This is the place where we are going to add some tips in Fantasy Craft for those who may need it.
Useful Tips and Tricks for Noobs
Important tips about the advanced settings
Before starting the game make sure to set Advanced settings to your liking. You can adjust hunger/thirst settings. Day/Night cycle settings if you want to play without a night just untick these setting. You can adjust the length of the day and night.
Make sure you save the settings and you can create a new game and load it. Please check on your settings every time you log into the game! Due to early access, you may encounter the reset of settings to default.
Important tips about saving the game:
As there’s no autosave yet, please don’t forget to save your game as often as possible not to lose any progress.
Important tips to open the map (or any notes you find in the game):
Press N button on your keyboard to open the map or press Tab and go to the tabbed page Notes.
Important tips about opening the notes you may find in chests or other containers:
To read a note you found in the chest or in any container just press N button on your keyboard or press Tab and go to the tabbed page Notes, choose the note you want to read on the right and there you go.
Important tips if you died:
If you died, when you come to the cross with your body and you stuff, make sure to first open you loot, then first thing you have to do is to put your shirt, pants, hat and boots on and only then take all your other stuff. Cause shirt gives you additional slots.
Never pickup your loot from your cross without taking your clothes on. To put on your clothes quickly just right click on your clothes and it will set on your clothes slot. When you put your clothes on, make sure you put all your tools, weapons on your hot bar and then take all the other stuff from your loot.
Important tips about the sleeping bag:
Sleeping bag only meant for respawn. You can put it on your land and respawn at home if you died. You’ll need 7 pelts, 3 ropes, 10 feathers to craft a sleeping bag from your inventory.
Important tips about bottles:
If you find any bottles in houses, don’t hurry to sell them. You can use these bottles later to fill with water in your own well to drink it, use it for cooking or for brewing potions.
Important tips on water wells in the village:
There are 6 wells in the village to drink water from. Water in the wells is replenishable. It takes about 15-30 minutes for water to replenish.
Locations of six wells:
- One well in the beginning of the village on the right in the yard of the house, close to the field of sunflowers
- One well in Fred’s yard
- One well in Adriano’s yard
- One well on Sebastian’s farm
- One well in the yard of the house close to Gloria’s house
- One well is in Eugene’s yard
How to drink water from your own well (if you crafted it on your land) or refill the watering can:
To drink water from your well you need to put bottles into the well. Watering can (to water plants) should be put into the well to be filled in with water.
Important tips about your inventory, skills, blueprints, journal, notes:
Press Tab and you’ll see 5 tabbed pages above: Inventory, Skills, Blueprints, Journal, Notes.
When pressing Tab you’ll see 3 tables in front of you:
- The left table shows your character’s stats like: Mana (is inactive in the game yet), Health, Stamina, Hunger, Thirst. It also shows your inventory and it’s contents.
- The table in the middle shows your Level, your experience points, available skill points, your attributes, health, stamina regeneration, melee, ranged, critical damage, your armor, maximum weight, mining and woodcutting damage.
- The last right table shows the blueprints of the items that you can craft from your inventory. Just chose the necessary item and see what it takes to craft it.
5 tabbed pages above: inventory, skills, blueprints, journal, notes
Skills tabbed page:
This section contains blueprints of different workbenches. Mind, that in the beginning of the game you have a limited list of blueprints shown in this section. When NPC gives you a blueprint or when you buy a new blueprint, this blueprint will appear in the list of blueprints and you will see a yellow dot in the right upper corner of the blueprint.
If you want to see what blueprints can be crafted in the corresponding workbench just click on the blueprint. Mind, that every workbench has a limited list of blueprints of items available in the workbench in the beginning, most of the blueprints of items you should buy from NPS’s. And again. When you buy new blueprints, you’ll see a yellow dot in the right upper corner of the blueprint.
Journal tabbed page:
Journal section contains: Active quests, Completed Quests, Failed Quests and Information.
Active quests – it’s all the quests you have taken from NPC’s. These quests are shown on the right side of your game interface. You can hide these quests if they bother you, by unticking the corresponding quest.
