Effects, Triggers, and Lore for Daughter Traits.
Known Traits
Name: Agile
Effect: Dodge +10%
Quote: My child has become untouchable!
Unlock Probability: 50%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Win multiple survival missions.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Aggressive
Effect: Damage +50
Quote: From her first steps, she has led the fight against evil.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 1-1
Unlock Condition: Has to deal the most damage on her very first mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Arrogant
Effect: Critical Damage +10%, Exp Gain -10%
Quote: Taking no damage deceived her, she no longer wants to learn.
Unlock Probability: 30%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Complete mission without taking damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Aware
Effect: End of Turn Delay -5
Quote: Out of the carnage she stepped, filled with wisdom.
Unlock Probability: 5%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Win a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Berserker
Effect: Damage +30%, Dodge +30%
Quote: Of all her sisters, it is the Blademaster who has learned to use her wrath.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Blademaster Only – Win a boss mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Born Killer
Effect: AP +10
Quote: I saw her move, carnage incarnate and untouched.
Unlock Probability: 30%
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Kill the most enemies and don’t get hit.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Broken Bones
Effect: HP -30%, Critical Damage +25%
Quote: My poor daughter will never recover from her wounds.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Get below 10% HP
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Broken
Effect: Turn delay -10, Damage +20%
Quote: Repeated losses have made her constantly fatigued.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Complete Ritual missions.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Curse Seeker
Effect: Critical Chance + 5%
Quote: She knows the weaknesses of the curse witch.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Kill X curse witches.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Defeated
Effect: Push Resist +10%, Starting Initiative -5
Quote: It was too much for them, and now she suffers.
Unlock Probability: 25%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Fail a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Ethereal Frame
Effect: Movement -1, +30 Armor
Quote: She lost so much… she no longer has the same cohesion.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Take the most damage during a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Guilt-Wracked
Effect: Critical Chance + 5%, Dodge – 10%
Quote: Her inability to avenge her sisters has made her impotent.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: daughter dies
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition confirmed, level not confirmed)
Name: Hawkeye
Effect: Damage +30%
Quote: That experience gave her preternatural insight.
Unlock Probability: 5%
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Win a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Humble
Effect: Exp Gain +20%
Quote: She did so much damage, but left the killing blow for the others.
Unlock Probability: 30%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Deal the most damage, get the fewest kills.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Immortal
Effect: HP +200
Quote: She became so brave, ready for the ultimate sacrifice.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Survive several missions with low health.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Injured
Effect: Damage +50, HP -200
Quote: Who could sustain such terrible damage? No one.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Take the most damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Inquisitor
Effect: Damage +30% vs Corrupted
Quote: She knows the weaknesses of her corrupted sisters.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Kill a certain number of Corrupted Daughters.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Killer of Nightmare Creatures
Effect: Damage against nightmare creatures +20%
Quote: None of the Nightmare Creatures can stand against her.
Unlock Probability: 10%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Kill a certain number of Nightmare Creatures.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Nimble
Effect: Dodge +30%
Quote: She dodged, she weaved, and nothing can touch her now.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Dodge a certain number of times during a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: One with the Gun
Effect: Critical Chance +10%, +10 AP
Quote: My pride and joy! She has achieved true mastery.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Soulslinger only – Complete mission without taking damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: One with the Shield
Effect: Health +20%, +10 AP
Quote: My pride and joy! She has achieved true mastery.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Shieldbearer only – Complete mission without taking damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: One with the Sword
Effect: Damage +20%, +10 AP
Quote: My pride and joy! She has achieved true mastery.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Blademaster only – Complete mission without taking damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Pensive
Quote: She failed to protect a bright soul, and now she has stagnated.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Fail to rescue the Bright Soul in a Rescue mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Plague Seeker
Effect: Damage +10% vs Cultists
Quote: This one, the minions of the plague shall fear her forever.
Unlock Probability: 10%
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: Kill a certain number of Cultists.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Precise
Effect: Critical Damage +25%
Quote: She learned how to seek out the weak spots.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Do a high number of critical hits during a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Prodigy
Effect: Critical Chance +10%
Quote: She showed her elders how it is done.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Have the lowest level, do the most damage[confirmation needed]
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Protector
Effect: Armor +100%
Quote: Rise, Shieldbearer, and protect those weaker than you!
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Shieldbearer Only – Complete a mission without other daughters being damaged by attacks
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Quick Study
Effect: Exp Gain +30%
Quote: From the very beginning she showed her abilities, now watch her grow!
