Character Abilities
As you play through the levels and explore the galaxy, you will notice many things that you can do. However, not all characters will be able to do them! This is because each character has certain abilities, and in order to collect everything, you’ll need to make use of their abilities to unlock new areas to explore.
This game reintroduces the concept of “character classes” (which was previously seen in LEGO City: Undercover). Each character in a class will have the same base set of abilities. For example, all Bounty Hunters can destroy gold objects, and all Villains can destroy silver objects.
However, many characters in a class possess other abilities that are not shared by the other characters in that class. For example, while Grievous is a Villain, he can still climb up certain walls with his lightsabers, something other Villains cannot do. BB-8 and BB-9E, while Astromechs, are small enough to fit through Protocol chutes.
For that reason, I have decided to continue to label each ability individually. After describing each ability, I will then list which character classes have that ability. For more information on the specific abilities of each character, see the “Characters” sections towards the bottom of this guide.
Characters with this ability can use blue Astromech sockets. Stand in front of the socket and press the “special” button to access it. You’ll then have to complete a short mini-game. Use the d-pad to select the rings and rotate them around to match the shapes. Once the shapes are matched, press the “jump” button to activate the socket.
Character Classes: Astromech
Breaker Blaster
Characters with this ability can use the Breaker Blaster to destroy walls with glowing blue cracks. Hold the “special” button to access the Scavenger toolkit, then select the Breaker Blaster. Fire it at a cracked wall to damage/destroy it. You will usually have to fire at a wall multiple times to destroy it.
Character Classes: Scavenger
Defeating certain enemies will cause them to drop parts of their armor. Characters with this ability can wear that armor by standing near it and pressing the “special” button. Put on a matching helmet, shirt and pants and your character will gain all the abilities of the Villain class!
Character Classes: Hero
Characters with this ability can throw thermal detonators to destroy silver objects. Press the “special” button to toss a detonator, or hold the “special” button to aim it.
Character Classes: Villain
Characters with this ability can use a Glider to glide across gaps. Hold the “special” button to access the Scavenger toolkit, then select the Glider. With the Glider selected, hold the “jump” button to start gliding. While you can glide from anywhere, look for glowing blue arrows on the ground that indicate places where you need to glide.
Character Classes: Scavenger
Characters with this ability can use their grapple guns to reach orange bars. While all characters with arms can use orange bars, characters with this ability can reach bars that are higher up or out of reach. Press the “special” button when prompted to latch on.
Characters with this ability can also latch onto orange grapple points. Press the “special” button to latch on, then press the “special” button again to pull. Wait until the circle reaches the green area to receive a small stud bonus!
Character Classes: Hero, Bounty Hunter, Astromech
Characters with this ability can use orange Hero panels. Stand in front of the panel and press the “special” button to access it. You’ll then have to complete a short mini-game. Match the button prompts on the d-pad as they appear to activate the panel.
Character Classes: Hero
Lucky Shot
Characters with this ability can use their ingenuity to find some clever shots! The game calls these “opportunities” and when your character detects one, a purple light bulb will appear over their head. When you detect a lucky shot, aim your blaster at the purple target that appears and your character will carefully aim and fire!
Character Classes: Scoundrel
Net Launcher
Characters with this ability can use a Net Launcher, allowing them to reach new areas. Hold the “special” button to access the Scavenger toolkit, then select the Net Launcher. You can fire nets at special X-shaped panels on walls. You can only fire two nets at a time. If you fire a third net, the first net will disappear!
Character Classes: Scavenger
Sharp Shoot
Characters with this ability can hit things from long-range. You’ll most commonly use this ability to hit round white targets, but you can destroy most things from a distance as long as you’re within range. Lightsabers can also be thrown and used to hit targets, but blasters have much more range.
Character Classes: Jedi, Hero, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Dark Side, Villain
Characters with this ability can use red Villain terminals. Stand in front of the panel and press the “special” button to access it. You’ll then have to complete a short mini-game. A 4 button code will appear. Match the code with the d-pad to activate the panel.
Character Classes: Villain
Wall Running
Characters with this ability can run across certain walls, allowing them to bypass large gaps. Run into a wall with green squares on it to run across it. Press the “jump” button at any time to stop running and hop off.
Character Classes: Jedi, Scavenger, Dark Side
Weapons Cache
Characters with this ability can open and use weapons caches. Stand in front of the cache and press the “special” button to open it. You’ll then be able to choose a weapon from the two that are provided. Each weapon can only be used for a short time, so use them wisely!
Character Classes: Villain
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