Important Tips about upgrading your skill points:
You’re getting skill points for every action (to get more experience just make sure you pick up everything you see on the ground (small, long sticks, stone, bushes)), chopping trees, mining stones and ores gives you experience, crafting items gives you experience, killing animals and so on (read the important tips about getting more experience). When starting the game, you get 2 skill points. You can upgrade your skills in the Attributes section and in the Skills section. To upgrade your skill points, go to the tabbed page Skills and you’ll see a tree of skills.
I would personally recommend to upgrade a skill Hercules when you are level 3 – for it will increase your maximum weight by 100 and upgrade the skill Perfectionist when you are level 5 – it will increase your slots by 6. And then go on upgrading any skills you want it’s up to you what you need the most, but I upgraded everything gradually. I put lots of skill point into melee, archery, armor, woodcutting and mine-digging at first and then upgraded everything one by one.
- Proficient Woodcutter – this skill gives you the opportunity to chop trees more effectively you can upgrade this skill up to 10 levels, means you can upgrade this skill 10 times. It increases by 10% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Crafty mine-digger – this skill lets you mine stone and ores more effectively you can upgrade this skill up to 10 levels, means you can upgrade this skill 10 times. It increases by 10% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Destroyer – it increases woodcutting and mine-digging by 10 points. You can upgrade this skill just once when you are level 25.
- Attack to destruction – you can increase the damage in a close combat. This skill can be upgraded 10 times per game. It increases by 5% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Eagle eye – you can increase ranged damage in archery. This skill can be upgraded 10 times per game. It increases by 5% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Rabbit’s foot – increases the chance of critical damage. You can upgrade this skill 4 times per game. It increases by 2,5% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Noble samurai – increases critical damage. You can upgrade this skill 4 times per game. It increases by 25% every time you upgrade this skill.
- Hercules – increases your maximum weight by 100. This skill can be upgraded just once when you are level 3.
- Perfectionist – increases your inventory by 6 slots. This skill can be upgraded just once when you are level 5.
- Concentration – increases your health regeneration. This skill can be upgraded 10 times per game. It increases by 0,1 every time you upgrade this skill.
- Endurant like antelope – increases your stamina regeneration. This skill can be upgraded 10 times per game. It increases by 0,2 every time you upgrade this skill.
- Invincible – it increases your armor. This skill can be upgraded 3 times per game.
Important tips about getting more experience:
- Crafting items from your inventory gives you +5XP per item
- Picking up small sticks, fiber, cotton, stones that lay on the ground – gives you +10XP
- Picking up long sticks that lay on the ground – gives you +12XP
- Picking up a limestone from the ground -gives you +15XP.
- Mining a stone gives you per +5 XP per every hit (every time it breaks a stone) and final +10 XP when you’ve mined the whole stone.
- Mining sulfur ore – gives you per +30XP per every hit (every time it breaks sulfur ore) and final +40 XP when you’ve mined the whole sulfur ore.
- Mining quartz – gives you +25XP per every hit (every time it breaks quartz) and final +35 XP when you’ve mined the whole quartz.
- Mining rock salt – gives you +20XP per every hit (every time it breaks rock salt) and final +30 XP when you’ve mined the whole rock salt stone.
- Digging and picking up clay – gives you +15 XP
- Crafting component items (like ropes, arrow heads, pickaxe and hatchet heads etc.) for creation of tools, weapons and stuff gives you +5XP
- Crafting bandages from your inventory gives you +10XP
- Crafting tools, weapons, repair kits in your inventory gives you +15XP
- Chopping a tree – gives you +20 XP
- Gathering the following plants and mushrooms: average mushroom, cutie-pie mushroom, aldena flowers, moon flowers gives you +20XP
- Gathering the following plants and mushrooms: lacuna baccas, babykins mushrooms, morning glory, saint Veronica – gives you +25XP
- Gathering acid tears mushrooms -gives you +30XP.
