Guilds and Secret societies is required to access teachers. Teachers will teach you up to their level in a expertise and actions from that expertise.
- Aeromancy(12), Llanvale, Day
- Aeromancy(3), Thaumar, Day
- Affliction(12), Grysbog, Night
- Affliction(14), Hirdwood, Night
- Affliction(16), Grysbog, Night
- Alchemy(1), Lanmerih, Day
- Alchemy(12), Xahn, Day
- Alchemy(16), Thaumar, Day
- Alchemy(3), Barrow’s Bay, Night
- Alchemy(5), Nidwald’s Descent, Day
- Angelic Magic(14), Arboris, Day
- Angelic Runes(14), Volgstead, Day
- Blood Magic(18), Fort Crooklaw, Night
- Blood Magic(3), Misthold, Night
- Blood Magic(7), Innford, Night
- Combat(1), Vanburg, Night
- Combat(14), Fort Crooklaw, Day
- Combat(18), Barrow’s Bay, Day
- Combat(7), Nidwald’s Descent, Day
- Conjuration(7), Xahn, Day
- Diplomacy(14), Xahn, Day
- Diplomacy(18), Fort Harrow, Day
- Diplomacy(3), Fort Crooklaw, Day
- Diplomacy(5), The Twin Pillars, Day
- Diplomacy(7), Rivermoor, Day
- Esotericism(12), Skarfjord, Day
- Esotericism(3), Thaumar, Day
- Esotericism(5), Rivermoor, Day
- Geomancy(14), Celaenor, Day
- Hunting(1), Celaenor, Day
- Hunting(16), New Ulnathiir, Day
- Hunting(16), Tethyar, Day
- Hunting(5), Nereis, Day
- Hydromancy(12), Celaenor, Day
- Hydromancy(16), Jorunfjord, Day
- Hydromancy(5), Glenfield, Day
- Illusions(7), Nrekveil, Night
- Infernal Magic(12), Volgstead, Night
- Infernal Magic(16), Lucina, Night
- Intimidate(1), Herman’s Rest, Day
- Intimidate(12), Jorunfjord, Night
- Intimidate(18), Fort Crooklaw, Day
- Intimidate(7), Pelton, Day
- Invention(14), Roverford, Day
- Invention(18), Albruk, Day
- Invention(3), Arboris, Day
- Invention(7), Fort Harrow, Day
- Leadership(12), Albruk, Day
- Leadership(16), Roverford, Day
- Leadership(3), Mournvale, Day
- Leadership(7), New Ulnathiir, Day
- Marksmanship(18), Llanvale, Day
- Marksmanship(3), Mirai, Day
- Nature Magic(1), Hirdwood, Day
- Nature Magic(14), Rivermoor, Day
- Nature Magic(7), Oakstead, Day
- Necromancy(1), Herman’s Rest, Night
- Necromancy(18), Glenfield, Night
- Necromancy(5), Innford, Night
- Necromancy(7), Geirsver, Night
- Nobility(12), Glenfield, Day
- Nobility(14), Skarfjord, Night
- Nobility(16), Crowhaven, Day
- Nobility(3), Black Market, Day
- Nobility(5), Lucina, Night
- Perform(14), Grysbog, Night
- Perform(3), Celaenor, Night
- Perform(7), Misthold, Night
- Pyromancy(1), Jarakkal Oasis, Day
- Pyromancy(7), The Twin Pillars, Day
- Religion(1), Lucina, Day
- Religion(18), The Twin Pillars, Day
- Religion(5), Jorunfjord, Day
- Research(18), Fort Harrow, Day
- Rituals(12), Nidwald’s Descent, Night
- Rituals(14), Crowhaven, Night
- Rituals(16), Crowhaven, Night
- Rituals(3), Mournvale, Night
- Seduction(12), Black Market, Day
- Seduction(16), Albruk, Night
- Seduction(18), Albruk, Day
- Seduction(3), Seagull’s Rest, Day
- Seduction(5), Barrow’s Bay, Day
- Seduction(7), Geirsver, Day
- Shadow Magic(18), Lanmerih, Night
- Shadow Magic(3), Barrow’s Bay, Night
- Shadow Magic(5), Innford, Night
- Stealth(14), Jarakkal Oasis, Night
- Stealth(18), Black Market, Night
- Stealth(7), Roverford, Night
- Subterfuge(1), Misthold, Night
- Subterfuge(1), Oakstead, Day
- Subterfuge(5), Lucina, Night
- Survival(1), Lanmerih, Day
- Survival(12), New Ulnathiir, Day
- Telepathy(14), Fort Harrow, Day
- Telepathy(7), Arboris, Day
- Thievery(1), Innford, Night
- Thievery(16), Crowhaven, Night
- Thievery(16), Vanburg, Day
- Trade(16), Albruk, Day
- Trade(5), Roverford, Day
- Witchcraft(1), Lanmerih, Night
- Witchcraft(12), Vanburg, Night
- Witchcraft(18), Llanvale, Night
- Witchcraft(5), Oakstead, Night
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