Crit Damage Explanation
All modifiers that offer a flat amount can be construed as such. But it’s not diminishing returns in the traditional sense, where investing into something returns an output of less. Rather, it can be easily explained with this principle.
As you gain more of something in equal amounts, it’s impact relative to gaining something else may become less.
Crit Damage is easy to explain this with. Crit Damage is 200% in PVE, which means when you score a Crit hit, you will deal double the damage.
By equipping one of the sets from T3 Argos, this number can go to 250% while the set effect is active. At 250%, your Crit Damage has increased by 25%.
- 200% x 1.25 = 250%
This reflects in your damage accordingly.
- 500 Base Damage x 2.0 = 1,000 Final Damage
- 500 Base Damage x 2.5 = 1,250 Final Damage
1,250 is 25% more than 1,000 damage. In a vacuum where we have 100% Crit Chance, 50% Crit Damage is a 25% increase in global damage.
Now, let’s say we’re in a predicament. We can only fit in one engraving between Sharp Blunt and Blitz Commander, and let’s say we have 40% extra movement speed, in the same vacuum where we also have 100% Crit Chance. Let’s also neglect the chance of 20% reduced damage on Sharp Blunt, as the odds of this triggering are very low.
Sharp Blunt would improve our 250% Crit Damage to 300%. 300% is now 20% higher than 250%.
- 500 Base Damage x 2.5 = 1,250 Final Damage
- 500 Base Damage x 3.0 = 1,500 Final Damage
As was the previous test, the gain in damage is 250. Because 50% additional Crit Damage means half of 500 becomes extra damage. However, 250 damage is not a 25% increase anymore. From what we were previously at 1,250 Final Damage, the amount of 1,500 Final Damage is actually only a 20% global damage increase.
Blitz Commander with 140% movement speed provides 19% additional damage (40 x 1.45). Meaning in this situation, Sharp Blunt provides 1% more global damage over Blitz Commander, excluding chance of damage reduction.
So how much Crit Chance would we have to go down for Blitz Commander to provide more damage?
To make 20% global damage lower than 19%, we would have to decrease our Crit Chance (after all factors such as Back Attack, tripods, and synergy) from 100% to under 95% (20 x 0.95 = 19).
So as you can see, it’s not a true diminishing return. No matter what, 50% Crit Damage will improve your damage by 50% of what the base hit was. However, that amount will not always result in the same increase in global damage percentage relative to another option.
If you’re still having trouble understanding this concept, think of it like this with a more extreme example. Let’s say I have 10,000% Crit Damage. My base damage of 500 will now do 50,000 damage. Let’s increase my Crit Damage by 50% with Sharp Blunt, now 10,050% Crit Damage. Now my 50,000 damage hit does 50,250 damage, an increase of 250 damage. Let’s say instead I took Blitz Commander instead of Sharp Blunt. Now my 50,000 damage hit does 59,500 damage, an increase of 9,500 damage.
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