- Picking up one coin -gives you +10XP
- Picking up a pile of scattered pile of coins – gives you +25XP
- Picking up a double pile of coins – gives you +25XP
- Picking up a small triple pile of coins – gives you +35XP
- Picking up a big triple pile of coins -gives you +50XP
- Picking up a feather – gives you +30 XP
- Catching a fish – gives you +100 XP
- Killing simple forest animals – gives you +200 XP
- Killing a larva, a poisonous snake – gives you +300XP
- Killin’ a wolf, a wild boar – gives you +350XP
- Killing a deer- gives you +450XP
- Killing a damned spider, a comodo dragon, a bloodfly – gives you +500XP
- Killing a skeleton – gives you +600XP
- Crafting things gives you experience when you are in the inventory of your workbench during crafting process.
- Implementation of nonrepeatable and repeatable quests gives you a lot of experience (more information on rewards and XP for every quest you can find in quests guide).
Starting tips (3 first quests) from the moment you appear in the game close to your uncle’s house:
You’re starting your journey as a character, whose father has just died, and you decided to move to another place to your uncle Henry, not to feel that lonely.
Starting location (uncle Henry’s house) located in the far south of the map.
First Quest: Talk to uncle Henry
To complete this quest just enter the house, come to your uncle Henry and talk to him. He will tell you that he has bought a small piece of land for you in the village and you should go and see your land. You should also visit governor Estiel in the village. Governor Estiel is going to give you 4 quests that you should complete to get 4 blueprints of important workbenches (1st quest give you a constructor’s bench blueprint; 2-d quest gives you a research table blueprint; 3-d quest gives you a blueprint of a crusher; 4-th quest gives you a blueprint of coal miner, iron miner and copper miner).
After talking to your uncle Henry, he will give you a map of how to get to the village and find your piece of land. He also gives you 2000 coins, just don’t spend your money on anything unimportant, you will need this money! I would suggest you spending this money on a compass and a map of Lovely-Dale village. These two things you can buy on the village market from Maximilian. Extended map (map that includes all the locations in this world except for the Ruins location) you can buy from Pierre (the guy that sells lockpicks).
Important tip: don’t throw away the maps from your inventory!
Before leaving your uncle’s house make sure you take a lockpick in the wooden crate in your uncle’s yard.
Second quest: Go to the village – Find your land.
To get to the village you should go straight along the forest road not turning to the left or to the right in order not to get in trouble. Just follow the map your uncle gave you.
Just when you have reached the village and stand in front of the first bridge to enter the village, turn your head to the left to see a beautiful stone two-storey building with a stone roof – that’s the house of governor Estiel. Go to Estiel, make acquaintance with him and take his first quest called Young Craftsman.
To find your land just go straight along that village path without turning anywhere, passing by Fred (blacksmith), Claudia (cook), Rahul (miller), Joshua (healer) on the left and the church and the market on your right. If you follow this direction, you’ll come to the bridge that leads to a birch grove with a massive place of plots, walled in with a stone fence. Your piece of land is going to be right in the middle of this building. As soon as you enter your land a huge inscription Your Own Land will appear on your screen and consider the quest in done.
When you completed the quest Go to the village – Find your land and the 1-st quest of governor Estiel – Young Craftsman you can read section Order of execution of quests in the village or just do it your own way.
Important tips about buying/not buying the plots of land around your piece of land:
Personally, I don’t recommend you to pour your money down the drain on buying the plots in the beginning of the game. You will need money for your progress. Start buying the plots when you’re rich enough. Plots have coal, iron and copper deposits, but you can’t mine these deposits with the help of a pickaxe, you need to do Estiel’s 4-th quest to get coal, iron and copper miners to craft them and put them on your deposits so you could produce coal and ores without going anywhere.
Important tips about looting the houses:
You can loot all the houses and take everything you want. You can sell all the stuff you find in the houses on the local market. But you have a limited inventory in the beginning so make sure you take all the important stuff from the containers you can take them and sell them later. Make sure that you don’t throw the items on the ground for they can disappear in 15-20 minutes, you can put (leave) items in the containers and come after them later. Some of the chest and cupboards are locked, for they might have something important inside: money, golden tableware, important blueprints and so on. You can buy lockpicks from Pierre, lockpick costs 300 coins. Don’t spend all your money on lockpicks before you get pretty rich.
