The Matchless Kungfu – My Meridian Setups from Early to Late Game

Easy Meridian setup guide for the lazy.

About Meridian and Inner Kungfu

Hi, I played this game for a few days I really enjoyn it. I unlocked 34 Inner Kungfu at the momment so I wanted to share some of my discovery in Meridian setup so you guys can have an easier time playing the game.

Meridian + Inner Kungfu is the passive abilities in this game. WIth correct combo your character will be very OP

You can get the 1st Inner Kungfu when you go to sleep, so find a bed or craft a Bamboo mat and sleep on it.

The meridian flows one way and has to connect back into the core to get the passive boost.

You can learn more Inner Kungfu from NPC and buy from bookcase. When you first start I recommmend going around talking to all NPC to learn Inner Kungfu for free.

Dipping Your Meridian

Dipping is to establish as many connection as possible on one node, preferly the 1st node becuase it got the most connection.

Dipping is very important because it boost the passive alot. Try to adjust the 1st node of your flow so that node can have 4-5 connection to your core.

You can see the stat difference at the right of each image

Before dipping:

After dipping: The red lines are connections to the core

Early Game Meridian (Before Primodial Chaos Inner Kungfu)

The higher level of Chi the stronger damage and efffect of your abilty will do.

  • Level 1: Increase Skill Damage by 50%
  • Level 2: Increase Skill Damage by 100%, Bad Status fading Speed by 1
  • Level 3: Increase Skill Damage by 150%, Bad Status fading Speed by 2, Block bad Ailment Growth.
  • Level 4: Increase Skill Damage by 200%, Bad Status fading Speed by 3, Block bad Ailment Growth.
  • Level 5: Increase Skill Damage by 250%, Bad Status fading Speed by 4, Block bad Ailment Growth, Double Skill effect.

Bellow are setups that I use before I get the Promodial Chaos Inner Kungfu:

*Moon & Harmony level 5 Meridian: This setup is useful to explore Cold map and do Stealth stuff. Low health but high crowd control power. Cold+ Drunk stack can make enemies into sandbag because all their moves are either disabled or removed.

+Moon Inner Kungfu: Tranquility Spell, Mechanic, Freeze Spell, Art of Five Sense

Immnue to Frozen, chance to inflict Cold Stack and fast Lock picking Speed.

+Harmony Inner Kungfu: Art of Drunkness, Yi Jin Ling, Druken Immortal, Art of harmony

Immnue to Pass Out Drunk, chance to inflict Drunk.

Text Build: Triagle = A, Square =N, Round = O (I write in multiple lines for easy reading)


Image Preview without dipping, remember to dip your first node after for more stat, Red square is starting node:

*Sun & Venom level 5 Meridian: This setup is useful to explore Heat and Venom Map. High health and alot of Damage over Time with your attacks and skills. You can also defeat most early enemy with “Wave Palm” skill right at start of the battle with this setup.

Note: “Demo Slayer Arhat” Inner Kungfu boost Sun skills damage by 50% which also boost “Wave palm damage but I can’t fit it into the build without sacrifice alot of thing in return.

+Sun Inner Kungfu: Art of heart Flame Art of Marrow Refining, Heart-burning spell

Immnue to Burn, chance to inflict Heat Stack

+Venom Inner Kungfu: Art of Soul Deprivation, Anti-toxin Spell, Poison Proof Spell

Stack Misfortune stack, Cure toxin worm, Convert debuff to HP during combat.

Text Build: Triagle = A, Square =N, Round = O, Left over = – (I write in multiple lines for easy reading)


The leftover 1 node can be anything and you should connect to them before connect to the core

Image Preview without dipping, remember to dip your first node after for more stat, Red square is starting node:

Mid Game Meridian (After Getting Primodial Chaos Inner Kungfu)

After a few game days you can meet some NPCs who have Primodial Chaos Inner Kungfu in their teaching list or in bookshelf of Sect Training room. This skill unlock more Meridian nodes for us to unlock more passive at once. Bellow is my build:

All Chi level is 5 except Toxin.

Text Build: Triagle = A, Square =N, Round = O (I write in multiple lines for easy reading)


Image Preview without dipping, remember to dip your first node after for more stat:

Late Game Build (True Method Inner Kungfu)

When you return to Karma with either 1 million coins/30 intimate relationships/30 emity relationships, you can unlock “Pristine birthright” karma for your next character. This karma give us a super strong Inner Kungfu called True method that give more Meridian node after connect it for the first time and it also stack with Primodial Chaos to give us total 45 nodes.

This build unlocks 22/34 of my Inner Kungfu and very versertile:

  • + Maximum Chi level possible (All Chi level 5 except Harmony. If they give me 2 more nodes I can maxed them all) = Immune to most harmful effects+ debuffs
  • + 27k HP and +140 attack in all moves at level 1(new character after getting Pristine Birthright)
  • + Fast lock picking,
  • + Bonus to BIonic Move
  • + Beastmaster (Beast toungue Karma)
  • + More money+item begged with Lotus in Heart

So you can explore anywhere and fight any style you like without respec your whole Meridians when you want to try new stuff.

Text Build: Triagle = A, Square =N, Round = O, Left over = – (I write in multiple lines for easy reading)

AON - -

The leftover 2 nodes can be anything and you should connect them before connect to the core

Image Preview without dipping, remember to dip your first node after for more stat, too:

This image bellow is full stat when you dipping all meridian with no gear:

At maximum Weave level you can craft the Crimson Alligator shirt, which give you double Vigor, now you are the true God of Kungfu world with no cheating at all:

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1025 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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