List of power ups, so you can guess if the puzzle your trying to solve can be solved at all with what you have. Also some puzzles solves.
List of Power Ups
1 Egg Tail Whip
- You can hit walls that look like doors to break them
6 Eggs Wings
- You can now glide
12 Eggs Horn
- Lets you ground bounce higher. can smash down into air flows
- Can dig into the ground in places
- Down pound on bouncy things for extra height
24 Eggs Spit Balls of Water
- Puts out fires
- Slows enemies
- Can be done in 3rd person
Mushrooms are only used to feed baby eggs in the main home area that hatch and give teleports back into the level. Only 4 of them. Spit on all the fires.
Pick Up Items
Can be tossed to plant a tree on the ground OR wall in some places.
Jester Boots
They let you walk on air for some time when you walk off a ledge. They also vanish when you leave the puzzle area.
Pencil Spiny Thing
Lets you swim faster and jump out of the water far higher.
Puzzle Hints
Gabby Grove – Trees
- Upsidedown
- Sun
- Eyeball
Hit each tesla coil once:
- Earth Water Fire Wind
Tail whip back of underwater flower grave. Egg on fire, you can wait to unlock spit or toss a health potion on it. Hungry eel wants an apple.

This statue starts under the table and tail wack it in the nards.

Hit 1 leg and 3 move. The one your on and the two others kinda strait across. your goal is to get it like this pic and thinking of the two sticking out as legs, hit it in the head.

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