Important tips about the food in the containers:
Once you open the container with food the decay timer starts to work. Every food has it’s own decay timer that you can see if you just put your mouse on it’s icon and see how much time left till the food is rotten.
Important tips on activation of a main quest chain:
Please note, that not all the NPC’s are ready to talk to you and trade with you till you activate a main quest chain. To activate a main quest chain, you should talk to Claudia (cook) first. Then go talk to Rahul (miller), to Adriano (market-gardener), Gloria (tailor) and Sebastian (hunter), do the quests for them.
NPC’s that don’t participate in the main quest chain
Here is a number of NPC’s you can talk to and complete their quests without activation of a quest chain and start trading with them after you’ll do a simple quest for them:
- Fred (blacksmith)
- Eugene (carpenter)
- Joshua (healer)
- Beilin (fisherman)
Traders on the market in the village
All the traders on the local market (you can trade with them if you have money):
- Maximilian sells/buys: planks, big cant timber, small blocking number, nails, simple iron parts, bricks, lime carbonate, cement.
- Julius sells/buys: wooden, iron, copper, silver and gold tableware and kitchen utensils.
- Faretty sells/buys: beer, wine, grog, rum, simple vials (empty or with water), improved vials (empty or with water), big bottles (empty or with water).
- Stewart sells/buys: fruits and vegetables.
- Eulampius sells/buys: fruit/vegetables seeds
- Fonzy sells/buys: small cooked meat, large cooked meat, fried small piece of meat, fried large chunk of meat, cooked crab, cooked lizard.
- Stephania sells/buys: potions, cotton-wool.
Important tips when selling items to traders on the market or to NPC’s:
Not all the items are indicated in the list of the goods that you can sell to any traders or NPC’s. To see what items can any trader or NPC buy from you, just come to that trader/NPC, talk to them, choose an item from your inventory and if the trader is interested in this item just click sell.
Important tips on scrap metal and Copper scrap:
When you see a scrap metal or a copper scrap make sure you pick it up, for you can smelt it effectively in your smelt-furnace into an iron or a copper ingot. One scrap metal/copper scrap =1 ingot.
Order of execution of quests in the village:
Here is my vision of how you can complete the quests once you came to the village and found your land.
A huge quest from Claudia consists of several quests, according to the quest you should bring her: 10 sacks of wheat flower (from Rahul), a set of meat products (from Sebastian) and a set of fruits and vegetables (from Adriano).
Every quest-giver (from Claudia’s quest) will be giving you a small quest to complete before giving you an item for Claudia. Every quest-giver will pay you for a small quest and some of them will give you a blueprint of a workbench (Sebastian and Gloria). Please note that not every quest-giver gives you a free blueprint and if the quest-giver doesn’t want to give you a blueprint for free, please don’t be mad at them.
I would recommend starting with the 1st governor’s quest called Young Craftsman ‘cause he will give you a blueprint of a constructor’s bench and 500 nails and 2000 coins. You can build building parts for your house in this bench, but the coolest thing is that you can build almost all the workbenches in it.
Then complete the quest Junior Lumberman, given by Eugene (carpenter). Eugene gives you a blueprint of a carpenter’s bench and 1000 coins.
Craft constructor’s bench in your inventory and a carpenter’s bench in the constructor’s bench. This way you’ll be able to make money taking a repeating quest from Eugene, to craft building parts for your house and to craft sawn wood for other workbenches.
After these 2 quests you can get down to a huge chain quest given by Claudia.
Here is a consecution of quests I recommend to complete:
- Young craftsman (1st quest given by governor Estiel) – gives you a blueprint of a constructor’s bench and 2000 coins, +2000XP .
- Junior Lumberman (quest given by Eugene (carpenter)) – gives you a blueprint of a carpenter’s bench and 1000 coins, +1000XP.
- Take a huge quest from Claudia called Claudia’s Kitchen Help and then start completing this quest sequentially: Go to Rahul first, then to Gloria, then back to Rahul, then visit Sebastian, than go to Adriano.
- Young Miller (quest given by Ruhul (miller)) – he gives you 500 coins and 10 sacks of wheat flower for Claudia.
