teleporter in The Overgrowth to get back to the other side of the Reef, from there I head to the Moss Blanket. You should have 3 keys but you don’t need any of them yet. When you get here:

Use your jetpack to get up onto the ledge:

And now you’re in the Moss Blanket and you didn’t have to use a key!

You can collect honey or hunter slimes but I normally use one key to get into the Ruins courtyard and I place a teleporter on the first build spot in the ruins (to serve as a teleporter for the Moss Blanket and the Ancient Ruins) and I head to the ranch.

Important things to note:

  • Honey Gordo is pretty easily accessible for an extra key if you want.

Indigo Quarry

From the ranch, I use a very cool speedrunners tactic to get into the Indigo Quarry without a key. (If you watch too far ahead then spoilers for Adventure Mode, duh)

Skip to 2 minutes…

When you get into the Quarry, pop both of the Rock Gordos. This will give you a teleporter back to ranch and a teleporter to Ash Isle which has three more Gold Gordos.

Important things to note:

  • Rad Gordo is pretty easily accessible for an extra key if you want.

Ancient Ruins / Glass Desert

I’m compressing these two areas to one section because there is very little to do in the Ruins besides place that teleporter I talked about earlier and a Gold Gordo. Just head on right down to the Glass desert from here using your second key.

In the desert, place another teleporter near the entrance that leads back to home. You can use your last key on one of the doors to unlock the second half of the Glass Desert. There isn’t much to do except to get Parsnips, Pears, and the four desert slimes. The Tangle Gordo again only needs one chicken to pop. You’re back at your Ranch and you should probably get to work with making some money now that everything is set up for the grinding.

Important things to note:

  • The big slime gate and the Desert teleporter are already unlocked for you. 
  • Gold Gordos in the Glass desert are only in the second half of the Desert, as well as naturally spawning fire slimes. You don’t need that third key but it’ll help.

Back to the Ranch

If you followed your to do list, you probably planned ahead, if you didn’t then you better get to work in fixing everything up, if you did then good on you. Either way you probably missed something, be it a slime or a food item. With your teleporters in place you have easy access to basically everywhere in the world!

This is the most boring part though, just farming and grinding and making sure that you get as much profits as you can. Keep an eye on the range exchange and complete trades quickly, time is money at this point, and you’re running pretty low on it. Exchanging will also give you ginger to head out and pop some Gold Gordos.

You need to try your hardest to not get knocked out, not only will you lose a minute but 10% of your money will be gone. It’s not to bad when you start Rush Mode since you only lose ~100 newbucks per death but once you start getting rich, one knockout can be devastating.

Important things to note:

  • Selling 25 of a type of plort gives you a bonus. The more bonuses, the better your score. Basically just try to get at least 25 of every plort 
  • Saber Slimes and Saber plorts aren’t a thing in Rush, neither are Quicksilver Slimes and plorts. Just don’t worry about Ogden and Mochi 
  • You can use Warp Depots as storage, try not to waste money on Silos 
  • Because of the built in pond in the Docks, a Pond is a waste of money 
  • Anything other than High Walls, Air net, and Plort collector isn’t needed 
  • Scareslime is a waste of money

Gold Gordos

I haven’t talked much about the Gold Gordos so here’s a section just for them. There are 11 Gold Gordos in total. 4 in the Dry Reef (3 on island), 3 on Ash Isle in the Indigo Quarry, 1 in the Moss Blanket on Feral path, 1 in the Ruins, and 2 at the very end of the Glass Desert. (There may be more but i am 99% sure these are all of them, if anybody finds anything different, please tell me.)

Dry Reef

In the first section of the Dry Reef, in plain sight.

Ring Island

On a small rock surrounded by shallow water on Ring Island

Next to the path to the bridges that lead to the Pink Gordo on Ring Island

On top of the Ring Island Vault

Moss Blanket

On top of the Feral Path Vault

Indigo Quarry / Ash Isle

Inside the cavern of Ash Isle

On the far side of the island close to the ramp to the Crystal Gordo

On top of the Ash Isle Vault

Ancient Ruins

In the middle of the main underground cavern of the Ruins

Glass Desert

Out in front of the final area of the Glass Desert

In place of Hobson’s last note in the last area of the Glass Desert

Important things to note:

  • Since there are no credits, no Starmail, and no Hobson, the Vaults are sealed off. Instead, there is a Gold Gordo on top of each of them

Time’s Up!

Rush mode isn’t infinite, there will always be an end. After enduring 3 minutes of stressful fast paced music, that’s it, you’re done!

If you did finish Rush Mode then why don’t you send a screenshot of your score as well as some feedback? I’d love to be able to improve this guide and see if it actually helped people or was a big waste of time.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1022 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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