80-000 times hitting with hailstorm in one run.
How to Get Hailstorm Specialist Achievement
How to deal 80.000 times hailstorm frost
Best to take a melee char-Warrior
Lvl: Ember Grounds – Agony
First set all to hard hitting with main weapon and stop using it, after hailstorm is build up with 2 upgrades (spikes and Vortex).
You pick hailstorm at beginning and focus on “Eye upgrades – 0,3 base object counts”
If not possible take “Cold – 40% frost chance”
Dont take any other Ability further on.
If you cant stand Ágony then take “Radiant Aura” and choose only upgrades for it, that not incresing area.
While you build up hailstorm you need fast all “Colletheral Damage upgrades(max lvl5) and Vanguard(max lvl5) for area and range.
This is important, because the hailstorm upgrade spikes and vortex spread hard and hits as many enemies as possible.
Focus on life, defence, regeneration. The less crit and dmg upgrade you take the longer enemies live and get hit again.
Now this is important to understand mechanics:
- You need to move in small circles and stop, when Vortex(around single hails) stops to whirl.
- They die exploding and then they build up again whirling.
- Also spikes spread harder with this technique.
Alternative Way
You can increase Frost Chance further by using:
- Beast Huntress – Proficient Stance – Blizzard I-IV = 100%
- Sage – Proficient Stance – Elements I-IV = 100% (only if Hail Storm picked first)
Updraft (III, VI, X) for Base Frost Chance <- you might want to double those > Cold for Frost Chance
Vortex Upgrade
Dont know if the Ghost Wall on Forgotten Viaduct still works for this, but you can do it easy on Haunted Caverns Agony or Embert Grounds Agony due Enemy Density.
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