Quick Links
Chapter #1
- Mostly true
- I don’t think you are crazy
- Chase
- Follow
- Bend over
- Knees
- C*um
- 1st Secret: Lower row, 4th from left
- Reason with her
- Tech Noir
- Ghost operatives?
- She is a Milcher
- Okay, that is enough
- I need to think…
- More fun…
- 1st Choice: Maybe you can (scene with Ellen) or This is too much (scene with VR Girl
- 2nd Choice: I don’t need (Dep point) or I Know (nothing)
- Confront her
- 3rd Choice: Get more angry (Dep point & Threat) or Ease up (nothing)
- Who are you?
- Press her for more
- What’s with you?
- Look Lower
- Yes
- Ask for more…
- Is it true about…
- Tell me about the…
- 2nd Secret: To the left of the arm
- Tell her (meeting Victoria)
- It is just drinks
- Watch a bit
- 3rd Secret: glass of wine
- 4th Choice: Ask for a Lot & How could I resist (Money) or Screw Business (VictoriaLust point)
- Is Fine
- Enjoy the scene, but there is a choice that affects the stats. Use her…hard = -1 VictoriaScore & +1
- VictoriaLust
Chapter #2
- Say Nothing
- Show off
- 4th Secret: window – poster
- Apologize
- What do you mean it imploded
- What could cause
- Just get the data
- Tell her off
- Refuse
- 5th Secret: above the closet
- Break from her spell
- 1st Choice: Ask her (nothing) or Get angry (Dep point)
- 2nd Choice: Victoria or Someone else (Katie or Ellen)
- (If 2nd Choice = Victoria) No
- Sit Down
- Watch your mouth
- Left door
- Center door
- 6th Secret: Book above the shelf
- What is it
- Keep going
- (If 2nd Choice = Ellen) Leave her be. And then enjoy the scene
- (If 2nd Choice = Katie) Be nice
- (If 2nd Choice = Victoria): I’d like that, something s, massage me, i want to feel your… and get
- those …off
- You really know what…
- Slap
- 3rd Choice: Seriously? or On second thought
- Is fine
- (If 3rd Choice = Seriously?) Hit again
- Enjoy the scene with Shanlon, but after finish choose “Anytime”
Chapter #3
- Confront her about Ellen
- Hold up
- 1st Choice: Fine Carry on (Find Bug) or No, stay out (Prevent Bug)
- 2nd Choice (Sonja): Never (Lie), Yeah (Truth) or Love them (Joke)
- Play along
- Touch
- Love to
- 7th Secret: To the right of the foot
- 3rd Choice (Venus): Princess or not a princess (different scenes with Venus)
- Investigate further
- Check the door, the windows and the hatch
- Not yet
- Leave
- (If Ch2 2nd Choice = Katie) Let your hands…
- (If Katie score is at least 2) Where is he…(KatieScore point) or Reach ot (KatieLust point)
- 8th Secret: Above the door
- 4th Choice (Venus): These things take time (nothing) or ♥ off (Dep point)
- (If Victoria score is at least 3) There is… (Nothing) or I don’t know (VictoriaScore point)
- Ditch
- What do you want?
- Tell me
- Help her
- 9th Secret: Upper left corner
- I still have time
- Say nothing
- On your stomach
- As*s
- Back
- TV
- Enjoy the scene with Chandra
- Only for a miute
- Augments
- Atatsuki
- 5th Choice (Venus): Disable Bug or Leave it
Chapter #4
- Take the hatch
- Try to take the EMP
- Flashbang and shoot
- Play possum
- Run upstairs
- (Save point) 1st Choice Finish him or Try to knock him out
- 2nd Choice: Offer help or Sit Down
- (If 2nd Choice = Help) She is important to you
- Go downstairs
- Ask about the device on his neck / limiter
- Ask about Gloria
- Sleep
- Crack a joke
- Approach Katie
- Look at photo
- Check the data pad and then the messages
- Get some sleep
- Tease Katie
- (If KatieScore is at least 3) Focus on her eyes, He cared for you, Focus on her chest, and explore
- lower
- Do what you need
- Your powers
- Your family
- Mention her room
- the dreams
- Ellen
- She hates your dad
- Watch Venus ad
- 3rd Choice: Understanding (KatieScore point) or Blunt (KatieLust point)
- 10th Secret: To the right of the right window
- Go ahead
- Want a game?
- Not anymore
- You are right
- Ask her if she means victoria
- What does she like? Any Friends? And Her past?
- Move one
- Call his bluff
- (Save point) 4th Choice: Sneak or Knock (different paths)
Knock Path & Sneak Path
Knock Path:
- Say nothing.
- 4th Choice: Yes or Show me you mean (Victoria Dep point & better choice).
Sneak Path:
- 11th Secret: Above the left pillow.
- Say Nothing.
- (If Victoria score is at least 4) Scene.
- (If Victoria score is at least 6 or VictoriaLust is at least 2) more scenes.
- To finish the better choice is Face.
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