Death Knight Guide with Tips & Tricks
Skills / Gear / Heirlooms
The first crossroad a DK faces is the option between Soulstorm (toggle) or Soul Shroud (superhero animation) Q. Both have their pros and cons with Soulstorm having zero animation and easier soul essence management, but reduced damage. On the other hand, Soul Shroud deals twice as much damage with an added 15% 1s slow after cast, however it locks your character in a superhero landing like animation for 1-1.5? seconds.
Personally, I think Soul Shroud trumps Soulstorm. In a standard build (more on this later) DK needs the damage from Soul Shroud in order to be threatening. Otherwise, his Q is just a shield proccing and slowing tickling machine. Moreover, Soul Shroud can be used as a tool to dodge charge attacks if timed correctly.
Now, with Soul Shroud as your Q stat/perk prioritization for solos will be: stamina-> strength-> dex-> will-> int. If you can’t reach the dex perk, dont bother building any dex and focus on will/int instead. Additionally, do not try to stack stamina far beyond 39, as stats such as +physical resistance/+elemental resistance/+Max Life Stacks On Kill/Life/Max life % provides more value as defensive stats.
For duos/trios the same prioritization is good, but you could also tailor your build into the int/will version to buff your aoe damage. The E grab reset on kill from the int perk can secure many teamfights and the will perk can heal you a great deal post kill.
Just make sure you have the stamina perk active.
In general the best rolls on DK gear are in order: Max life stacks on kill, + elemental resistance/+ physical resistance, Max Damage Stacks on kill, stamina/dex/str(what you need to reach your perks), + Life/%Max life, + Shadow Damage/Penetration, Life on kill/Movement speed out of combat. The best set bonuses for solos are FAery of the lake and dragon scale. In trios tangling chain has the potential to be better if you have the legendary ring Entaglement of Chaos.
With this stat priotization in mind i would advise to make the following heirlooms: Perfectly Cast Stamina Necklace, Pathfinder’s Ornate Blade (strength 2 hander) and lastly Divine Crown. All of these should have +4 Max Damage Stack increase stacks on kill and +4 Max Life Life stacks on kill or +4.6 Physical Resistance. Max life stacks are better against casters, while physical resistance against melees. The final less important rolls for each are: +10 movement speed out of combat for the 2 hander, +6 str/6 dex/6 will depending on what you need to reach the perks (reccomending unlocking all of these)for the necklace, while the crown can either have +4 dragon scale, tangling chain or Faery of the lake. Wait with crafting the trait bonuses as you need an entire kit to support the stat roll.
The reason for choosing crown as your armor piece is due to its innate +9% damage roll. Plate helmets only boosts physical damage and since DKs deal a lot of shadow damage the % Damage roll is superior. Plate has the least physical resistance of all armor types so that having extra physical resistance on the 2 hander feels very nice.
Your mainhand is therefore a 2 handed sword. For off-hand your most viable option is sword or mace and shield. I personally use sword due to the cryo matchup and being able to dash after blocking any incoming projectiles. Mace charge attack can catch many off guard and deals a lot of damage. You can also attack while blocking. This one is preference.
Class Specific Matchups
This part will provide tips on each class specific 1v1 matchup. Optimally you want to start each 1v1 with a stun flask + charged heavy attack combo. This can be followed up with your Q. Being the first to strike is very important in this game.
Fighters: There are 3 types of fighters in solos atm. Classic spinning fighters, Battle Cry 2-1handed fighters and battle cry 2-handed fighters. If its spinning fighter just cancel his spin or block (lol). For Battle Cry fighters you do not trade while the skill is active. It lasts 5 seconds (they glow red) such that you should block or get distance with stunflask. Save your grab to when they try to break your block with a charge attack. You then stall out their ability even further. Beaware of a 2 handed charge attack + rush. They fly very far.
Priests: Lol this is unlooseable.