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: > 8
Unlock Condition: Do most kills or dmg during first fight.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition not confirmed, level confirmed)
Name: Resourceful
Quote: From certain defeat, victory. now she moves like lightning.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 1-5
Unlock Condition: While below 10% HP, deal the most damage and win the mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Sacrifice Trait Pool (Scythedancer)
Effect: Timeline Starting Position -X, End of Turn Delay +X
Quote: A remnant of _ lives on in her sister.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 1-15
Unlock Condition: Regenerate daughter by sacrificing a Scythedancer. Modifiers scale with level of sacrificed daughter. Overwrites previous Sacrifice trait.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Sacrifice Trait Pool (Soulslinger)
Effect: Dodge +X%, Critical Chance +X%
Quote: A remnant of _ lives on in her sister.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 1-15
Unlock Condition: Regenerate daughter by sacrificing a Soulslinger. Modifiers scale with level of sacrificed daughter. Overwrites previous Sacrifice trait.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Sacrifice Trait Pool (Shieldbearer)
Effect: HP +X, Push Resistance +X%
Quote: A remnant of _ lives on in her sister.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 1-15
Unlock Condition: Regenerate daughter by sacrificing a Shieldbearer. Modifiers scale with level of sacrificed daughter. Overwrites previous Sacrifice trait.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Sacrifice Trait Pool (Blademaster)
Effect: Damage +X, Critical Damage +X%
Quote: A remnant of _ lives on in her sister.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: 1-15
Unlock Condition: Regenerate daughter by sacrificing a Blademaster. Modifiers scale with level of sacrificed daughter. Overwrites previous Sacrifice trait.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Shocked
Effect: Push Resistance -30%, Movement Range +2%
Quote: This one, forever marked by her failure.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Get rooted in a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Supple
Effect: Timeline Starting Position -15, Movement +2
Quote: The Scythedancer reaps what her sisters sow.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition:
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Terrified
Effect: Movement Range +1, AP -10
Quote: Alas, she has lost her nerve. Her future is uncertain.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Complete a mission after losing > 80% of your HP.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition confirmed, level not confirmed)
Name: Unprotected
Effect: Damage +20%, Armor -50%
Quote: There and then, she lost the favor of the graces.
Unlock Probability: 20%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Shieldbearer Only – Deal the most damage during a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Unshakable
Effect: Armor +100%
Quote: No loss can break her
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Be the only Daughter to survive a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗ (condition confirmed, level not confirmed)
Name: Unstoppable
Effect: Push Resistance +20%
Quote: Around her feet, the remains of evil. In her mind, clarity.
Unlock Probability: not confirmed
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Win a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
Name: Veteran
Effect: AP +10
Quote: All she has seen across countless fights has sharpened her senses.
Unlock Probability: 100%
Level Requirement: any
Unlock Condition: Complete 10 missions and take no damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Weak of Spirit
Effect: Damage -20%. Critical Damage +15%
Quote: This fight is ruthless, there is no room for clemency.
Unlock Probability: 30%
Level Requirement: 6-10
Unlock Condition: Do no damage to monsters in a mission.
Developer Confirmed: ✓
Name: Wise
Effect: Memory cost -40%
Quote: Understanding her role, she positions herself perfectly.
Unlock Probability: unknown
Level Requirement: 11-15
Unlock Condition: Soulslinger only – do most damage.
Developer Confirmed: ✗
I’ve gotten Aggressive on level one daughters. I think it’s from bursting or dealing damage in the first turn of her first mission.
Veteran is about doing a certain number of missions. I think it’s around six or so, since I usually start seeing it after the surgeon on daughters I’ve sent out every day since the beginning of the run.
Prodigy is about the relative level of the daughter. I think it’s if she gets the most kills or deals the most damage while of lower level than the other daughters on the mission.
I’m pretty sure Guilt-wracked is from fleeing a battle after the death of another daughter (rather than staying and avenging her). That’s the only situation I’ve seen it show up in.
I didn’t even know you could escape targeted ranged attacks by moving far enough away. I think a daughter can gain Aware by repeatedly ending turns just outside an enemy’s movement range. I’ve recently stopped doing that for the most part (since I found out enemies can only attack on their first turn if you’re right next to them, so I can be more aggressive about my positioning and get kills easier), and I haven’t seen any daughters get it for a while.
I haven’t seen Born Killer yet, despite having done plenty of multikills. Perhaps I haven’t reached the minimum level yet. My highest is just a fraction away from level 9.
I’m not surprised I haven’t seen Nimble, since I rarely let a daughter get hit at all if I can help it. I’ll have to do some testing with a Soulslinger-buffed Shieldbearer going into a low-level mission solo.
Thanks for the clarifications!
No problem! After a bunch of searching, this was the only place I’ve found where anyone tried to make any kind of list of traits and how they may be acquired. I appreciate the effort.