- Junior Harvester (quest given by Gloria (tailor)) – she gives 500 coins and a blueprint of a tailor’s bench and 10 sacks for Rahul.
- Rats’ catcher (quest given by Sebastian (hunter)) – he gives you 500 coins, a blueprint of a dryer and a set of meat products for Claudia.
- Junior gardener – (quest given by Adriano (gardener) – he gives you 3000 coins, a box of fruits and veggies for Claudia.
- Then you can implement all the other quests in order to make some money.
- Forager (2-d quest given by governor Estiel) – gives you
- Junior Herbalist – (quest given by Joshua (healer)) gives you 2000 coins, a blueprint for a primitive mortar with pestle and +2000XP
- Blacksmith’s apprentice – (3-d quest given by governor Estiel), gives u 3500 coins, +6000XP, BP’s BP for a crusher
- A good fisherman (quest given by Beilin) gives you 500 coins for this quest and +1000XP.
- Junior Alchemist (quest given by Druid Efelzaal) gives you 5000 coins, +5000XP
- Young alchemist (4-th quest given by governor Estiel) gives 5000 coins, +8000XP for a coal miner, an iron miner and a copper miner
Where to find sand:
Sand can be found along the banks of a river, on the banks of some ponds. Sand is a white substance. The closest sand deposits can be found close to your house, just come to the bridge facing the village, turn to the left and just go along the bank of a river a few steps when you see a white sand start digging.
Where to find clay:
- Behind the church between the cemetery and pastor Gregory’s house.
- Sebastian’s farm, 2 places near the stalls
- Near your land, if you stand on your land, facing the village in front of the bridge that leads to the village
- At the pond near the cave with mutant rats (close to uncle’s house)
- At the pond in the Big forest
Where to find soil:
You can find soil everywhere where u can see the earth covered with grass.
Where to find mineral soil:
Mineral soil can be found in the cave in the Wolfish hollow. Wolfish hollow is on the right side if you stand facing Sebastian’s farm. Wolfish hollow is blocked (get the necessary materials to open the gates).
How to make lots of money!
There are too many ways to make lots of money
You can carry out side repeatable quests given by the following NPC’s
- Eugene (carpenter), quest called Carpenter’s apprentice – gives you 2000 coins, +2000XP.
- Gloria (tailor), quest called Catch the bear before you sell his skin – gives you 1000 coins and +1000XP.
- Joshua (healer), quest called Master Herbalist – gives you 2000 coins and +2000XP
- Sebastian (hunter), quest called Not everyone is fit to be a hunter –gives you 1000 coins and 1000XP.
- Fred (blacksmith), quest called Strike while the iron is hot –gives you 3000 coins and +2000XP.
- You can sell almost everything you can find in the containers
- You can sell a lot of things that you can craft from your inventory and in your workbenches, just find your best way in this business.
- You can find treasures with lots of money.
- You can open the locked chests and cupboards they usually contain money and some important stuff that you can sell (a lockpick costs only 300 coins so u’ll get your money back anyway and even make more). One more reason you should open the chests is that you can find important blueprints in them.
List of all the NPC’s in the game:
- Uncle Henry
- Efelzaal (Druid-Alchemist)
- Governor Estiel
- Fred (Blacksmith)
- Pastor Gregory
- Claudia (Cook)
- Beilin (Fisherman)
- Rahul (Miller)
- Adriano (Gardener)
- Eugene (Carpenter)
- Joshua (Healer)
- Gloria (Tailor)
- Sebastian (Hunter)
- Pierre (Engineer/Treasure Hunter)
Rewards and XP that you get for the quests given by governor Estiel:
Important note: after giving a quest to governor Estiel and getting your reward, don’t forget to take the next quest.
- Young Craftsman – 2000 coins, +2000XP, a blueprint of a constructor’s bench
- Forager -2500 coins, +4000XP, a blueprint of a research table
- Young alchemist – 5000 coins, +8000XP, BP for a crusher
- Blacksmith’s apprentice – 3500 coins, +6000XP, BP’s for a coal miner, an iron miner and a copper miner
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quests given by Eugene (carpenter):
Eugene gives 2 quests: Junior Lumberman – nonrepeatable quest and Carpenter’s apprentice – repeatable quest.
