Cryomancer Build for Duo-Trio
Quick little cheap build ive been rolling lobbies with! 3 purp heirlooms (unlocking these is the most expensive part but I would say best investment you could do in the game buying the token to craft them only cost 1k after unlocking them). Passive are in order that I would unlock them.
Msytic expert lightning staff
- +2 life on hit
- +4 max damage increase stacks
- +16% all interaction speed
Mystic robe of truth
- +2 life on hit
- +6 int
- +6 move speed
Perfectly cast will necklace
- +6 dex
- +2 life on hit
- +4 crit chance stack on kill (this gets you to 98 crit chance in total)
For the rest of the build you can just buy green armor and green sword and orb. This part can be kinda annoying but basically what I do is just buy and sell green until I get a min of 31 dex 59 int 49 will < pretty easy to hit in a timely manner. For upgrades I aim to keep the same 3 perks active, anything with life on hit and all elemental damage. Each kit cost about 10-13k.
Skills: Ice Storm and Barrier
I have an aggressive playstyle I try to stay behind my front liner with my ice storm out and just try to hit whom ever he gets on and once it pops you just make it rain lightening like zeus himself.
Barrier is so clutch if a fighter or DK gets on you or if you get thresh hooked by DK. Just pop barrier and CAAW CAAW at your front liner to come peel for you. I normally try my best to start an ice storm before getting into my barrier.
With the dex perk and life on hit you basically just get to spam ice storm and get all the life back from it.
Note: Here is a clip of the cheap kit going crazy with the lifesteal after putting myself in a bad spot.
I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!
Is there a reason for the interaction speed?