Rogue: Low-medium geared rogues are a very low threat. Try to bait out the petrify by grabbing them early and then block/riposte the attack. If you manage to block the petry you should be able to kill him with a thunderflask + 2 handed charge attack combo. Rogues are also very easy to riposte with the 2 handed sword. Only use Q if he has already used petrify/ or he tries to melee 1v1. If the rogue is geared and uses crossbow poison tactic you have to be near doors. You kill him the same way, but he cannot harass as easy since he breaks stealth by opening doors. He then looses the poison proc. In general use the 2 handed sword when they are close, and shield when they try to poke you.
Pyromancer: Hit the grab followed by Q or dont fight. If you manage to get on top of him without using grab it should be an automatic win since you just grab him after he pushes you away. Always use the thunderflask to get closer/slow him down. In this matchup the sword and shield blocking dash is also very effective since he cannot spam cast without you landing on him.
Death Knight: Use your Q/cooldowns early. He is equally slow as you are so its about dishing out the most damage. Either use grab as a surprise or cancel a potential charge attack. This is just pure skill.
Cryomancer: Use sword and shield or loose. He is easily spotted when using ice armor. Try to consume a shielding potion, wait 10 seconds for the flask cooldown to come back (the shield lasts 25 seconds) and then drink a healing potion. With this you may be able to use both the shielding potion and thunderflask in the 1v1. If you miss the initial grab you fall back. If you hit you commit. Use the sword and shield charge attack to get on top of him. Look in a direction such that your shield is faced to block his orb attacks. If hes cornered or he cannot run away, use the 2 handed sword. Some geared cryos challenge the melee 1v1. Then you must swap to your 2 hander and riposte his attacks since he will break your shield. This matchup is very hard. If he looks very geared and you do not have a lot of hp/resistances i would think twice in engaging.
Swordmaster: You have to bait out/be out of range during his E (Whirling Blade) or you loose. You want to start as usual with a charge heavy attack, BUT you have to be careful using a thunderflask in advance. I reccommend being prepared to stoneflask/running away once he uses his E. Always fight in enclosed areas where stoneflaske are effective or you are able to close a door after the stoneflask. If his E is down you win the 1v1 very easily. Be quick at swapping to your sword/mace and shield and block when he tries to send his blades. Always save your grab for when he charge attacks. If you cannot run away during his E you have to use your shield. If he is spamming sword and shield charge attacks (with E on cooldown) you can easily outtrade him by riposting the attack (this takes practice).
Druids: You cant fight him near his treants. Bait them and then run away. A geared Druid should never die to a DK unless he is caught with no Primal Energy/in a closed space. Use sword and shield and block the slowing effect from orb + dagger or jump the orb/mace effect. Just block with shield if he is close in panther and let your Q kill him since he cant break shields in panther form. Be careful of tossing a thunderflask on an aware druid since they can summon a treant on top of you to both tank the grenade and let it hit you. Only use thunderflask when he is in panther form or his panther form is on CD. His tranformation removes the slowing effect.
General Tips and Tricks
- For trios always try to grab the most vulnerable target (usually a caster). If its possible try to throw a stoneflask to trap him after your grab connects.
- In almost all melee matchups you have to save your grab either for when they try to escape during your Q, or to cancel a charge attack. This is especially valuable if you already have Q active so they take free damage.
- You can pull your allies with your grab. This can be useful in certain scenarios where one ally is caught off guard or petrified by enemy rogue.
- DK grab does not break petrify. Meaning if you have an ally rogue you can kidnap/hit an easy grab after he is petrified.
- You can swap weapons after blocking to get the other weapons type block response. For example,when blocking with the shield you can swap to the 2 hander to get the wide swipe. Other way around, blocking with the 2 hander and then swapping to sword and shield gives you the dash.This works very well against Battle Cry fighters that has already hit you for it to trigger and then try to break your shield with a charge attack. Then you swap to the sword for a big swipe hit.
- Run with thunderclap flask out instead of tourch to not make any sound when you swap from torch to nade.
- Always drink a health potion before engaging a 1v1.
- You can charge attack with the 2 hander through doors. Meaning if someone is chasing you and you close the door on them, you can charge attack to deal damage and cancel the opening if they stand close. Your Q also deals damage through the door.
I appreciate your time and hope this little tutorial was helpful.
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