- Junior Lumberman – gives you 1000 coins, +1000XP and a blueprint for a carpenter’s bench.
- Carpenter’s apprentice – repeatable quest (you can do this quest over and over again and make heaps of money) – gives you 2000 coins, +2000XP.
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quests given by Gloria (tailor):
Gloria gives you 3 quests: Junior Harvester – nonrepeatable quest, a part of a long chain quest and Catch the bear before you sell his skin – repeatable and a Deep End – nonrepeatable quest.
- Junior Harvester -nonrepeatable quest – gives you 500 coins, a blueprint of a tailor’s bench, 10 empty sacks for Rahul and +1000XP.
- Catch the bear before you sell his skin – repeatable quest (you can do this quest over and over again and make heaps of money) – gives you 1000 coins and +1000XP.
- Deep End – nonrepeatable quest – gives you 1000 coins, a blueprint for a safety mask and 3000XP
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quests given by Joshua (healer):
Joshua gives you 2 quests: Junior Herbalist – nonrepeatable quest and Master Herbalist – repeatable quest.
- Junior Herbalist – nonrepeatable quest – gives you 2000 coins, a blueprint for a primitive mortar with pestle and +2000XP
- Master Herbalist – repeatable quest (you can do this quest over and over again and make heaps of money) – gives you 2000 coins and +2000XP
Reward and XP that you get for the Quest given by pastor Gregory:
Pastor Gregory gives you 1 nonrepeatable quest – he gives you 500 coins for this quest and +3000XP.
Reward and XP that you get for the Quest given by Rahul (miller):
Rahul gives you 1 nonrepeatable quest and you can get 500 coins for this quest, 10 sacks with wheat flower and +1000XP.
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quests given by Sebastian (hunter):
Sebastian gives you 2 quests: Rats’ catcher – nonrepeatable quest and a Not everyone is fit to be a hunter – a repeatable quest.
- Rats’ catcher – nonrepeatable quest – gives you 500 coins, a set of meat products for Claudia, a blueprint of a dryer and +1000XP
- Not everyone is fit to be a hunter – a repeatable quest (you can do this quest over and over again and make heaps of money) – gives you 1000 coins and 1000XP.
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quests given by Fred (blacksmith):
Fred gives you 2 quests: Aspiring miner – nonrepeatable quest and Strike while the iron is hot – a repeatable quest.
- Aspiring miner – nonrepeatable quest – gives you 3000 coins, a blueprint of an anvil and +1000XP.
- Strike while the iron is hot – a repeatable quest (you can do this quest over and over again and make heaps of money) – gives you 3000 coins and +2000XP.
Reward and XP that you get for the Quest given by Claudia (cook):
Claudia gives 1 nonrepeatable quest – Claudia’s kitchen help -gives you 5000 coins for this quest, a blueprint of a cook’s stove and +5000XP.
Rewards and XP that you get for the Quest given by Beilin (fisherman):
Beilin gives you 1 nonrepeatable quest called A good fisherman – gives you 500 coins for this quest and +1000XP.
Reward and XP that you get for the Quest given by Adriano:
Adriano gives 1 nonrepeatable quest called Junior gardener -gives you 3000 coins, a box of fruits and veggies for Claudia and +1000XP.
Respawn time:
Respawn time for resources and animals about 30 minutes.
Respawn time for the well in the village to refill about 15 minutes.
