How to Get Easy Come, Easy Go Achievement / Trophy
Easy Come, Easy Go
Steal the Arasaka medical truck or deliver 10 vehicles to El Capitan.
Whenever you get an opportunity to steal a vehicle for El Capitan, do so. I got the achievement here but you can get it pretty much anytime. The thefts are quite normal and can be found pretty regularly.
We will now focus on getting the rest of the Relic Skill Points and do some other miscellaneous stuff.
This is a map of the order we will take for this step, starting with Relic Points (White) and then Increased Criminal Activity (Blue). There’s also a Data Terminal in each of the Increased Criminal Activity areas.

Relic Skill Point #8 – Location 1
This Skill Point is located outside the Dogtown Apartment. It’s hidden in an alley. It can quite easily be located by turning right from the Kress Street fast travel point. Interact with the Data Terminal to add a skill point.
Relic Skill Point #9 – Location 2
Can be acquired by climbing the Capitan Caliente Restaurant. Make your way up to the roof and find a Data Cache.
Relic Skill Point #10 – Location 3
Get up the stairs near the opposite side of the road from the Pyramid-shaped building. Go to the left and the terminal is hidden on the rooftop.
Relic Skill Point #11 – Location 4
Go to the back of the big market of Dogtown, you’ll find the Data terminal hidden behind statues and boxes.
Relic Skill Point #12 – Location 5
Go into a building at the mark and you’ll get the Relic Skill Point in the back of the building. Really easy to see.
Increased Criminal Activity #1 – Location 6
Located in the South-West location of the map. You can get there by Heading slightly south from the Kress Street fast travel point. You’ll eventually find a bunch of enemies. Head into their base and defeat the enemies inside to open a door forward. Get to the room with the boss. He has a big shield so targeting him head on is not so smart. Instead, try to get behind him to deal a lot of damage. When killed, he’ll drop a key to the area with the rewards.
Relic Skill Point #13 – Location 6
While in the building, get to the end and enter a control-room like area. The Data Terminal is just inside here.
Increased Criminal Activity #2 – Location 7
Head to the east side of Dogtown, where you’ll find an old factory and enemies. Get rid of them as you make your way to the boss at the end of the factory. Watch out for the electrified water on the floor. The boss can be tricky, but if you wait for them to tire out, you can hit them with headshots for big damage. It’s a good idea to take out the other enemies first to make it easier. Once you defeat the boss, you’ll get the key to unlock the reward.
Relic Skill Point #14 – Location 7
When entering the factory, there’s a Data Terminal upstairs in the back of the bigger room of the building.
Increased Criminal Activity #3 – Location 8
This can be found in the south of Dogtown, in a musem area. It’s the easiest of them all. Just start by killing all the other enemies and then just quickly down the boss as well to get a key to the reward area.
Relic Skill Point #15 – Location 8
Inside the same location as the previous Criminal Activity, you can find this Data Terminal up the escalators and to the left slightly forward.
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