All the plants, flowers and mushrooms in the game:
- Montanus Baccas berries (black berries) – grow in the big forest
- Cutie-pie mushrooms (black fat mushrooms) – grow near Sebastian’s farm and in the Wolfish hollow
- Aldena flowers – (yellow flowers) – grow in the big forest
- Average mushrooms (brown thick mushrooms) – grow in the birch grove, all around your land
- Synthea grass (blue flowers) – grow in the magic forest the place where druid Efelzaal lives
- Sunny flowers – in the Mekhrahn’s mine (Palace)
- Moon flowers (white flowers) – grow near Sebastian’s farm and in the Wolfish hollow
- White princess flowers (white flowers) – grow in the magic forest the place where druid Efelzaal lives
- Saint Veronica – grow in the Damned place
- Morning glory flower– grow in the Damned place
- Babykins mushrooms – grow in the Ruined Village (in the Ruins)
- Lacuna baccas (green berries) – grow in Elefin’s ruined castle (in the Ruins)
- Acid tears mushroom – grow in Elefin’s ruined castle (in the Ruins)
Bags and backpacks in the game (everything is crafted in the tailor’s bench, all the blueprints can be bought from Gloria:
- Small cotton bag – gives only 6 slots, max weight +50: (u need 5 cotton fabric and 2 cotton threads).
- Small leather bag – gives 12 slots, max weight +100 (u need 4 cotton threads, 2 cotton fabric, 6 raw hide patches, 4 raw hide strips).
- Mule’s bag – doesn’t give any slots, adds max weight +500 (u need 5 cotton fabric, 6 cotton threads and 5 simple ropes).
About potions in the game:
All the potions in the game:
- Montanus salus potion +10HP (Montanus baccas+bottle of water)
- Average potion +10HP (Average mushroom+bottle of water)
- Cutie-pie little guy potion +15HP (Cutie-pie mushroom+bottle of water)
- Veronica’s not dead potion +20 HP (Saint Veronica flower+ bottle of water)
- Anaconda’s kiss antidote potion +25 HP (Babykins mushroom+ bottle of water)
- Lacuna sanatio potion +30HP (Lacuna baccas+ bottle of water)
- Wipe your tears away potion +35HP (Acid tears mushroom+ bottle of water)
- Hard as nails potion +30 stamina (Aldena flowers+ bottle of water)
- Light as a feather potion +50 to max weight (Morning glory flower+ bottle of water)
- Hit me hard potion – increases armor by 2, lasts 2 minutes (White princess flower+ bottle of water)
- Synthea’s crit potion – increases critical damage by 100% (Synthea grass+ bottle of water)
- Junior mine-digger potion – increases mining by 5, lasts 3 minutes (Sunny flowers+ bottle of water)
- Junior lumber-man potion-increases woodcutting by 5, lasts 3 minutes (Moon flower+ bottle of water)
I believe the developers are giving controller support top priority because so many handheld devices are now available, but I don’t see it mentioned for this game. Does it allow controllers to be used?
it doesn’t…yet
i have no problem using xbox controller
how does it open the inventory?
1-st button
2-nd is pause
“b” is the action key
“a” is jump
Still have to use keyboard for one or two things
Access your Steam library. Make sure your controller is turned on. When you click on this game, a controller icon will appear beneath the main image. Select “Edit” controller after clicking on the controller. You can now link any key on your keyboard or mouse to a button. If you Google it, you’ll find a ton of videos explaining how to use a controller in a game without one. An emulator is all that the controller is. I have 12 different keyboard commands just on my dpad; that’s three different keys on each arrow. You only need to watch videos on it to get started. I have several keys on my buttons as well. You can modify bumpers, triggers, joysticks, and anything else you want. Simply set it up to play as you wish.
Why don’t they just do it if it’s so easy?
They would sell me more stuff first.
So you couldn’t follow scetter’s instructions and set it on your controller by yourself?
Excellent guide, but it doesn’t show you how to fix a rusty sword. I made a crude kit for mending weapons that says, “Drag-drop to repair an item.” I’ve made a lot of drag drops, but nothing is getting fixed.
Alumstones are found in the mines. The hooded stone figure is in front of them.
Another important piece of advice I’d like to give is to use the escape key when lock picking if you can’t get the lock open after four tries on average. By doing this, you’ll refresh your lock pick and close the lock picking screen. This method can help you save a lot of money and ensure that you never break a lock pick. Just keep in mind that different locks shorten the pick’s life bar more quickly.
Masters are like 3 to 4 attempts
Intermediate are 4 to 6
Beginner are 6+
Where can I find the quartz needed to create glass with high strength?
In the ruins, quartz can be found. but you’ll need to purchase the bottles in order to access the ruins; approximately 9,000 coins will be needed.